Re:Is it me?

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 23. Nov 2010, 12:29 in Community Chit-chat archive
Is it me or is this site dead and souless these days, no one seems to have any spark in them any more, it's like a west life song, it's had all the bloody life wrung out of it, I go on face book and that's bloody dead as well, loads of pointless humourless postings about F all interesting, when I do post anything slightly off the wall all I get back are even more boring comments, maybe I am a bit like Peter Pan I never grew up?, but that's just me I will always be fringe being old is so bloody boring and I for one am not ready for the pine box yet although the thought of it is sometimes appealing at least you get left alone.
Even the TV is crap it's like some electric sedation designed to stop you thinking, the more I see of this planet the more I feel I am in some strange universe where logic has been replaced by stupidity and blandness, we all go around fed by fear from the press if it's not Islamic terrorists it's global warming or nuclear war or some unseen terror from deep space, as far as I'm concerned if we got wiped out by a bloody big asteroid the sooner the better for this planet, I'm one of the human race, well apparently so but the more I see of humans the more I despise the general species we destroy and multiply like some demented infestation and somehow our numbers are going to go over 9 billion soon, the liberals think this is great but then again they live in that odd place called reverse logic land where more is merrier and any problems it brings will be easily dealt with by technology which it wont it will only seem like it has for a while.
Right me spleen has slightly vented but not by much, don't expect me back soon on here I'm going walk about for a bit to clear me head, well that and try and repair/finish off the crap plumbing here in this house, if I could find the man we bought it from I'd break his bloody fingers, another expert who had no idea about how to do anything other than talk a good job.


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh mell, Sunday afternoon blues hitting hard? I agree with you on some of your points, the forum has been off-colour for a while but it is an organic thing, it will flourish and wilt, flourish and wilt, stuff generally does. I think you are one of the highlights tho - many of your posts are both thought-provoking and entertaining! FB? Well, I am not going to repeat my mistake of expressing my opinion of that wonderful, creative and exciting place. Telly is currently a cul-de-sac of programming, perhaps that serves as a timely reminder that there are other things to do rather than goggle at a box, and as for your age - you are younger than me! What exactly is wrong with your plumbing? (Oooooooh! Matron!) DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • robertls
    robertls Member Posts: 2,304
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A wire brush and Dettol........

    Works for me..... plumbing I mean.....

    This part of the earth is closing in preparation for winter.....

    Taking store.......

    It has to survive the rigours of the forth coming short days.....

    Maybe we are subconciously doing the same.....

    Keep the faith young Mell my lad......

    Nettles will be down soon.......make 'ratting' easier.......

    Rob x
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I must agree Mel .... some of the posts are meaningless I open them full of enthusiasm and find there is no point replying.... I like a laugh, a bit of a spat and to read something with a bit of substance...lets hope it was just the wind down to the upgrade and that things will perk up as we approach the party season! :D
  • mirabella
    mirabella Member Posts: 272
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mel,I don't know you very well,but fom what I read,hope you never grow up! I get so bored too,can't wait to drive again just to get out! Sounds like you bought a pig-in-a-poke with that house.Face book rubbish,most tele too,apart from True Blood!I have only just started to be able to walk again after 5 ops and a year bed bound,so just cant wait to walk my dogs round the fields and woods,fresh air.People far too serious these days,guess maybe all worried about jobs,money,life in general! I have given up worrying,what will be will be! Hope you enjoyed your walk,very jealous. :mrgreen: Mirabella
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear, Mell. Have you been hit with the boredom bug as well :?: I hope it isn't too infectious :!: :shock:

    Well, I try not to be too boring, and there's plenty of spark left in me :!: :D I agree that being old is boring, so the secret is to stay young at heart, which you succeed at very well.

    Keep up the good work with your spleen- venting and interesting posts, and I will try hard not to be boring :!: :D

  • lupin15
    lupin15 Member Posts: 2,182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sorry to hear that you are feeling so down so in the spirit of giving us something to do i will try and start a tale/story that people can add to. Sure i stumbled into something like this when i first found this site. I will apologise now for the poor start but i am sure it will improve as it goes alone." Yes please" will be the title.
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lupin15 wrote:
    sorry to hear that you are feeling so down so in the spirit of giving us something to do i will try and start a tale/story that people can add to. Sure i stumbled into something like this when i first found this site. I will apologise now for the poor start but i am sure it will improve as it goes alone." Yes please" will be the title.

    Good idea, lupin. I've done a couple of threads previously along these lines, so good luck with it. I will contribute, and I hope others will too.
  • mirabella
    mirabella Member Posts: 272
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well I must be really boring as no one talks to me! as for being old! none of you come across as old! it's a mind thing,I refuse to get old,60 I might be according to birth certificate,I still enoy rock'n'roll would never turn down a good night out,well maybe not at this moment,but give me a few wks and I will be up for one,listen to all good music,love all concerts,love Rod Stewart,Robbie Williams,but also love Frank Sinatra.If I had the money I would be travelling the world,let my kids do it, now lost 1 to the usa,other one her way back from Eygpt! This OA I have will not get the better of me,I can have bigger strops than it can! Mirabella.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey Mell

    even my husband was asleep on the soaf this afternoon - and he is as 'old' as you NOT!!!

