Artificial Hip Recall

euanT Member Posts: 3
Hi all,
I am just wondering if anyone has more info on the Dupoy MoM hip recall! My wife had her hip replaced 7 years ago and was recently asked back for a check up. The surgeon stated that "They were having problems" with some poeple's implants, namely something called"Metal ions" and he took some blood and stated she would be called back for an MRI scan. He was not very forthcoming with posible outcomes merely saying "we will wait and see" She had been complaining of pain in the hip and is now quite concerned.


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There was an article on this in either The Sunday Times or the Mail on Sunday a few weeks ago - the article may be on their websites somewhere. DD (forum member)
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • euanT
    euanT Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, yes I read these articles, not very specific. If you search the web, american lawyers seem to be going crazy over this
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear EuanT

    Thank you for your posting. It sounds as if you have been left with a lot of unanswered questions as to the outcome of this investigation this not knowing can be difficult. You have not said if you have an appointment to go back and see the surgeon at this stage but if your wife is having pains in her hip then she should contact the surgeon, if this is not possible then she should go and see her GP so that she can have this checked out. If you click on the link this will lead you to an article about this recall on Arthritis Research UK’s website that has some information that may be helpful to you.

    I hope that this is helpful.
    Best Wishes
  • summergirl
    summergirl Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Both Zimmer and J&J declared a recall on their hip replacement systems. So if your wife is experiencing pain then possibly that she undergo another operation to remove the implant. Go get yourself a hip replacement lawyer to protect your rights.

    i]Link to commercial site removed as it breaches forum rules[/i
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    it was on telly the other night metal will show in her blood if there a problem it joints used in younger people where they thought they would be longer lasting but the metal on metal causing a problem in some people and they will replace with different type tell her not to worry at least they sorting it not just burrying there heads in sand and waiting to see val
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi There
    I had my Total hip replacement in 2004 and it is only in the last 6 months that I have been taken seriously.
    There are several replacement / resurfacing hip recalls... Some are not actually recalls but are still ADVISED to go for a check up.
    There are different types of hip cups and balls, stems and liners
    metal on metal MOM
    Ceramic on a plastic (polyethylene) COP
    Ceramic on ceramic COC

    STRYKER had a recall several years ago

    Currently, the main culprit is The DEPUY/ johnson & Johnson ASR.
    This is a metal on metal hip known as a MOM
    Zimmer have also recalled the DUROM cup in the US
    The us are sometimes ahead of us but they had to use info from our Government sites like the MHRA to get these MOMs recalled and us patients seen too.

    Don't be surprised if this story goes on and on because uk citizens have been used as guinea pigs since the beginning of 2000 after new types of hips with metal coatings were marketed without proper testing. The companies have done this through the APPROPRIATE CHANELLS HOWEVER they based their INFO on Previously passed for use info by saying thet they were in effect the SAME. I am in contact with people from all over who have been iignored by their doctors but they have all been put on huge doses of pain relieving medications and nervous system suppresants to control the pain from replacement hip operations.
    I urge anyone with a hip repkacement problem to report it to the MHRA ,this is the UK adverse medical device problem reporting site. I have already done so and am awaiting their advice. You can ffind out what hip you have by contacting the NJR the national joint registry. If you provide them with your details they will send you your information. I have come across 20 people who are in a similiar situation as myself and they all have a hip that is currently just starting to be reported. Most have been ignored, they felt they were alone like me, they thought they were the unlucky Jinxed one .They are now relieved that they are not alone as am I.
    I have had to use a wheelchair permanantly for over 6 years now, I am on a horrendous ammount of meds. It is only in the last 6 months that my current consultant has identified a problem and has discussed REVISION surgery with me. It is not the doctors fault, the nHS system they have to work within is systematically failing in many areas.
    Anyways good luck and good health to you all.
    If anyone reading this has a replacement hip problem then ask some questions before you get INTOXICATED with a lot of metal debris.
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I had my resurface surgery in February 2007, for the last 3 years I have been in pain, no one took me seriously until I changed surgery. My lovely new Doc sorted x-rays out and sent me straight to the ortho consultant last week.
    Need a new total hip replacement.
    Just waiting for the blood test results for metal ions but the signs are not good as have had some dreadful symptoms
    Not sure if it is the MoM implant or the surgeons fault as my present ortho says it has been put in at the wrong angle.
    Waiting time for new hip usually 6 months but consultant going to try to fit me in sooner, depends on the metal ion results I think.
    I'm really annoyed we have been used as guinea pigs on something where they do not know the long term effects.
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi there Daylily,

