hello just sharing my news 'rear foot varus' you tube info

simone Member Posts: 2
edited 29. Nov 2010, 12:46 in Say Hello Archive
hi i hope i dont come across as strange i just wanted to share my story 8) shortened version rear foot varus, type into you tube
i have had back pain for many years had an xray was told i have worn cartiledge in lower back. i have siatica, recently my hip, knees,muscle on front of thighs and shins have been causing great trouble. my big toe never seemed to bend properly and in the recent years my foot has been really troubling me. i went to a foot doctor 3 years ago got sent for an x-ray and never got a call back. as i didn't want to take painkillers,anti inflammatorys i never chased it up as i had already been told i have arthritis. so the pain got intense i asked to be sent back to the foot doctor, same hospital different doctor. no x-ray, simple 5 min test. he says i have rear foot varus. simply put my tibia is slightly curved meaning my foot dosent roll correctly and my muscles and joints are out of synch causing strain on everything. no wonder my knees hurt. they are not out of shape enough for me or anyone to notice but he is a specialist and knew what to look for.
he made me insoles made to measure and just 2 days of wearing for 5 mins daily (my muscles cant stand anymore then 5 mins of re-training to sit properly) my feet are not hurting a miracle for me!!!
i'm sorry this wont help everyone. i am sharing as i hope that some people if they get their feet checked may find this to be a help for them. specialist says it is very common and people need to know to get checked so am doing my best to pass on information.
would anyone let me know if they have had their gait checked?
i can't stress enough that untill my feet hurt i never knew that my bones were out of shape and it is a condition people are born with. i am 48.
i really hope this helps someone. i am hoping the damage to my joints will stop geting worse now that i have my insoles. just in case anyone thinks this is an advert i saw a NHS specialist and the insoles are also from the NHS. bless the uk tax payers that pay taxes and gives us the NHS. thank you.


  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Simone and welcome to the forum!

    I am so glad that you have found something which helps you so much - it's always really nice to hear good news!

    Tilly xxx