Leg update
Member Posts: 6,041
Hi everyone
just come back from vascular app which was an hour late and now got a thundering head. The wound on stump is still red and the hole still quite deep. They are trying a new ointment to see if that helps. So got 8 boxes of manuka honey that is now not to be used. Good job I have a pre paid card. I was so hoping I was going to be discharged , even though its not healed over. App is going to be 4-6 weeks. So I feel a little fed up.
Going to prosthetics tomorrow to be measured for my new leg, I hope they are not late. My app is 8.15am so will be setting off at 7.15. I hope I am not disappointed and that they say the leg will be ready in a week or two.
To cap it all on the mat when i came home is an appointment for MRI scan on cervical spine. A week on saturday. Must be the rhummy dr that has requested it after seeing my neck xray. I told her my head felt as if it was going to fall off as it sort of got stuck and I have been having headaches.
I feel abit shaky at the thought of my whole body being under the scanner as I have only had scans done on my legs, so my head was outside if it. Any suggestions on keeping calm.
Well enough of my moan. I hope you are all ok.
Will tell you tomorrow what happwned at prosthetics
Juliepf x
just come back from vascular app which was an hour late and now got a thundering head. The wound on stump is still red and the hole still quite deep. They are trying a new ointment to see if that helps. So got 8 boxes of manuka honey that is now not to be used. Good job I have a pre paid card. I was so hoping I was going to be discharged , even though its not healed over. App is going to be 4-6 weeks. So I feel a little fed up.
Going to prosthetics tomorrow to be measured for my new leg, I hope they are not late. My app is 8.15am so will be setting off at 7.15. I hope I am not disappointed and that they say the leg will be ready in a week or two.
To cap it all on the mat when i came home is an appointment for MRI scan on cervical spine. A week on saturday. Must be the rhummy dr that has requested it after seeing my neck xray. I told her my head felt as if it was going to fall off as it sort of got stuck and I have been having headaches.
I feel abit shaky at the thought of my whole body being under the scanner as I have only had scans done on my legs, so my head was outside if it. Any suggestions on keeping calm.
Well enough of my moan. I hope you are all ok.
Will tell you tomorrow what happwned at prosthetics
Juliepf x
Oh hun, I am so sorry. You are going thro the mill at the mo, aren't you? (God knows why I asked that question, if anyone knows what you are going thro, you do! I blame meth head, if such a thing exists.) So, no more honey? Are you on meth or somesuch - I am sorry but I cannot remember. It would explain why your stump isn't healing as quickly as it could if your immune system is compromised. Let's hope you get better news tomorrow, and as far as the MRI, well, you know we will be there, tho by the time hileena has finished plastering it with her underwear it proabably won't work anyway! DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Hi Julie
That IS a b*gger!!! Poor you - dont be tempted to eat that honey stuff tho will you - oh and keep away from bees...
I hope they do sort your leg out AND they are running on time for you.
I had an mRI where I was totally in. It was ok - at least you are ready for teh banging eh?
I did shut my eyes though and just listened to teh music - counted the records for the time. Best not to open your eyes incase you panic I think.
Not looking forward to taking My daugheter for hers on her brain as they put a cage over your face as well :shock:
You will be just fine - glad they are going to check your neck properly though
Toni xx0 -
Hi....if you want to know about DD's comment about me plastering my underwear all over the mRI thingey.....read "A GIGGLE"
I had an MRI on Monday....thats the 3rd one I've had over a period of years.....its OK.....keep your eyes closed when you are in and just listen to the music....They put ear defenders on you because its so noisy and most of them play music....I believe you can even take your own music and ask them to play it...havent done that. It gets over. I would say that I could find better ways to spend my time but on the whole its not bad
Hileena0 -
Hi Julie,
That is disappointing about your wound. Will you have to wait until it is fully healed before trying out the new limb that they are measuring (hopefully on time) tomorrow?
Could try selling the honey on ebay?!
SpeedyI have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.0 -
Morning pf, I totally forgot to PM you in time, please accept my apologies. :oops: I am thinking of you, I know you are due in at 8.15, so I wish you the best of luck and I hope they can do something for you today. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Hi Julie,
Sorry i am late flower but hope it went well today.
Oh the scan... its not so bad an you can have a cd of your own if your lucky or the radio if now and they will tune it in to the station you want as well.
I had my whole back and neck done and it was about 20-25 mins a section so its not that long....... I just listen to Scot Mills and kept the inner panic down... just.
