Finger splints?

Poppyg1rl Member Posts: 1,245
edited 10. Jan 2011, 10:47 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all hope everyone is as well as can be, Just before Christmas my physio fitted and gave me a lovely new finger splint, meant to be worn at night and if I need to push the double buggy etc. It's the 2nd one I've had and I'm having real trouble sleeping with it on, the last one had more of a curve and no problems. This one is causing me to wake up (normally once pain meds have worn off) 3 or 4am with pins and needles, once I get up, take it off and massage my hand back to life it settles down and I'm left with a dull ache in the fingers and thumb. I've just spoken to Hand Clinic and I'll see physio next Monday but have been told (by receptionist!) to keep wearing it?! Does anyone else have finger splints and these symptoms? Thanks wishing everyone a peaceful 2011! Poppy x
'grá agus solas'
'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh poor you, how uncomfy. I wouldn't take the advice of a receptionist, no. Be guided by how you feel and do what you think is best for you. I haven't had experience of anything like this, but if it is causing you discomfort then surely something isn't quite right. I hope you can get it sorted it out soon. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi poppy I tend to agree here with dd.
    You do whats best for you, Surely if you didn't wear it for the few nights till monday it wouldn't harm you. hopefully you will get some good advice from physio and maybe a different splint.
    Hope you get sorted soon.
    juliepf x
  • Poppyg1rl
    Poppyg1rl Member Posts: 1,245
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks DD and Julie, I agree with you both, there's no way I can sleep with this splint on, so ignoring receptionist. The last time I saw Physio it was very positive as the previous splint had straightened the fingers a little bit, the new one is much straighter though, I think it's probably too much too soon?
    Will let u know how it goes.

    Really hope your appt tomorrow goes well Julie.
    DD thanks again for you usual good no nonsense advice It's much appreciated.
    Poppy X
    'grá agus solas'
    'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X
  • arty
    arty Member Posts: 51
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Poppyg1rl wrote:
    Thanks DD and Julie, I agree with you both, there's no way I can sleep with this splint on, so ignoring receptionist. The last time I saw Physio it was very positive as the previous splint had straightened the fingers a little bit, the new one is much straighter though, I think it's probably too much too soon?
    Will let u know how it goes.

    Really hope your appt tomorrow goes well Julie.
    DD thanks again for you usual good no nonsense advice It's much appreciated.
    Poppy X

    I wear finger splints and sometimes they can be a **** to get the fit sounds like your new one is just a little tight thats all. Try stretching it a little bit over something or wait and get a new one made. Hope this helps :) I find if I wear mine for an hr or 2 during the day they stretch themselves.
    Arty :)
    Hope today is a good day for you
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,772
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Can't be good to have pins and needles like that!!

    something sounds to be not right at all.

    I know I would not wear it till i see someone


    toni xx
  • Poppyg1rl
    Poppyg1rl Member Posts: 1,245
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi all, good news and bad news,
    Just back from Mt Vernon hand clinic, the physio says the splint was too tight and at the wrong angle, it was pushing my knuckle into the splint causing the pins and needles, and so has fitted me with a new one that feels much better.
    That's the good news...bad news is my thumb on right hand is twice the size it should be at the joint base, it's only been swelling and 'burning' since Friday but she says it's looking like it's in that hand too. I have had a splint made up for it and have just spoken to Rheumy nurse (on advice from physio) she is seeing me Thursday for poss another Depo med injection and then i will see consultant 31.01.11.
    Trying to look on the positive side, at least the fingers splint (pins&needles) won't be bothering me tonight....
    Hope everyone is feeling as good as they can be Poppy X
    'grá agus solas'
    'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am glad to hear that you have had the splint sorted, and that things are more comfortable on that front. I am sorry about your thumb, but at least you have something to help that. I hope the depo works for you (if you get it). DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Poppy
    good to hear that you now have a more comfortable splint and more to the point it now fits, you poor girl no wonder you kept waking with pins and needles.
    thumb sounds sore though , hope the injection on thursday helps.
    take care
    juliepf x
  • Poppyg1rl
    Poppyg1rl Member Posts: 1,245
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks DD and Julie,
    Glad it's sorted out, you start to think it's all in your mind so was very relieved when physio said problem was caused by splint.
    I've just spoken to my consultant who said to 'up' my Metho to 20 and has arranged for me to have a Depo med jab Thursday by nurse, at least something is being done. The children I look after are going to love the new splints I have! They're bright pink I can see them wanting to try them on!!! Take care and Thankyou for your support much appreciated Poppy X
    'grá agus solas'
    'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ooooh, pink? Wonderful! I often wonder why all the things we need to help are always in such drab colours. Cost, I suppose. I hope they work well for you, adn I also hope the depo makes a difference. Good luck with the meth increase too - has it made any difference for you, poppy? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Poppyg1rl
    Poppyg1rl Member Posts: 1,245
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi DD,
    Not really, I started out low on 10 in August (as I was already on Sulfa since March and no improvement) this was increased to 15 before Christmas. I have all fingers bar little one on left hand affected as well as left and right big toes and now my right thumb is 'aflame'.
    Not sure what increasing to 20 will do, ive been lucky though, no sickness or anything, I'm tired but then if anyone looked after 4 under 4 for 3 days and had 4 strapping lads (Inc hubby!) they would be tired too!, so in answer i don't think the Metho is doing much, not sure what next step will be though, will find out on 31st. Thanks again DD, wish I could send u photo of my splints they are fab!! Poppy X
    'grá agus solas'
    'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X