
alarkra Member Posts: 213
edited 26. Nov 2010, 11:57 in Living with Arthritis archive

Yes, no improvement for me, still hurty and sad :? . In fact, it's got worse as this morning I got up and totally lost my balance. After an hour it calmed down a bit but this got me thinking. Last year when I came back for Christmas to the cold UK after 6 weeks in the middle east, I was rather shaky on my feet as I couldn't seem to get my balance 100% - it was like a was a little high on meds (but I wasn't on anything at this time!). I put this down to the extreme change in weather and climate and after 2 weeks it finally wore off. Then it came on again in February, but I was back in Israel - the doctor put it down to total exhaustion and said that as I was working all hours and was only getting 4 hours sleep a night (that was if I was lucky!) then that could explain it. So, sleeping it off for the weekend subsided it and after a week I was relatively 'normal'.

So, today as it came back (and I'm still feeling peculiar) it made me wonder if anyone else with RA has had this problem before? Baring in mind that for me I had it on 2 occasions before starting my cocktail of meds. I've also noticed in the past couple of weeks that no matter how throughly I wash my hair (I've even had help to make sure it's not me being rubbish at rising it out with my knarled hands) it's STILL greasy. It's like there is a constant film of it and no matter what I do or use, it seems to sit there. Has anyone found that while on mtx, hydrox, meloxicam and/or sulpha that this has happened?

Sending you all love. I hope we don't get snowed in tonight, the cold is ceasing up my joints enough as it is!! :roll: :wink:

Haha, it also appears that I smell, both in the physical world and cyber world - no one will come near me! Oh joy... :shock: :roll:


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Losing your balance sounds like an inner-ear issue to me, an infection or somesuch, but I am not a doc. As for the hair, well it could be the meds I suppose - mine is dry like straw which doesn't surprise me, and talk about frizz - at least you won't look as tho you have stuck your finger in a socket! Einstein has nothing on me. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • willow18
    willow18 Member Posts: 6
    edited 25. Nov 2010, 09:54
    Hi, I also suffer from dizzy spells . I have been told it is a separate problem to the arthritis that I also have. I know,as previously said, that there are many different reasons for dizzyness.
    I hope you are soon feeling better and also hope the hair problem soon improves.
    Best wishes
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, Go to see your GP and get something to stop the dizzyness if possible. I've had that with a middle ear infection andmy GP gave me Stimital for the dizzyness and antibiotics for the infection. I also had Chicken Pox at the same time!!!
    Trust me!!! I do hope you feel better soon. Try and keep your head as still as possible. That keeps the dizzyness down a bit. 8)
  • alarkra
    alarkra Member Posts: 213
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Of course I'm going to my GP about the dizziness. I don't feel poorly in relation to my ears, just dizzy! I was just curious to know if anyone else had experienced a similiar thing and had been told that it could be connected to RA. Start my week off tomorrow, I'm glad. So fed up with being ill it's irritating the hell out of me. Will be good to get away from it all... well, I will if I'm well enough. :roll: *sigh*.

    Love you all. Hope you are having a better day than me... xxx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi Arkra,

    I get that I am afraid.... they tell me its probably my neck that does it and I have stemiti to help it. I do get chronic vertigo attacks at times but I really think it would be best for you to see at least you go and see if you can find out what’s causing it and also if they can give you any help to stop it happening too much.

    I am afraid in my case they have never managed to stop it but I have chronic vertigo so its kinda different.

    I hope it will stabilises soon but honestly think you would be best to get it checked out Cris x
  • alarkra
    alarkra Member Posts: 213
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    So the doctor says that I have mild benign Psomething vertigo. Which is great. I did say that I am collecting as many health issues as I can, so this is lovely to add to the list along with my IBS, RA, that syndrome that gives you dry eyes and mouth, wonky feet, swollen toes and all the rest!! :roll: :wink: Although she did say it should settle down in the next couple of weeks - I just shouldn't go head banging at a concert any time soon! :lol: Glad it's not related to my meds, can't bear to the thought of changing again before Christmas. She said that as it's happened on a couple of occasions in the past year, I'm obviously susceptible to it, so just have to be aware of it. Oh deep joy. Never mind, I guess it could be so much worse... Have a great weekend everyone. xx
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi alarka :D

    missed your post yesterday, sorry. :oops:

    I'm glad that you've at least been given an answer as to the cause... even if it adds to the list of 'conditions'. Arther likes to come mob handed. :!: :?

    hope that these symptoms soon pass. :wink:

    Iris xxx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am glad you saw someone, at least you know what it is and that it should sort itself out. Now go away, keep yourself distracted from the arthritis and enjoy! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,773
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alarka

    Sorry for delay replying, I have dizzy spells too.

    I have taken stemetil for it and had all sorts of tests and they reckoned in the end it was a kind of vertigo?

    Vikle it was...when someone even sat on the settee by me it could make me sick :(

    I do hope it settles


    toni xx

    PS my daughter at 12 has v greasy hair too we use lemon shampoo to which we add some aloe vera juice and some fresh lemon juice - helps a bit over time.
  • cherrybim
    cherrybim Member Posts: 334
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alarka,

    Sorry to hear you're suffering from vertigo. I think your Doctor means BPPV (benign positional paroxysmal vertigo) It's got nothing whatsoever to do with RA and it is exactly what it says on the tin "benign". Imagine if within your ear you have an egg timer which goes out of kilter and thence causes the vertigo.

    I have had it for 9 years or so but the ENT surgeon prescribed a series of exercises to re-educate one's balance. It's called the Epley manoeuvre and if I'm having a "turn" I go for it and believe me it does work. There's no pain, only gain. There's a lot of info about it on google.

    I do wish you well. I really do know how debilitating it can be when it comes on out of the blue.

    Cherry xxx