We will all be with you though, and that's a huge help so hang in there.
Some very best flamingo food and a ((( ))) cris xx0 -
Hi Julie PF,
sorry I'm late too :oops:
hope the appointment at orthotics goes well today and at least you'll know that you are working towards having your leg fitted.
vascular clinic yesterday... a bit of a bu**r for sure... but hopefully they'll be able to give you something more effective now.
Oh.. and I've found a use for the manuka honey..... if we spread it on Cris then the bees will chase her all the way into hospital for her next infusion.
The MRI? no-one likes them do we :roll: I agree with Toni... keep your eyes shut the whole time and concentrate on listening to the music.... it will soon pass. and you know we'll be with you!
love and (((hugs)))
Iris xxx0 -
Hi Julie
What a time you are having, know wonder you where you had a banging head.
I do hope the honey works, it really is brilliant stuff.
Has for the MRI scan, I have only had the little one, the polo mint one that is,
Good luck with the healing and the scan
Lots of love
Barbara xxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone
Prosthetic clinic was on time8.15 sharp. She put on the liner that I already have and took measurements. She then put on my leg that I took. It felt terrible so she took it off and added a sock over the liner. It feels so heavy and alien after being without for now over 5 months. I can not walk properly I can manage to stand. I think it is my mind saying don't hurt the wound. She told me to wear it for small amounts of time to try to get used to it. She did take a scan and if I am not happy in a couple of weeks i have to ring her and she will make another from that scan.
I am not 100% happy but i guess it is that i am cautious I don't want to cause any more problems.
DD yes it is the methx that is slowing the healing process, the vasc people admitted it. Hope you are feeling btter today I know you have not been feeling too good,
Toni what a baby I am . Mri scan when your poor daughter has to go in with a cage as well on her head. I send her a massive hug and will think of her when I have mine.
Hileena Oh I read your post and laughted my head off. I will go braless :oops: They have requested I wear clothes without metal bits on too so that I don't have to wear their gowns.
Speedy How are you doing, I hope you are well I could sell it on ebay but Dorcass had a good I dea too , She suggested we spread it on cris so the bees chase her to hosp. One way of getting her there.
Dorcass I hope you are doing well, I am sending you some sunshine as on our map you have had quite a lot of rain. I always think of you now when I see the weather forecast.
Skeizer thank you for popping in here when I know you are having a bad time at hospital. I keep popping in to see how you are doing. Keep your lovely chin up we are all behind you (bees and all )
Thankyou all for your support
Love Juliepf x0 -
It's bound to feel alien, isn't it? Five months? Oh hun, my heart goes out to you, what a struggle for you and not once have you complained (well, not on here, anyway!) Sodding meth. Grrrrrrrr. I think you are suppposed to return the honey to the chemist/hospital, they could use the un-opened stuff for other people. I always take back unopened drugs for them, plus open ones for them to destroy.
Do a little and often with the leg, I think that could be the best option. Get used to standing, then tentatively try a step or two. Your wound may bear up better than you think, tho I can understand your caution. It is going to feel so weird, isn't it? - but it is getting you closer to your goal and that is most definitely a good thing. Keep that thought in mind. I am glad you appointment was on time and she did seem to be a pleasant woman - I hope it all comes together and you are back on your feet, and able to cope. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Thanks DD
You are quite right little at a time.
I looked at my car when i came home and was itching to get to it but i can't. head says go body says no.
Don't worry I won't do anything daft.I value getting right.
JuliePF x0 -
I know you won't do anything daft. Flamingoes are known for being level-headed and sensible! You know you will get there, and today was one step closer (sorry, it's just the natural phrase) to that objective. Would it be worth missing the meth for a week or two to see if that helps the wound heal? You need it to close over for both comfort and peace of mind. I know the RA might deteriorate but meth does hang around in your system and it might not be that bad. Oh it is a tricky one, julie47pf. I wish I could be more constructive. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Glad it was a postitive appointment, pf. Yes, as Ange would say, baby steps, baby steps........one thing at a time.
You do seem to have been having a rough time, but perhaps you are now on the way up.......I do hope so.
Annie0 -
I have thought about missing meth but I feel in a dilemma. If I stopped it would I be so bad with pain that I wouldn't be able to transfer myself when I had no leg on. So then get depressed. Or do I carry on as I am and just be patient.
Arthur has been quite reasonable these last few months only giving me pain in the spine at the back of neck and headache. (reason for mri) . I even asked Rich what he thought as we were coming home from vasc yesterday. I know lots of people come off it for weeks but i have also read their pain is unbearable.
