
melbishop Member Posts: 17
edited 29. Oct 2010, 16:38 in Say Hello Archive
hi, I'm Mel and am new here. I'm 45 and was told i had osteo arthritis about a month ago. have been having problems for ages but it took me having a major hissy fit for my gp to refer me to the hospital! so, went to the rheumatoid consultant who, very bluntly, told me what was wrong, that most joints are affected and that i need to think myself lucky its not in my toes or fingers! he then gave me a steroid injection in my backside. told me it would last around 12 weeks and abruptly sent me packing. i am having a rant here as i have no one else i can rant at! the steroid was great but only lasted 10 days. i was back at the hospital Monday where i was basically told they wouldn't see me again as there was no point as my arthritis is degenerative not inflammatory and theres nothing they can do to help. I'll be on a cocktail of anti inflammatory and pain killer tablets and that will tide me over till bits need replacing! i didn't get chance to ask any questions as i was shell shocked and he was holding the door open for me to leave! is this how it is? dont know what to do really. thought you were were the best people to ask. sorry for ranting, Mel x


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    oh Mel

    that is atroocious behaviou actually holding the door open!! Outragious.

    I am so so sorry.

    The good news is that you have found us lot - we will help in any way we can - advice supprt or a laugh if thats what you need.

    Please do ahve a look over then forums and join in where you like you will be wlcomed I promise.

    Please take care


    Toni xx
  • melbishop
    melbishop Member Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi Lynn. thanks so much for your response. the collywobble bit made me laugh - thats what i call my border collie! my gp referred me to the hospital because i told him he had to do something to help me! hes been telling me for years that i have tennis elbow, i'v been taking diclofenac and cocodamol like sweeties! he said my more recent hips ,knees, back and thumb problems were due to my job! (i'm a housekeeper). had blood tests and my crp levels are fine! they've only x rayed my right hip and elbow and they show major degeneration. it all seems to have happened quickly but I've now found out that the happy pills i took for 7 years could have been masking the oa. anyway, I'm trying to stay positive but am feeling slightly "written off" at the moment - I'll start fighting next week (not literally). thanks again for your help and I'll keep in touch, Mel :?
  • melbishop
    melbishop Member Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Toni, meant to say thanks to you on my last post! haven't quite got the hang of this yet. I hope the consultant i saw was just having a bad day! If he treats everyone the same - he needs someone to have a serious word with him! actually, i might do that, write a letter to the head of his department - that'll sort him xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello melbishop
    And a very warm welcome from me, I to have OA in multiple joints, and I think I may have seen the same rheumy :)
    I am so glad you have found us, you will get lots of support on here, post any questions on LWA, and when you are ready come and join us in chit chat.
    I hope to see you posting more very soon.
    Barbara x