    I tend to agree with DD and Rob in his inimitable way, there is hopefully just a natural slow down this time of year and we have had a forums cahnge wich has taken a bit of getting used to. Even by me who will try anything.... :oops:

    Christmas is round the corner and hopefully the party spirit will be along very soon.

    Mind you my cosgans dont work now - you think that is relevant?

    Was going to offer you a glass with me :wink: anyway cheers mell :D


    toni xx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mirabella, we went to a live group thingy last Saturday.....we had a whale of a time, the only music played was 60's and 70's. OK, before arther struck, I would have been dancing on the table (and even on the bar) but the band had everyone going including some fellas with their jeans about to fall off!

    I wished that had happened! It would have made my evening. I had to suffer the payback for such a night out for a while, but I'm going to the next one!

    Annie (a young 66)
  • mirabella
    mirabella Member Posts: 272
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie,so good for you,guys with jeans hanging off wow! sounds like you had good time go for it girl,we might be in our 60's but we're not dead yet,just can't wait to do that.I know we suffer after but hey ho it's good at the time,and live for today and enjoy,and thanks so much for your reply.Mirabella
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wow another day in the Gulag bloody great!, well Mirabella, I may not come over as old and some say I look quite young but I feel every year these day's, it's amazing how OA pain has finally done for me what 35 years of abuse failed to do, isn't it always the way, the things you worry about aren’t the ones that get ya it's those that creep up on you that do the worst damage so while the papers are filling us all with tails of doom and pending poverty there’s probably a bloody big space rock with our name on it heading this way right now!, so anyone who is under the assumption that stashing money and credit cards in the latest on line eBay offer of a safer than extinction event safe TM is a really worthwhile idea forget it
    Well as for TV and things looks like it's back to the old brain washing tonight, the only thing I want to see is the fishing show that’s on ITV(I think?0 at nine, Robson Green however is hard to deal with, is it me or does he come over as a bit light in his shoes so to speak?, anyway back to today, old I do feel adult I don't, but I think senility is just round the corner, the reason I feel I just might be getting old mans disease even after fighting it for so long is because of this, I find myself saying things me dad and mum use to say, it does my head in but I can’t seem to help it, it means I have failed as I am doing what so many do and that’s going into middle aged torpor borrowing others hard earned sage knowledge, typical a society that never learns never progresses (here come the tangent!).
    The US is a classic example (now being followed by us), right back to the good old US of A, back in the 70's it was "no more Vietnams" the US would quite happily sit on it’s hands and say it’s not going down that police the world role again, well all it took was 3 jets to get high jacked and all hell breaks lose, and now they have not done it once but twice way to go Homer!.
    If you or I lead by their example their would be dead people all over the place so now the world is more unstable than ever before and the enemy doesn’t just live in some far away place oh no he/she is here amongst us as “multiculturalism” is king, we all know that social change for no reason is dangerous. Well now we have a serious blow back problem and there’s probably more to come, I am just sad to see it happening again and just as the US was crowing about winning the cold war, it won nothing it just started digging with another type of spade is all. If this is global safety then I’m a duck.
    Right I digressed somewhat, look It’s the same on here I’ve seen it before and I have seen it again and I dare say I will come across it a few times more before they hammer the lid down, people group together as they don’t like outsiders that’s natural, but that said the liberal view is a bit odd if not totally weird on this one, look its human nature it has always gone on and always will, the problem comes when strong hearts high jack the argument and use it detrimentally to do exactly the very thing they say they detest i.e. commit the ultimate crime of the 21st century and commit an isum!, and in the process use it to rail against their fellow human driven by nothing other than anger and inability to live and let live, it’s horrible enough to see someone relentlessly attacked without the chance of any defence or some compassion, the total lack of empathy is the big problem but also knowing when to stop or back off is just as if not a bigger one it’s morally akin to punching someone to the ground then stamping on their head till they are either dead or breathing through a tube the rest of their days, those who detest it and do nothing are basically complicate in the assault and some are keen to assist,
    Whatever we do we must not do as others do i.e. the US they never learn and so do some people, the key thing is instead of lashing out we should always try and stop for a minute or two and desperately attempt to see it from the others side the US didn’t in 9/11, OK they were attacked but did that give them and us the moral right to unleash violence on others just to make a point?.
    If we don’t learn then the same pattern will play out time and again and we get stuck in limbo at best, the next thing you know is you end up with a school playground mob mentality where the strongest runs it all at the determent of those around them bar their inners circle, this in time will extinguish any free spirits who come within their sphere of influence or the places they frequent, I’ve been there seen it and got the T shirt and it’s not nice to see and even more unpleasant to be on the receiving end of it, I made a vow that I will not take part or condone it even when it is those who have been attacked, argument yes but from a position of compromise and not a dictatorial stance, and please don’t go down the litigation road that’s a totally childish act that is a US stamp your feet kind of thing, the ultimate kid in a sweet shop over reaction, when you get to that stage then your probably past the point of reason.
    Ask this question first, what will the effect of my action be on them and me, and importantly would I want it done to me, we don’t know if the other person is less fortunate than you cyber space robs us of the basic essentials to formulate a good honest opinion of the other person it’s total imagery for some and has it’s own pit falls, the obvious thing is we can’t see them or hear them so reaction should always be thought through first, in my eyes it’s far more adult to shake hands and make amends and to admit that maybe we were just a tad over the top, in the end what will happen?, well if you win then you will probably use the same technique ton others you don’t like, and if you do and you keep getting your way you stand a good chance of becoming a Larry/Billy no mates and if you do your hatred and anger will continue to get a darn good fed, and these two beast will always ask for more food than you can offer, in the end they could well turn on their creator, always watch out for your ID, it’s always there in the shadows just waiting for food.
    PS I penned this at work so I hope it scans, if not I'm sorry.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    When considering marriage, the prospective bride should check out her prospective father in law, for he is the man her intended will become, and vice versa: the prospective groom should look at the future mother in law, for she is the woman his bride will be in thirty/forty or so years. We turn into our parents mell, 'tis true! Mr DD is now snorting with indigantion at weather forecasters, football commentators and news broadcasters, just like his father (Cyril) did. Me? I am valiantly resisting turning into my mother but failing - the Beryl-ness increases every day. We now call each other by the parents' names when we are being them - it serves as a warning to the other!