    Thank you for posting on Chat to Helplines. I hope you get some good support on the forum at what must be a worrying time for you.

    If you would like to talk about how things are for you, do ring us. I wonder whether you've posted on our 'living with arthritis' forum yet? - it's a very good way to get peer support too.

    As always if you'd like further information do get back to us, and we will do our best to help or signpost.

    all the best
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Daylily
    SO sorry to hear that you are suffering like me with hip problems :sad: I know our replacement/ resurfaceing etc can be prone to dislocation, within weeks/months/years and that is a chance we have to take. I don't feel that it's the surgeons fault in most cases, unless he/ she is young beginner?? It's rotten when it happens tho I sympathize..
    You know these companies try to invent medical devices to help us, I don't think they set out to intentionally harm us. It's about Money in the end. We in the UK are on trials for all sorts, medication and medical devices, I just feel that I have been particularly niaeve about all of this. I also feel that the consultants were ignored when they were complaining to the OVERSEER'S about the revision statistics. It costs the NHS every time there is a revision and that costs the TAXPAYER.
    I am to have a revision and I am starting to research about it.
    I AM TOTALLY WORRIED about the METALOSIS.. Mine is a TITANIUM COATED porous cup and I have downloaded a doc from the USA FDA site about some adverse event and the patient had TITANIUM shedding in the joint. I feel that has happened to me. Ever since the Op in NOV 04 or really within 6 months I had awful things happening.
    First of all My knee ligaments started to tear and then I had shocking pains in all of my ligaments they thought I had PA psoriatic arthritis and I was given METHTREXATE, which is quite a toxic medication and my retina was getting damaged. Eventually they took me off it and a new rheumatologist said I didn't have PA but that something was going on . He didn't know what? When I had an MRI total body scan I felt the magnetism in the machine pulling me sidewards sorta, that's the way I explained it. I was told that that should not have happened then. I think tht's because of metal inside me. I had to have shermann Plates removed as I had bi-lateral perthes as a child and had these put n after bi-lateral osteotomies when I was 7 years old. I thought metal dust had gone into my system when they took the left plate out and had problems because it was in there too long.
    Anyways DAYLILY I am harping on :smile: I am interested to know what your symptome are and we can compare notes if you wish to. Sometimes it might take me time to get back but I always will eventually even.
    I sincerely wish you good health and good luck, I hope the medics and the companies get to grips with the aspect of GUIneapigism and how it is bad for individuals and BAD for the NHS :lol: .
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Jangar,
    My present consultant said the implant (BHR) had definately been put in at the wrong angle.
    I too am worried about the metal ions. Have had extremely bad headaches with shooting stabbing pains at the sides of my temples, leg muscle weakness, ligament trouble in knee, flashing aura's in my eyes, and thyroid trouble which I now know metal ions can cause.
    Of course each of these can be caused by other things BUT all blood tests keep coming back negative, on the other hand I have never had my blood tested for metal ions before.
    Hopefully I should have some answers re the ions as the consultant had bloods taken last week.
    It is classed as a medical emergency if the ions are too high. Time will tell.
    If you need more information or help there is a US site called SURFACE HIPPY that makes interesting reading. The forum on the site is useful too, though I keep forgetting the time difference when posting.!!!!
    I have no objection to being a guinea pig for the medics IF I have been asked. I was given no choice just told I was having a BHR the same way I had no idea it was going to be done by epidural and not a general anaeshetic (excuse spelling on that one). It was quite a shock to get to the theatre ( a portable cabin at the time) and found out I was going to be awake. As it happens I found it very interesting!!!!
    I hope your symptoms get sorted out, it must have been dreadful for you to be given medicines that you did not need with all the side effects that come with them.

