Do I have to tell?

Rashine Member Posts: 33

I'm applying for full-time jobs at the moment having been on part-time contracts for a while. Unfortunatly the work I'm looking at can at times be quite physically active. My RA is fairly settled at the moment (haven't had a really bad flare up for a few years) so I'm tempted not to mention it as I'm sure it would put me out of the running.

For short contracts in the past I have not mentioned it and once did get caught wearing my wrist splints when the boss arrived when I wasn't expecting him.

So does anyone know if I can legally fail to declare a known medical condition (RA), and if I didn't what are the implications if I then need to take time off.


  • traluvie
    traluvie Member Posts: 2,579
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    As far as i'm aware if you tell your employer of your condition from the start then you are covered with an ongoing medical condition when you have time off sick. I think if you don't tell them you won't be doing yourself any favours. It's good you are doing good at the moment but you never know when it might come back. Hopefully the employer will respect your honesty and admire your cv and give you a chance. Good luck. Let us know how you get on. Take care. Tracy. X
  • Rashine
    Rashine Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for your advice Tracy. I take your point about time off and I've read the information leaflet on the main site about working, so I guess the advice is I probably ought to declare it.

    Unfortunatley the jobs I have been looking at all have a bit in the description that says something along the lines of "this post may require some strenous activity on occasion and applicants are expected to have a reasonable level of fitness"

    In spite of this I know that mostly it will be sitting behind a desk, but if I declare my RA I honestly think they will discretly remove my application or at least err on the side of caution and take on someone else instead (there seems to be no shortage or applicants). I do know one woman in an organisation I am thinking of applying to who has Fibromyaligia and they have been very supportive with her, but she doesn't think she would have got the job if it had been a pre-existing condition.

    Perhaps I just need to change careers.
  • caterina57
    caterina57 Member Posts: 1,424
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I think that you should declare your RA at the end of the day the employer should be chosing the person who has the right experience and qualifications for the post. You say that you have not had a lot of trouble with your RA recently, I take from that you have not had to have time off sick and I suppose that any future employer will be looking for this through references.
    What kind of work do you do, if you have trained for it, it would seem a shame to look at a change of career.

  • CarlyF
    CarlyF Member Posts: 76
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    (we meet again!)

    I found a fabulous job last year and because my arthritis was under control and I had no flares for a year, I decided not to mention it.

    However, after starting the job, the change of people, location, the amount of stuff i had to learn.... my first 3 months were really difficult, I was trying hard to cope without showing i was suffering. I eventually told them, and i've hit a really great company and my line manager(s) are wonderful, they know i get my tasks done and help me any way they can, flexi time, working from home etc. I feel quite lucky to have such support. Im an accountant so it was a 9-5 desk job, not sure what you are applying for.

    So my route was not tell them at first, but I did when it started to effect my job, after about 3 months.

    Hope that helps.
  • CarlyF
    CarlyF Member Posts: 76
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    I'm glad it worked out for you but had you been on a probationary period it may not have. I always used to tell prospective employers as I otherwise felt I was not offering them the intact package they were looking for but one slightly damaged.

    I was on a 6 month probationary period, and told them after 2-3 months. It may have worked out differently, but I guess I found a good employer, and the way I see it I know i'm a good worker, my passed employment is proof of that, I am an asset and if they cant see past my problems, their loss. :)
  • Rashine
    Rashine Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I do surrvey work for forestry and footpaths which involves walking and carrying equipment on occasion, but mostly it is writing reports etc.
    If my bosses thought I couldn't carry out a site visit there wouldn't be much point taking me on. And usually the guys interviewing are ultra fit outdoors types who don't understand people who can't do as they do (making a hugh sweeping generalisation!)

    I guess the issue I have is that being physically fit is a condition of the job.
    I have great qualifications and experience but I really think they would rather take on someone that wasn't going to give them problems.
  • CarlyF
    CarlyF Member Posts: 76
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well in that situation I would be honest with them, again you never know they may look past your condition due to your qualifications and experience.

    Also if its a large organisation, I believe they have quotas to reach for employing disabled people (and I have been told I fit in that category) which may also work in your favour?