Sharp Piercing Pain
Bots Posts: 3,703
Hey All
I have recently been getting an awful lot of the sharp pain on the medial side of my knee. For instance i went to get the washing in last night and stepped out of our two onlly steps in bungalow...As one does i put my left leg/bad leg first and the pain that shot up my leg was hellish...I had to stop there with leg still on step, couldnt move, pain were awful...Stayed there for about five mins then tried to walk out to washing line and it were like walking on broken glass...This has been happening an awful lot, from getting up, going out of house, getting up for loo in middle of night....Im kinda guessing this is the bone upon bone effect and its getting worse, i dont know....
I lie awake some nights thinking i want surgery then other nights im scared stiff of surgery..Think cos dad was so ill after his TKR that is foremost in my mind...
I have recently been getting an awful lot of the sharp pain on the medial side of my knee. For instance i went to get the washing in last night and stepped out of our two onlly steps in bungalow...As one does i put my left leg/bad leg first and the pain that shot up my leg was hellish...I had to stop there with leg still on step, couldnt move, pain were awful...Stayed there for about five mins then tried to walk out to washing line and it were like walking on broken glass...This has been happening an awful lot, from getting up, going out of house, getting up for loo in middle of night....Im kinda guessing this is the bone upon bone effect and its getting worse, i dont know....
I lie awake some nights thinking i want surgery then other nights im scared stiff of surgery..Think cos dad was so ill after his TKR that is foremost in my mind...
Hi Elaine
I have been having the same severe pain in both my knees for a while now. I have OA and was recently diagnosed with planter fasilitis (not sure of spelling) the tendons on base of feet are stretched too much and causes burning feet and heel pain. This has been caused by the way I walk due to arther. I eventually spoke to the GP about it last Monday. She sent me for x-rays on both knees (Tuesday) and I am just waiting on the results. They should be here any day now. It is very scary when the pain hits, its usually when Im going up or down the stairs and I then have to stand like a statue for several minutes. Its like a nerve pain shooting up the leg. I have extra bannisters fitted at home both inside and outside the house so Im usually ok at home. When it happens outside and I have to stop and stand still people get very annoyed, but hey ho, maybe someday they will understand. Will let you know what the xray results find.
Trisha0 -
Hi Elaine
Just spoke to the GPs receptionist results are back.
Both knees showing some changes but only what you would expect for my age!!!!
Even the receptionist was laughing, she said that sounds like an answer to cover everything and decide nothing.
To see the GP next Tuesday. Dont know what for, hopefully some sort of help for knees because I have fallen several times over the last few week.
Trisha0 -
Hi Trisha
Well yes sometimes i think we self diagnose ourselves and give the GP's half the answer as they seem to repeat what we tell them only with more complex words to make it sound professional.
It is really scary when the pain hits and i fear a fall is imminent.....It hasnt happened to me so much out of the house (thank god) but its been creeping in as when getting out of sofa usually stand up to balance but then the pain kicks in....Im waiting to see surgeon re a half knee in Wigan (Ilive in Kendal) and im really fearful of op as havent had what id call a big op for years....
When i fall too i normally make a hell of a mess of
Elainex0 -
Elaine, what you describe is exactly what I used to experience before my TKR. As I live alone, it was very, very scary, and one of the main reasons to finally have the surgery. It also started to affect my driving. After the op, I changed to an automatic car, and now wonder why I ever drove with gears.
Regarding your fears, this is perfectly natural, but never compare yourself to anyone else. I only speak of my own personal experiences if I am asked specifically, as I had no problems whatsoever, and a very quick recovery. So many people - like your dad - are not so lucky, and I wouldn`t want to create false expectations. That said, keep in mind that your dad - if I remember rightly - was well into his eighties when he had his surgery. You are still a spring chick!!! Try not to worry too much........I know, I know, I might as well say try not to breathe too much!.........Ange.x.0 -
Hi Ange
So this was one of the final contributors to you having TKR was it? Im kinda guessing whats causing it but in reality i supose im just clutching at straws....I know what you mean about an automatic car but i simply cant see me ever getting funds to be able to purchase another car...
