Don't tell, promise

cherrybim Member Posts: 334
edited 28. Nov 2010, 12:31 in Living with Arthritis archive
My Scarf Akin plus lateral release op (posh name for a bunion where they put screws and staples in) has been confirmed for the 15th December, Whoopeee!

My Orthopod said "You really need your other hip and knee done first and I think you ought to see my colleague ****** about your cervical spine and it looks to me that the bilateral carpal tunnel decompression has come to the end of its days and you need another"

"Oh they're not too bad at the moment", say I, lying through my teeth. "It's my feet that are really giving me gyp, I really feel that if they were better everything else might improve a tad" "Well that would hardly apply to your hands would it?" it wouldn't but I'm just feeling very vain :oops: I hope he hasn't twigged that :?

Even with whopping great bunions I only take a 5 and I'd like them to peep out encased in the daintiest of shoes from beneath a furry blanket when I'm sitting in my bathchair.

So dear friends I'd be very appreciative if you'd keep your fingers crossed that the other hip and knee don't suddenly go really off song and I have to end up having one of them done instead.

I'm all prepared. Having two teeth out on the 8th and the Dentist has checked it all out with the Rheumy so no Cimzia for a few weeks and then the bunion will dovetail in nicely :D

Cherry xxx


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Cherry
    Dont worry I will keep stum :) hopefully the rest can wait, I know what you mean about shoes, I have to get the widest softest ones I can find....not very nice foe an evening out :roll: :)
    Good Luck with the op and let us know how it goes.
    Barbara xx
  • cherrybim
    cherrybim Member Posts: 334
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Barbara :)

    Thank you for your good wishes. Unfortunately, as it were, the surgeon only believes in doing one foot at a time so I really will have to put my best foot forward.

    Are you in the "opium den" at the moment? If so move over a bit :lol:

    Cherry xxx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Cherry

    Your secret is safe but what alot you have to contend with there. :shock:
    I am not surprised you are in need of the opium den! I will most certainly have fingers and toes crossed for you and send a large bucket of courage your way in the mean time.
    I admire your pluck in the way you have posted all this and wish you better days soonish.
    take care ((((( )))))
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    OK, the den is lovely and warm and snug and cosy and there's nothing wrong in the entire world . . . . .have wearily raised my head from the recumbent, your secret's safe, and relaaaaaaxxxx . . . . . . .
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,081
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Not a word from me Cherrb :wink:

    but take extra care eh?


    toni xx
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Your secret's safe with me too Cherry!n040.gif

    You've certainly got a lot to cope with and I will keep my fingers crossed that the other joints behave and let you get this first foot op over with before creating any 'noise'.. :wink:

    Iris xxxx
  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,899
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Cherry
    I hope that things go your way and you can put pretty shoes on your Christmas list!
    My Mum had that op this week,(she`s had both feet done now) and she is doing well. I`ll keep my fingers crossed xx
  • cherrybim
    cherrybim Member Posts: 334
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Chris, DD, Toni, Dorcas and Nearlybionic. So glad you're not going to grass me up, thank you for that :D

    Very pleased to hear your Mum's doing well after her op NB. She'll have a matching pair now her second foot has been "re-arranged" wont she?

    I've often wished we could post pics on here then I could show you all the prettiest pair of shoes ever! I had them dyed a beautiful shade of sea green to match the outfit I wore to my son & DIL's wedding. I spent most of the day sitting down so they're not badly stretched :lol:

    Cherry xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,081
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    If you are very clever you can put them on a host site like photobucket and then you can post the link on here.

    Is it ok if I keep my bunions? I is scared of surgery :shock:


    Toni xx(aka 'trustworthy Toni')
  • cherrybim
    cherrybim Member Posts: 334
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oooo Trustworthy Toni :lol:

    Photobucket, I never thought of that. I've got a PB a/c if only I can get back into it again. I'll have to take the pic first and then of course upload it so if you keep a lookout round about say Easter time I should be able to show you :lol:

    Keep your bunions if you must but you'll be right jealous when you see me tripping about in my Dorothy's 8)
    Cherry xxx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    From my wonderful, blissful, opiummed haze may I take this opportunity to boast? I cursed my mother, roundly, and for many years, for keeping me in 'sensible' shoes. I have never worn heels, can't now which is a shame, but my toes are straight. Very. Which is utterly pointless as the rest of me is so bu****ed up. But they're straight. And I can't sit up any more . . . . I like this stuff, the world is soooooo muuuuuuuuch niiiiiiiiicer . . . . . . .
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • cherrybim
    cherrybim Member Posts: 334
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ho hum I want some of what youse a got DD. It seems to be working a treat for you :lol:

    My Mother too kept me in very, very sensible shoes until, with my Dad's permission I was allowed to have a pair of dainty "party and weekend shoes" aged 13. However I think it was all subterfuge on her part to hide the fact that I'd inherited the shape of her feet, bunions and all!

    Are you truly sure your toes are straight? Methinks all that fog is clouding the view. Next thing you'll be telling us is that you went to the moon and back this afternoon :lol:

    Cherry xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Straight. Abs'lutely straigh'. Feet flat as pancakes now, toes where they should be, no lumps or bumps or anyfink weird. I'm in the den - where the hell are you? :) Lost barbara12 too, think she's in the next room tho. Straight toes. Luvverly straight toes. Str . . .ai . . . .
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • lavenderlady
    lavenderlady Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hope it all goes well for you like you I ahve numerous ops to endure in the next few years starting my my TWR on 2nd Nov I am recovering from, my parents also kept me in sensible shoes but arther in my toes is so bad I think maybe I could have worn high heels after all, although my back is damaged and they said its probably caused by wearing high heels until I convinced him the only high heels ever worn was for my wedding day and they got changed out of in the evening lol
  • ironic
    ironic Member Posts: 2,361
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Cherry,
    No I definitely will not snitch on you.
    Pretty shoes...I am sooo envious. I loved my strappy sandals one of things I miss the most. :D
    Lv, Ix