    Please take care and keep in touch
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Daylilly
    Thanks for getting back, CRriKEY I had epidural too, weird isnt it? Now and then they gave me some temporal meds (gin & tonics) is what they referred to it as.
    Interesting :lol: YES.... I liked the surgeon and the aneasthatist.(oops spelling) too they joked with me about the burning smells... and I had never seen my leg ever in that position, they pulled the screen higher at this point. I thought was funny at time but 2 days later I came down with a bang and got all weepy...
    YES, RE YOUR SYMPTOMS, Mine too are very similiar, the headaches/eye flashing, with the ligament problem, I had torn my knee ligament but I currently have severe ligament problems in fingers. some coming out of joint, had to have thumb fused, other fingers pop out but go back in.
    My main gripe was with shocking stabbing burny types of pain throughout joint ends TIPS/PIPS, had to be put on a nervous system suppressant.
    BEFORE TOTAL HIP OP I just had collapsed left hip,(right one following soon) but I was okay, it was so tolerable then. Since then I haven't been right but ...
    I'm not really a miserable person I make the most of good and better days, don't let it all pass me by.
    I just was totaly shocked when I saw that Dispatches programme. I have been researching now. I want to be better informed as I shall be having revised soon. My new ortho consultant has told me last November that he suspects problem with hip
    Your BHR? sounds like the Birmingham hip resurfacing and I believe that there has been problems with this hip too.
    Mine is a crossbreed a zimmer trilogy R cup n liner with a depuy stem and ball.
    On the uS FDA website re adverse events they have had 2 thousand odd complaints. You cannot access this type of info on the MHRA site in the uK. This is maddening it's like it's a secret. It all dealt with individually, anyways I am waiting on their reply. In the British medical journal they had an EMINENT write a piece on it all. It was called OUT OF JOINT, very interesting, tho not as interesting as live epidural surgery :lol:
    I hope your thyroid probs turn out ok, I assume you are having those checked? Also you should be aware that Metallosis readings are INITIALLY higher closer to the point of time of toxicity and they level out as the body tolerates it. THis is why some people have low readings but lots of metal in situ . Take care and do keep in touch 2
    , Your titanium loaded forum friend
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi JG, Just been for an hours walk on the beach, beautiful night. Checked on the swans on the local pond on the prom and they still have 7 young.
    Trying to build muscles up for the revision......
    It's the Dupuy implant that has been recalled isn't it?
    I read the article in the BMJ, very interesting.
    The smell of burning in surgery was the worst part I thought, although I did get them to play some heavy metal (no pun intended) music....not much head banging going on though!!!!!!!!
    How do they tell you've lots of metal in bloods if it levels out? Are there other ways of finding out how much has been absorbed?
    off to bed now.
    speak again soon I hope
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi daylilly
    Nice to live by the coast, I live in the south west 1 mile from shore, see not totally unlucky in everything :smile:
    Re the metalosis thingy I haven't a clue really except that i have read about the levelling out issues. The guidance notes have been sent out to all ortho consultants and its to do with any number over 7 parts per billion (7PBB)
    I believe from the notes that if the readings are 7 ppb or over then they can do some cross section radioogy proceedure 6 months later. They have been told to keep an eye on suspect patients. Good We are at least CURRENT GUINEA PIGS :grin: However, I have read that most people who had no high numbers have been found to have the metal shedding inside their implants (seen during surgery) are diagnosed after Focal evidence.
    I really feel that my symptoms are caused by some sort of poisoning, especially the affect on nervous system and auto immune system. My Opthalmist has in the last month during annual eye test had my gp refer me to opthalmist consultant because she has identified some auto immune prob associated with the optics becoming oval (NOT ROUND) She asked me if I tilted my head to compensate. I should be hearing about an appointment soon.. I'll let you know the outcome but the nHS are VERY SLOW.... It just makes me think that all these symptoms are related.
    Anyways on I harp again
    Heavy metal?? I like led zepplin are they heavy?
    Re the Birmingham hip resurfacing, have a read around about that, i think they had some probs at some time, cant remember if was fda or mhra or just a forum or blog. I have been on surface hippy site scouting around sometimes. Just can't wait till have this hip out ASAP to try and walk again. I had actually resigned myself to wheelchair life after 6 years of it. I have discovered taht lEGs are not everything but I miss the Rock pools, not the heavy rock pools PUN iNTended..
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi JG,
    Sorry not been back lately.
    Hope you are not too bad pain wise.
    Had letter off hospital for my pre-op, that's only 3 weeks after seeing the consultant!!!!
    It doesn't look like he's waiting for the ultra sound he wanted to do to check for soft tissue damage. Just sent him a letter asking what my metal ion levels were cos there must be some reason the NHS is moving so fast......
    Like you I have a feeling all the symtoms I've had over last 3 years are down to hip, got some horrid soft lumps on the outside of my ankles that get stabbing pains in.
    Someone on the surface hippy site said that after about 6 months the metal levels are back to normal and the symptoms ease.
    Wonder what 'normal' feels like??????? Might find out shortly as the OA in the other hip is not too bad yet.
    Take care JG
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Day lilly
    Good to hear from you again, don't fret about getting back time-frames we would all become MADDER if we didn't change focus..
    Good to know that you are getting seen too, it's always kind of scary at this point, getting seen too and the outcomes, half house happy scary....
    The ankle swelling/lumpys sound like could be lymph oedema, when your body is fighting infections/ bugs. toxins it gets tired and the cell waste builds up as lymph swellings. Hopefully when you have your op lots of these symptoms will disappear or alleviate, hope so...
    Saw my ortho consultant on thurs, before he goes in to DIG OUT the whole thing he wants to do an arthrosopy, just to check things up close. If it is liner he will have me back in for simple replacement but he warned me that all prothesis shed, and that if things looked ok, I may be safer to just leave it in there???? I just don't know anymore, I guess the Perthes just makes it a lot more complex. Anyways, I'm hoping it is just Liner cracked, theres about 2,600 cracked Trilogy liners on FDA adverse site. I watched the Dispatches programme again and saw the Dr Tony nargol put my THR in place of one of the Metal dodgys :shock: I guess consultant is being honest and they may have nothing to replace me with and it's not just about the money. I am off for a few days to shake off medi blues while a touch of nice weather prevails.
    I hope your OP goes well, keep chin up, keep lookin at coastal horizon, a second of that feeling counteracts a month of pain and disperses the blues. Meant to ask, with Thyroid thingy is it HYPER or HYPO??.
    Al the Best
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi JG,

