off into the community

suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
edited 22. Nov 2010, 09:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have been under the hospitals out patiants having to go every month. They had trouble stableizing my condition. They are so pleased with me i can opt out the sytem and go under the care of my doctor if he accepts me. They are writing to her. If not i can still have my bloods done at hospital. I am pleased and worryed as the hospital are really good. I hope the doctors will be good it will be nearer.
I am surprised how attached i feel towards the hospital.
Post tribunal
I am waiting for my letter the backdate the money owing me. I have confirmed my details like they are asking. I am wondering when they will land the Esa thing on me as i have been warned it could be taken off me again in the new medical.
With all the changes how can anyone feel safe.
A new doctor gp has asked me to consider reducing my meds for deppression as now i have won the tribunal i should be ok now apparantly i feel a lot better. I asked if i could have a new blood test done on my seritonine levels to check. I have been told they dont check em again and they go on me. We have agreed to wait another month and she will speach to me again as i am disagreeing with her. My worry is wont if she reduces them i slip back get worse.
The hospital are only interested in my bones and they are telling me how well i seem which yes i am but i dont want to slip back.
I have no one to ask i have never met my gp phycalogical nurse and only saw the one at hospital 3 times.
any advise joanne


  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hello Joanne :D

    I can really feel the anxiety from your post. It is understandable that you fear being discharged from hospital care to your GP and your right, we do get very attached to our rheummys :wink: but it sounds as though they are including you in the decision making and that writing to your doc is the first step in the process.

    Perhaps you need to talk this over with your doc to get a 'feel' for what support and monitoring you can expect from them and whether being re-referred is an option if your condition starts fluctuating again?

    The other issue is about the new GP wanting to reduce your meds and about what support you can expect from community based services for depression? I have no experience of this but I have an adult son who has bi polar disorder and who has been very well supported by our local Community Psychiatric Nursing services.

    I wonder if you could ask to meet the CPN (or equivalent) for your area? it might help to allay your fears about all of this.. The CPN will also liaise between you and the GP about your medication and follow up which might be helpful.
    Your GP has agreed to wait and speak with you again in a month's time, which is reassuring..... don't be afraid to speak your mind about how you view your illness and your medication and your concerns about 'slipping back'.. all valid points. :wink:

    ESA is something that may lie ahead, but perhaps you could put that to one side until it becomes a reality? there's lots of advice now about the process... and I/ we will help you when the time comes!!

    I wonder if it might be a good idea for you to phone our helplines and talk all this through?. It really does help to speak to them and they will help you get a perspective on all of your concerns and perhaps be able to make other suggestions for you to consider.

    Stay strong Joanne... we are here for you. :!:

    Iris xxx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joanne

    Good to see you. :D Well done, the hospital must be pleased with your progress and I hope you find the GP equally supportive. I am sure making the change is a little scary. Not sure how many GP's bother about checking serotonin levels, I think treatment is more based on how you do actually feel and are responding to any medication they prescribe. That is certainly the case here but I can't comment on other areas. Glad the tribunal is all done, and one less thing to worry about and am glad you do feel better in yourself. Not sure if you are hoping to see the nurse at the surgery but hope you feel able to form a good relationship with them if you do, and I hope you don't have to wait too long. Do continue to tell them how you feel and share any worries.
    Just leaving some gentle hugs, you have done good girl. ((( )))
    take care
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Joanne, first I want to say - once again! - how very proud I am of you. You were in a bad place, and you - and ONLY you - got yourself out of it. Well done, my love.

    The thing that gives me some comfort regarding your medication, is that your GP wants YOU to consider reducing your tablets. She isn`t making any actual demands is she? Also, she has given you another month to get your head around it. That sounds, to me, as if she is really trying her best to help you.

    As you know, I am a Counsellor, and often refer clients to their GP for some extra support i.e. anti-depressants, to work alongside what I do. After a certain amount of time, it is usually decided, if the patient/client is considered to be much improved, to do exactly what your GP is suggesting. It is actually the only way to find out if they have, in fact, improved.
    I can understand your fears. You are being taken out of your comfort zone. However, I have never known any GP refuse to put the patient back to the original dosage, if they appear to be slipping back, and in need of the extra help.

    In your situation Joanne, perhaps it would be a good idea to book a double appointment when the month is up. Perhaps even take someone with you for extra support. Then tell your GP exactly how you feel, and that you must have her assurance that, should the need arise, she will allow you to go back to the original prescription of AD`s. This will give you the confidence to at least try to reduce, and see how things really are.

    As always, I wish you all the luck in the world..........Ange.x.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joanne
    Don't under estimate how well you have done, you will feel a bit nervous, but we are all behind you, please let us know how you get on.
    Sending you lots of warm hugs (((((()))))
    Barbara xx
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks it was good to hear your replies and get prospective. I feel i have come a long way. I am glad they are giving me another month. I have heard of people having to go back on it.It must be soul destroying as they get excited. I am more conscious now about everything. I am so much happier and never want to be back where i was.
    I am the type who likes to be prepared ie the next stage i like to look to look under stones to find whats underneath. For now im going to try to live in the moment.
    Its good to hear from you all ive finally got on here im still getting used to the site changes dont like change as you can probably guess. thanks again x Joanne
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi joanne

    I hope you get the same amount of support from your doc as you have at the hospital.
    At least I think you said it is nearer for you so that also must be a good thing

    I wish you luck
    and sending a hug (((()))
    Take cre
    Juliepf x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joanne,

    Tis good to see you flower :D

    I am not sure whats best best really, I am in a kinda grey area where the gp's and hospital are concerned. I have the bloods done by the practice nurse but any changes are reported back to the rumo who I see at least 6 monthly but cus of other things normally 3 so its different I guess?

    I do agree before deciding you need to talk to someone about it, and yep the helplines here would be a good place. I just a bit concerned at the last sentence abut not knowing the gp very well.... Maybe the option can be kept open but stay under the hospital for now? I really think you have to do whats best for you. With luck you wont slide back flower. ((((( ))))) Cris xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joanne

    Maybe you could do a diary for the month - on how you feel?

    the only reason i suggest this is I have a very good friend who suffers with depression and she needs to go on them from tine to time, but also comes off them when she feels ok.

    Thesse things need to be done carefully and steadily - there is a risk of slipping back.

    What reassurance have you got that you can go back on them if you need to?

    Please take care you are doinf amazingly!


    toni xx