My dad (had better not tel him what age you thought he was,lol) was in his 70's, is 78 now, was 76 when he had op...and i get what youre saying re him being older n health issues but he is extremely fit for his age, he dont take HBP tabs or nothing and is very slim n fit for his age...He didnt get told till after leaving hospital that he'd lost a lot of blood during op however and we had to build him up with steak n spinach (iron)....Until then id always known i would need surgery but seeing him in that bed looking weak n not dad, scared me if im honest and i swore blind i would not, never have same op...It scared the **** out of me frankly..
I know everyone is different but im just frightened, all other ops have cried my eyes out before but then ive woken up next day after op n been able to go home....Plus they may laugh at me with me beanie frog Sol for comfort and i cant even consider an epi....
Elainex0 -
So sorry Elaine - well, Elaine`s dad! - I must have been thinking of someone else.
Again this is just my own personal experience, and you will decide what`s best for you, but I found having the epidural to be a lot less scary than a GA. Also, I firmly believe that I recovered more quickly because of it. I actually chose to stay awake throughout too, although I was offered sedation. My sons were completely awestruck by their mum. I was well aware that I had had a major op, but I honestly never felt like I had. I was only in hospital for three days, and just used a stick for a week, then.....just my new knee.
Perhaps we shouldn`t get too far ahead of ourselves until you have your next consultation though, so try to put it out of your mind for now Elaine. Or just concentrate on a possible painfree existence. It certainly happened for me. Now, if you could just sort out my ankle please..........Ange.x.0 -
Hi Ange
Well just had to pick dad up off floor after being told he's in his 80's...LOL!!!
I know it is your own experience and i commend you for how you coped with your op....Im just a nightmare when i go to hospital, the waterworks go on almost as soon as i walk in the building.....I just dont like the idea of an epidural, it is as my dad says, an engineering job....Sawing, hamering, cutting n drilling....(FLOP - have just fainted online...) I do want to be painfree of course i suppose im just a big baby.....
I am of course mindful that i only have one joint that is in trouble and am thankful for that...And i know consultant hasnt yet said i am due for surgery but i kinda hope on one hand i am but wanna have an out of body experience for it if poss....
Cant sort ankle but can hope youre getting good treatment for it...
Elainex0 -
Hi Elaine
Checked with Sol
his opinion is
1) use a stick if this is happeninga lot ( think he has concerns about being squished or something???)
2)you are younger fitter and healthier than Dad.
3) you will know when you have to have your surgery :?
Sorry - his words not mine
hope you are doing ok otherwise?
toni xx0 -
HI Toni
How on earth does the little dude manage to communicate, think he must have secret mobile phone?Mind you he has just been on dashboard and its a sunny day so he is "ill" as he puts it, in other words frazzled...Plus....I threw him at a chair yesterday fulling intending him to land on it and i heard his eyes hit the door, he was concussed all day yesterday...Ooops, bad elaine...
I guess maybe I should use stick in house too and not just in car, and when out....Dad really is probably as fit as me, he is on no meds whatsever and when he had TKr they said he was an ideal candidate for surgery.....Im just frightened, know its not gonna be this year but still worry, im a virgo after all...
Apart from that im okay, been in M & S sale and got two more crimbo items for ever extending brood of about 20+!!! Bit early for bloody christmas cake mind you n mince pies...Geez!!
Hope your good?
Elainex0 -
Am fine and Dandy thanks Elaine
good to hear Sol is having such a busy life - not sure he was over pleased about his eyes though :shock:
I think the stick does need to be with you most of the time then you can eases straight back off it if that happens.
I am sorry for your poor Dad!! He must have been so scared, but you could be absolutely fine.
Toni xx0 -
Hi Elaine
This happens to me a lot especially if I've been standing on one place and on flat/concrete/surfaces. I find that sitting down and resting for 10 minutes or so helps the joint go back into place. It often happens if I've done too much. Regrettably standing/sitting in one place is not good for those of us with OA of the knees.
What are you taking for pain? The leg that I had a TKR on used to grate all the time digging into bone/muscle/nerves - glad I had the operation. Hanging up the washing was hard work for me too - I bourght a laundry basket that is on wheels and waist high - it's a godsend!!! (Coopers online - costs about £19.99)
It is a big decision only you can make with regards to the TKR. The specialist helped me with mine - he said there was nothing else they could do for me except a TKR. My other knee will be done early next year.
There is quite a bit of discomfort after the operation as you know from your dad, however, you need to ensure you are taking the right medication. For me it was a combination of tramadol and paracetamol. Staying ahead of the pain makes you heal more. I was really relieved when they took the staples out. Whilst they were in I found it hard to get comfy - they do tend to pull a bit.