    Had second thyroid test and it came back OK :shock: Don't know why 1st lot of results came back like they did.
    My GP is doing some more blood tests begining August as my inflammation levels are up but they're bound to be with irons in blood aren't they.
    Hope all goes well with your arthroscopy thing, is that where they put camera in and have a look about?
    I'm not well up on these things.
    Anyway I wish you well with both ops.
    Please post when you have anything done. I'll keep an eye out on the forum for updates from you
    Take care and best wishes.
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi day lilly
    Just to let you knoww i'm thinking about you at this time and hope you recover well from your op.
    Let me know how you are doing when you feel recovered enough and I ll fill you in on y updates too.
    Well wishing
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jangar,
    Just quick post. My op tentatively scheduled for 20th september up to now.
    I am on a 10day cancellation list though so could be sooner.
    Had ultrasound of both hips last week, not got the results yet though, and naughty me not been back to Doc's for results of blood tests either.
    It's hubbys annual check-up and been back and forth for blood tests, diabetes tests etc etc etc.
    I was offered an op with 3 days notice (including weekend) but have not heard from Social worker about care for hubby yet so couldn't take it.
    I'm bit annoyed because I've got to pay for hubby's care while I'm out of action, if the care was for me it would be free.....
    Have you had your ops yet?
    The waiting is the worst don't you think?
    Busy spring cleaning the flat as it won't get done for 3 months properly, must be getting old, the wardrobes seemed a lot heavier than when I last moved them to clean behind. :shock:
    Keep in touch please
    xx (this was supposed to be a quick post)lol
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi all
    Has anyone got any specific questions now for us here on Helplines about the Hip joint replacement recall situation ?
    helplines Worker
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi penn
    Yes, Have the helpline team any information or guidance for those who have had problems with other types of hips that are not (MOM) metal on metal? For example, mine is a ceramic on polyethyelene (COP) but I have had problems from within six months of the surgery for a THR, total hip replacement. When I had an MRI scan 1 year later I felt my whole body being pulled about by the magnets, I was told later that I shouldn't have been given an MRI but it has made me curious about Metalosis? I have been given nerve supressant medication to address the intense shocking sensations throughout all joints, and this has helped somewhat.
    I related very much to the dispatches programme re the faulty hips and it encouraged me to take action as I had resigned myself to life in a wheelchair. I am currently undergoing intense investigation by an expert now who is inspiring so I should know more soon. I am thankful that a programme was made highlighting such a problem because I may have an opportunity to walk again and others may have been enlightened too.
    Thanks Penn, I am particularly interested in the effects of metalosis, as I have had to have surgey to fuse thumb and other fingers coming away from ligaments. I was investigated by an eminent Rheumatologist who informed me that something was going on but he didn't know what? Any thoughts /info?
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi Jangar
    Will get our Information Manager Christine to do some research for you and get it posted up. We will need to properly 'source ' the information so you all know where its come from and that it is absolutely bona . This may be the middle to the end of next week is you don't mind hanging on ?
    Its best we get a really reliable bit of info for you if we can.
    Leave it with us.
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Penn :smile:
    Thanks, I appreciate that and there is no hurry for Christine, it is always best to cite sources. It is so complex, I also think is early days too but am looking fwd to a professional's guidance. I haven't really wanted to confuse my current Ortho's with all the in's n out's til I have a better idea of what is what although we have discussed prosthesis shedding generally.
    Anyways thanks again
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Here is what our Information manager has found for you:

