Speedy - is all well?

dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
edited 18. Dec 2010, 05:45 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi speedalong, I know it's the end of term and you are rushed off your feet (metaphorically speaking) but I hope all is well. Did any equipment turn up - I hae me doots (as they say in Wales). Anyhoo, it's virtually the holiday now, so I hope you do get the chance for a good rest over the Christmas break. I also hope that S is keeping healthy. DD
Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy
    I mirror what DD has said, you have done so well...hopefully now you can get some rest.
    Good Luck with everything.
    Barbara xx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy

    Just leaving some energy spoons and much needed rest up vibes for you. The children will have no doubt been a tad over excited with the end of term!! and Santa due soon. x:D I hope the equipment has arrived ready for next term if it hasn't already :roll: and that you do have a good break over Christmas.
    take care ((( )))
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy,

    Well end of term can be hectic. We saw Daniels last Christmas play at his special needs school and i am a bit choked. He got the giggles for his bit of speech-no surprises there!
    I do hope that you can have some time to recover from going back to work and being with S. Have you managed to sort for Christmas? Maybe you have gone from hectic work to hectic shopping!
    Take care and I hope you will have all your equipment sorted for next term otherwise you are going to exacerbate the hip pain. We don't want that,

    Best wishes
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • mp1952
    mp1952 Member Posts: 425
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    H Speedy

    I have been thinking about you too, and hoping all is well..

    I hope today is your last day and you can get some well deserved rest now..

    Marion x
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi speedy
    I hope that you are ok too
    And that your xmas gift from your boss was the equipment you need to make next term easier. (well a box of chocs would be nicer)
    Take care
    Juliepf x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,166
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bet she is weighed down with all the end of term teachers pressies :))

    well i hope so anyway.

    Love a slightly anxious

    Toni xx
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 18. Dec 2010, 08:54
    Hi to DD, Barbara, Chris, Elizabeth, Marion, Julie and Toni - you kind and caring people,
    PHEW!! School has finished! No more early get-ups and no more chores that have to be done before you go to bed, no matter what!!

    The last couple of weeks have been a real struggle - juggling work (and all the additional tasks that Christmas in school entails- whole school play, special dinner, parties, trips etc) with lots of liaising with professionals re S plus late online shopping for presies, plus evening school work etc My joints aren't keen on the cold and damp so they have been complaining a bit too.

    On Monday I was meant to having a remedial massage, but was so tired and sore I had a holistic one instead - which was lovely!

    On Tuesday I started physio for my work related hip and back pain - the physio was great. She was very supportive and thought I had achieved good range of movement. She manipulated my back which seems to have helped, but warned I could go every week and she would sort out my back and then work would set it off again ... and emphasised how I need to discuss again with my head about working with bigger children ... I have lots of new exercises to do, but have been too kn*ckered to attempt them yet.

    At the end of the day my perching stool (kind of a desk chair which can be set with the seat at an angle) arrived today - my boss was quick to bring it down and claim back his desk chair! Quite what he thought I would sit on until it was unpacked and adjusted etc I don't know. Still waiting for the comfy desk chair to come.

    Well, need to catch up on everyone else's posts ...

    Love to you all.

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy, Glad you have got your equipment......I forgot to mention to you inb my reply to your post....my equipment comes on Monday morning.....an extra rail on the stairs....do your remember me complaining ever since the THR about unsteadyness? and a bath lift....which will be good no doubt but dont really want it....mnakes me feel ancient. I think theres a perch stool and a few bits and pieces....I'll find out then.
    You rest over the Christmas period......you must be absolutely shattered
  • mp1952
    mp1952 Member Posts: 425
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy

    Glad you are OK.. Physio sounds good.. Enjoy the break from school ..

    (My daughter got 24 presents, of which 20 were chocolates, so she has passed some on to me - great for my diet!!


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy,

    Nice to see you :grin::grin:

    Glad your nearly to the holidays or have just started them depending on what your school is doing? Tis good to know you get a bit of a rest though still going flat out cus of the time of year I shouldn't wonder.

    Good they brought the chair straight down and glad the physio was helpful. I kinder wonder about massages sometimes but its the undressing bit that puts me off... I am turning into t hippo and best left covered :lol::lol::lol:

    Be gentle to your self if you can flower. ((((( ))))) and hope S is looking forward to Christmas? Cris xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wow! You have been busy and isn't it bl**dy typical, the chair you have been needing so badly turns up on virtually the last day of term: bl**dy ineffective man, can't/won't do what he's suppposed to do when he's suposed to do it. Twerp. anyhoo, the pressure is kinda off now, so kick back and relax (hah!) and enjoy the run-up to Christmas - you staying at home or off to see rellies? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lovely to hear from you Speedy. You seem absolutely bogged down at the moment. My thoughts are with you,

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • Poppyg1rl
    Poppyg1rl Member Posts: 1,245
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Speedy,
    So glad its end of term and you can rest up (hopefully!) wishing u a peaceful Christmas all the best Poppy X
    'grá agus solas'
    'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X