If you do decide to have a TKR I would suggest you do 15-20 minutes most days of exercise. I bought a mini cycle from A.gos which I could only use lying down - this helped to keep my thigh muscles supple. Muscles waste away quite easily when you have OA mainly through lack of use. Keeping the thigh muscle supple and strong means that you can handle the recovery side of the TKR much better. I made sure I used icepacks 3/4 times a day after the op.
I think it took me a good 4 months to really feel strong and fit again.
You have to do the physio despite the bruising etc.
Take care and good luck with your decision.
X0 -
Hi Toni
Well yeah i guess it admitting that i need a stick fully round the house, another sign of things to come which i dont like...
I guess im just a big scaredy cat but i do need it, just fear I'll be as ill as he was (dad)...
Sol is recovering today, his love is unconditional, thank god...
Elainex0 -
Hi Sharmaine
Well yes it happens to me after getting up from sitting on couch...I mean i tend to sit for about an hour then get up for water,loo or painkillers...I take co-proxamol for pain as they used to be the only thing that killed my pain, now they just numb it slightly......I have had tramadol in the past they used to make me feel like i was on another planet but so did co-proxamol once upon a time when my pain wasnt as sever.......I did get up from couch last sunday and was saying something then all of a sudden i lost my balance and nealry fell over, poor dad tried to catch me, i never fell but afterwards i told him off for trying to do so as he's got a THR and TKR so he could do real damage if he tried to catch my frame!
I do quad exercises and swim once a week...I dont/cant walk any kind of distance....I also do what i can round the house as live with mum n dad so hence taking in washing, do ironing in short bursts......
Ive fought so hard for this op, i know...But thing is it scares me...Was saying to dad today its like when you grt stung by a bee/bit by dog when little you remember it and the scary memory stays with you...Thats how i feel just now...I swear i was stupid, naive when i saw him last year, he wasnt like my dad, he got so down n tired and no spark at all...He used ice packs and had codeine and phosphate something but he's never been a tablet person, so he didnt take as much as some would...
Oooohhh see im going queasy at you mentioning staples.....URGH!! Ive allways known id need this kind of surgery, got told in ealry teens but i guess now the day has come im a big chicken...Does that mean therefore im not ready for it or just a wimp!!! I know my leg wont ever get better and will restrict me forever if i dont seek treatment...
Thanks for reply...
Elainex0 -
Hi Elaine
If you decide to have a TKR you won't know a thing until afterwards.
I was dreading having staples but as I was out cold when they did it I was fine! Sorry for making you squirm.
I think it's only natural to feel nervous about these things. I was nervous too.
You're doing the right thing by talking about it on the forum.
We raised our settee by four inches (bought new sofa legs) and it has made a difference when I get up and sit down. I'm stiff as a board after sitting too long too. I think you definitely need the right height for sitting in when you have OA of the knees. I think I was using a combination of a walking stick (in the house) and crutches for nearly two years. It helps.
I changed my car to an automatic about 3 years ago - I couldn't manage a stick shift anymore. It's amazing how many things change when you have OA of the knees.
I am 54 and I think my recovery went well. By the sounds of it you're younger/stronger. Personally I have a better quality of life than I had 3 years ago. It's lovely to be able to walk again without sticks or the wheelchair.
Take care
Sharmaine0 -
Hi Sharmaine
I know, i keep asking my dad about his epidural but even though he tells me he didnt know a thing, he still knew he was in an operating theatre and i cant seem to get an answer to satisfy my queries enough...Im the kind of person who gets really uptight getting blood taken as ive gotta lie down flat, be spoken to like a child while someone grips my hand (or i cut of their circulation) and the doc uses a butterfly needle to extract it....I feel every drop come out and i sweat and go funny afterwards...Im sure they hate me coming in for blood as my own doc says she hates doing it cos she feels like its hurting me!
I hadnt thought about risers re sette n chairs but its not my house.....And my car, well i own a Y reg car, manual but i cant see me getting any money to ever replace it, no funds, simple as, cant see them giving me a bank loan on ESA??
Im probably not fitter just cos im younger,,,,Bet i carry more weight and they dont like that but cant exercise more so its a vicious circle...
Sounds like youve done fab recovering, long may it continue...
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