    Metallosis is a rare cause of failure after a joint replacement and has only previously been reported when there has been abnormal metal-on-metal contact
    The generally accepted symptoms are:-
    Pain – localised around the implant
    Pseudo-tumours – these look like tumours but aren’t. The cause is fluid collecting at the site.
    Rash – this indicates necrosis (the death of tissues)
    Osteolysis – re-absorption of bone into the body)
    Loosening of the implant
    Raised levels of cobalt and/or chromium in the blood
    Who is at risk?
    Different types of body structure put more pressure on the implant, which in turn causes it to wear down faster. Higher risk groups are women, people who are obese or shorter people.
    How to treat Metallosis?
    Revision surgery is necessary to stop further shedding of metallic particles into the body. Once the offending implant is removed the levels of cobalt and chromium levels in the blood will start to drop. However the immune system may well show a heightened sensitivity to lower levels of these metals in the future.
    Source NHS evidence website - Books Journals and Healthcare databases.

    Hope this goes some way to answering your enquiry ?
    Cos we are here to help :lol:
    Helplines Worker
  • jangar
    jangar Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for that Penn.. :smile: Yes, as I suspected it is early days and the info is basic.
    When I have my investigation over the next few months time-frame I expect to know more.
    My consultant did confirm with me that the Zimmer Trilogy LONGEVITY highly cross-linked liners used in 2004 were thinner than the new ones and succeptible to cracking. I did see one case of titanium metalosis on the american FDA website. However I shall just wait and see for now.
    The MHRA have contacted me to have my details passed to both ZIMMER and DEPUY as my prosthesis is made up of parts from both companies.. The mix is legitimate and approved by them for inter-use so to type.
    Any ways, Thanks for that
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The post from Jameisuns has been taken off the forum due to the fact that it was an American number advertising law suits.