    As for the forum, it will pick up again, as you said we have been here before and we will be here again: it is a valuable source of comfort and information to many and for that reason alone it won't fall by the wayside. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    WHY OH WHY CANT THERE BE MORE PEOPLE ON HERE LIKE YOU brave people people with oppinions good or bad the few days have shown ever more clearly that some people are incapable of anything other than an automiton herd mentality which will never change .........transpose this to the world we are stuck with and it becomes clear its pretty hopeless............. but please Mell dont ever give up ..respect xTINK[/quote]

    And this is an opinion that you have managed to form in just two weeks!! I wonder.

    There are many brave people on this Forum, all with strong opinions, formed by experience. However, they choose not to force them on to other people, in an effort to keep the Forum as it used to be.......Ange.
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mell glad you wrote this at work,yes do it their time a wage slave I am no longer good bad..indiferent well you learn to mannage with nowt.. I love everything you pen on here , would there were more in the same vein ..I guess you were always a leader without an army ..your honest clever articulate.... always.... is so refreshing ........ WHY OH WHY CANT THERE BE MORE PEOPLE ON HERE LIKE YOU brave people people with oppinions good or bad the few days have shown ever more clearly that some people are incapable of anything other than an automiton herd mentality which will never change .........transpose this to the world we are stuck with and it becomes clear its pretty hopeless............. but please Mell dont ever give up ..respect xTINK

    That's amazing, Tinkerbelle, to be able to form such strong opinions in such a short space of time. It's really been very, very quiet round here in the last two weeks..........

  • janie68
    janie68 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Is it true? Are you in disguise? Have you been here before?
    :?: :!:
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rehab, I'm sure it's not a red herring..........

  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    looks like some recycling has been going on, not all recycled goods are what they seem either. im affraid i think you may be right annie.

    coco xx
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I think this type of cryptic messaging is what may be driving people away!
  • lupin15
    lupin15 Member Posts: 2,182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well written but i might be misinterpreting the meaning of this???
    I am newish to this site and do feel quite loss with what is going on and it is obvious that people have had falling outs but that is life. Love it or hate it that is the way of the world.
    Is this directed at people past and present on this site? It takes all sorts of people in life. There are the leaders and the people that quite happily go along with the crowd mainly because it is safer. I must admit that the internet probably does desensitise people because they cannot see them but for some people that will make no difference. It takes all kinds of people and that is what makes life so exciting, it would be such a dull place if nothing really happened.
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    non needed Rehab its my entitled opinion! :D
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rehab I am really surprised at you I thought behind all the harmless fun lurked a true gentleman sadly it seems I have misjudged you tell me do you have your own wooden spoon or do you borrow Demetia s xTink

    Again, another strong judgement on someone who hasn`t been around much during your short time on here. True, however, is an adjective that can always be used, when describing Rehab. Sadly, that cannot be said about everyone.......Ange.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Len Jesus your back!, where the hell did you get to??, don’t tell me you were hanging out partying with the bunker babes again, what have I told you about those galls, they will lead you astray, hey come to think of it you don’t have room for one more next time your going out with them do you?.
  • jean123
    jean123 Member Posts: 642
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am going to add another criptic message to this...she isn't who you think she is, and must be somewhat confused by what you are saying.

  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Who said that!!!??? :shock: