
gemmapetken Member Posts: 263
i have RA in my hands and feet. I also have a deformed hip which needs replacing. I have just (last week) been diagnosed with raynauds in my hands and feet. I dont know where to turn or what to do.I am on blood pressure tablets but just feel like this is one thing after another! Ive had enough!! LOL
Is there any thing you can help me with?
Many thanks



  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gemma

    So sorry about your Raynaud's diagnosis. I know someone from the helpline team will reply to you in due course, but just wanted to suggest that you could perhaps post this message on the LWA forum as well because there may well be other forum members with Raynauds who can share their experiences and perhaps offer some advice. Also, I don't know if you are aware of the Raynauds & Scleroderma Association website. The address is: http://www.raynauds.org.uk/

  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i have RA in my hands and feet. I also have a deformed hip which needs replacing. I have just (last week) been diagnosed with raynauds in my hands and feet. I dont know where to turn or what to do.I am on blood pressure tablets but just feel like this is one thing after another! Ive had enough!! LOL
    Is there any thing you can help me with?
    Many thanks


    Dear Gemma

    Thank you for your posting on the forum. It sounds as if you are having a tough time at the moment and it is particularly difficult when you are first diagnosed with a condition and don’t know what to expect, it can feel, as you say like one thing after another especially if you are trying to manage multiple conditions. If you click on the link http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis_information/arthritis_types__symptoms/raynauds_phenomenon.aspx#non this will take you to Arthritis Research UK’s information on Raynauds that you can download from their website. It provides information on what the condition is, treatment and how to manage it. Also the Raynaud's & Scleroderma Association has lots of information about the condition on their website which you can access on www.raynauds.org.uk They also have a list of regional support groups that you may find helpful.

    If you look on our website we have lots of information about arthritis on http://www.arthritiscare.org.uk/PublicationsandResources/Listedbytype/Booklets
    Including the booklet ‘Living with rheumatoid arthritis’ which provides information about the management of this condition and may help. We also have our own support groups for people with arthritis and again if you click on the link http://www.arthritiscare.org.uk/InyourArea this will enable you to look at support groups that you may be able to attend. I would also like to encourage you to call us here on the helpline which is free and confidential, for information and support. The opening times are Monday to Friday (10am – 4pm) and the number is 0808 800 4050. I hope that this information is helpful to you.

    Best Wishes
  • jennylynn
    jennylynn Member Posts: 101
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gemma,

    I have PA but i also have raynauds, i find that if i make sure i eat lots of fruit and veg and always wear gloves and warm socks when its really really cold my hands and feet are not too bad. i keep a pair of leather driving gloves in my car for if my hands are a bit cold and achey and it really does help.
    I dont know about you but i turn purple if the bloods not circulating properly. It can feel sometimes like you have a bit of everything cant it?

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Jenny x