:? :? :?
Confused pink flamingo x0 -
Everyone varies. What is unbearable for one is a mere twinge for another. I can see the dilemma but would it be the quickest way to get ahead? Oh gawd, ain't life complicated sometimes? No need to make any rash decisions: perhaps we should poll the forums - all those in favour of no meth for 14 days say . . . . . . . oooooh, what? Shall we make it a very rude word?
Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Yes good idea
to be meth or not to be meththat is the question
hey I can recite shakespear how talented i am
juliepf x0 -
You make me laugh! Is this the meth I see before me, the plunger in my hand? Blimey, good old Wobbledagger, quotes for all situations! We'll muddle thro julie, we'll get something sorted. Somehow. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
... 'whether it is nobler in the mind' to do without the meth. Hey we're getting very high brow quoting shakespeare!!
PF... I had to stop the meth when my wrist wouldn't heal and I had that infection..... stopped for 4 weeks total.
Think you need to ask your consultants/ nurses?
hope it starts to heal ........and your 'new' liner starts to feel more comfy.
lots of love and healing (((hugs)))
'the quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain upon the place beneath ...' see you've started me off now0 -
Hi Julie
I hope your head ache is not so bad now and fingers crossed the new oitnment works for you. Could you return the manuka honey that you can't use to the chemist? Having a prescription card when you're on lots of meds saves a lot of money. When your wound starts to heal they'll discharge you - it's hard being patient when you just want to chill out in familiar surroundings; sleep in your own bed etc.
They're certainly giving you the once over with MRI scans; measuring you up and so on. Waiting is a pain - I always take my book. It's very rare that they see you at the time on your appointment card! It can be frustrating.
You've probably just hit a low and I'm sure when things start to improve you'll start to feel better and more optimistic.
Sending you lots of cyber hugs and I hope to hear that you're feeling a bit better soon.
Sharmainejulie47 wrote:Hi everyone
just come back from vascular app which was an hour late and now got a thundering head. The wound on stump is still red and the hole still quite deep. They are trying a new ointment to see if that helps. So got 8 boxes of manuka honey that is now not to be used. Good job I have a pre paid card. I was so hoping I was going to be discharged , even though its not healed over. App is going to be 4-6 weeks. So I feel a little fed up.
Going to prosthetics tomorrow to be measured for my new leg, I hope they are not late. My app is 8.15am so will be setting off at 7.15. I hope I am not disappointed and that they say the leg will be ready in a week or two.
To cap it all on the mat when i came home is an appointment for MRI scan on cervical spine. A week on saturday. Must be the rhummy dr that has requested it after seeing my neck xray. I told her my head felt as if it was going to fall off as it sort of got stuck and I have been having headaches.
I feel abit shaky at the thought of my whole body being under the scanner as I have only had scans done on my legs, so my head was outside if it. Any suggestions on keeping calm.
Well enough of my moan. I hope you are all ok.
Will tell you tomorrow what happwned at prosthetics
Juliepf x0 -
"double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and metho bubble" or something like that. Never could get on with Shakespeare.
Sorry you are still having such a tough time of it Julie and the meth dilemma is difficult. Just to add my bit to the "do I-don't I question...
If you are on a highish dose of meth, which I guess you probably are, then I think, given that it takes a while to work in the the first place, I reckon it will take a while to get out of your system so you may find that either stopping it completely for a short time, or reducing the dose, may be ok for you in terms of your joints. That might just give your wound a bit more of an opportunity to heal more quickly...
Thinking of you Julie - keep your spirits up. I think you are doing amazingly well and I really admire your spirit and tenacity.
Love Tilly xxx0 -
DD and Iris what have I strted with shakespear
sharmaine and tilly and any one else i have not mentioned
Thank you for your comments.
I will see how the leg looks when we change the dressing tonight after wearing leg for a couple of hours to see whether I ring GP an ask if I can stop mtx for a couple of weeks.
As you say , been on it for years so should be enough inside to keep me going.
Thanks again
Juliepf x0 -
Hi Julie
It's a dilemma isn't it about stopping the meth ...
I think I would be tempted to stop it for a week, but that's just my personal opinion.. Can the rheumy nurse give you some advice?
I stopped mine for a week after I had my THR in May cos my liver results went haywire - and I didn't notice any difference in my joints... but I wouldn't want to stop it for 2 weeks ..
Hmm, what to do? what to do?
Take care
Marion xx0
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