Val's Cafe



  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Tony, the shedcopter eh, my luck is in! :grin: i love france too its a wonderful place.
    I will join Bubbles with the M&s blend too if i may, unless the tetleys is the strong one?

    Which bit did you live Bubbles?
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tjt6768 wrote:
    I should think so, making Del's Pig Guts is bad enough but S&M tea is just plain kinky :shock: :lol:
    And there will be no fraternising with the enemy over there... We are an invading force, besides, we don't need to speak their lingo, they're the foriegn ones :eek: :lol:

    Ah, please, just a few words, I can argue quite well in French, as I often did with France Telecom, EDF, Gaz de France, the centre des impot's - I could help with the invasion, like what's her name in Allo Allo, pretend to be on their side.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    roses1 wrote:
    Hi Tony, the shedcopter eh, my luck is in! :grin: i love france too its a wonderful place.
    I will join Bubbles with the M&s blend too if i may, unless the tetleys is the strong one?

    Which bit did you live Bubbles?

    Just south of Bergerac, in the Lot et Garonne, lovely part of France, but it was getting too hot for me in the summers
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I will male some more of my 'special' tea, the Amschterdam Schlurp... That way you can rid yourselves of aches and pains for the copter ride :lol:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tjt6768 wrote:
    I will male some more of my 'special' tea, the Amschterdam Schlurp... That way you can rid yourselves of aches and pains for the copter ride :lol:

    oh no, head is already in a tizzy, with the new pills, started today, feeling rather squiffy already, one sip of the special T and I will be on the ceiling.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    bubbles wrote:
    tjt6768 wrote:
    I will male some more of my 'special' tea, the Amschterdam Schlurp... That way you can rid yourselves of aches and pains for the copter ride :lol:

    oh no, head is already in a tizzy, with the new pills, started today, feeling rather squiffy already, one sip of the special T and I will be on the ceiling.

    Nowt wrong with that, just ask Lionel Richtea :grin:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • rugbygirl
    rugbygirl Member Posts: 691
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Can I have some of that special tes please Tony?? Is there any chocolate cake kicking about?

    I have got the munchies tonight as well as the aches and pains. I had been fine all day but now i feel like a bulldozer has hit me.

    Oh and thanks for the warning about the lactulose - talk about sweet. Jeeps I nearly lost my head. Worst bit is i have got to have it twice a day. YUK!!!!
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I just knew you would come up with the right track, what a DJ -
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Bubbles, I aim to please with my turntable skills :lol:
    Jaki, one pot of the 'special' tea coming up..
    OOOOH. Lactonastiness... Yuck.. Get some Benifibre lass.. :grin: Failing that IBS works for me too :shock: :roll: :lol:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It does get rather hot in the summer over there!

    I dont mind copter rides :grin:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rugbygirl wrote:
    Can I have some of that special tes please Tony?? Is there any chocolate cake kicking about?

    I have got the munchies tonight as well as the aches and pains. I had been fine all day but now i feel like a bulldozer has hit me.

    Oh and thanks for the warning about the lactulose - talk about sweet. Jeeps I nearly lost my head. Worst bit is i have got to have it twice a day. YUK!!!!

    Lactulose, oh the clinic room cupboard was full of it, galloooooooooooooons of the stuff, sweet, is it ever. We used to mix it with a fruit cordial for some patients, dilutes it a bit, plus, the extra fluids are always a plus. Shut up Bubbles, you are retired now. Chocolate cake mmmmm, I have a couple of swiss rolls, one lemon, one apricot.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    you get them from marx's?
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    roses1 wrote:
    It does get rather hot in the summer over there!

    I dont mind copter rides :grin:

    The first year we were there was that super hot summer that claimed thousand of lives in France, it was SO hot, over 40 degrees for what seemed like an eternity, you just could not do anything, then the AC packed in, in the car as well. We were in a lovely village, but all the stone houses acted like night storage heaters, so the lowest it would get to at night was about 27-30 degrees, I try and forget it now, picturesque as it was.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    roses1 wrote:
    you get them from marx's?

    Yes, they are on offer at the moment, so one just has to have them in stock, just in case you get visitors. :grin:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ah i remember it well, my brother has a house south france we went to stay with him, its always red hot.

    of course you need all the supplies of goodies :grin:
  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I must away to my bed now and leave you munching, try to leave a slice of something nice for me plz :grin:

    nite nite
    Rose x
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    roses1 wrote:
    Ah i remember it well, my brother has a house south france we went to stay with him, its always red hot.

    of course you need all the supplies of goodies :grin:

    It was darned cold in winter as well, minus 17 was the lowest we had, talk about poles apart.

    Goodies, oh yes, I have my goodie cupboard in the kitchen, I like to shuffle things about in there and keep it all in order.

    I am going to have to move, my knees are agony and head is swimming. Sorry to party poop.
    Leaving you all hugs in abundance, take lots of care and rest well. XXX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodnight Bubbles, sleep well mi dear...

    I think it's about that time for me too, suppose I should at least try to sleep again, lol

    G'night folks..

    Best wishes to all

    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • PamieAFC1903
    PamieAFC1903 Member Posts: 899
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I want 2am to hurry up.

    Any tea going until then?
    I ♥ Runrig.

    I live, sleep, eat and breathe Runrig!!!!!.
  • rugbygirl
    rugbygirl Member Posts: 691
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Why 2am hun??

    I am sure there is some tea here somewhere.

    Ahh here it is - one special T coming up
  • PamieAFC1903
    PamieAFC1903 Member Posts: 899
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Should be when my brothers money goes into his bank account.

    I ♥ Runrig.

    I live, sleep, eat and breathe Runrig!!!!!.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    just popped in to say good morning all hope you got some sleep tea in pot help your selves to coffee bacon and sausages sorted bread out for toast have great morning all val
  • caterina57
    caterina57 Member Posts: 1,424
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Val,
    Thanks for getting the brekkie ready I am going to have the works this morning including one of Cris' lovely eggs ( no not chris' literally!). I was looking forward to a lie in but my dog has decided I can't have one! Nice cup of tea to start with I think
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    caterina57 wrote:
    Morning Val,
    Thanks for getting the brekkie ready I am going to have the works this morning including one of Cris' lovely eggs ( no not chris' literally!). I was looking forward to a lie in but my dog has decided I can't have one! Nice cup of tea to start with I think
    well enjoy have put extra log on fire so perhaps your dog will nod of for half an hour
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    good morning, ive been up for hours time for a coffee, i hope everyone is ok , the sun is out again but still frosty, kids are washing the car, looks more like a water war out there, :grin: