orthopaedic consultant

seamonkey Member Posts: 323
I have just had another consult with an orthopaedic specialist after having an MRI scan. This specialist said that the MRI scan showed no abnormalities. However my GP said my xray results showed I had boney nodules growing on my spine due to arthritis. I dont know who to believe and I am so disappointed as I thought I would be getting answers as to how to treat me. Can you give me any help.


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Seamonky,

    Flower that's not fair! It doesn't necessarily mean the nodules are not there cus the mri's only show in clear detail what they are targeted at and it may be they were looking at the cord's canal and nerve trap or damaged? The rest would either be missing or not too clear maybe? I know they are incredibly clear scans but they can only do what they are targeted at.

    I don't know what the helplines will surge st but juts wanted to leave you a ((( ))) and am sorry the mri has lead to more confusion for you. Maybe talk it through with your gp as they will know the results of the mri and will maybe able to explain it to you? Hang in there flower. Cris xx
  • seamonkey
    seamonkey Member Posts: 323
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Cris,
    thank you for your reply,It is so confusing I do have an appt with GP next week. I will ask her to explain it to me. How does every 1 on here seem to manage so well? It def isnt a clear cut thing is it. I just wanted some answeres and something to say why I find it so difficult at times and cant manage what i used to. My doc did say last time i saw her that she didnt expect anything to show up on MRI. I hate feeling like its in my head. I just think right ill ignore the pain etc and blast through it. Carry on as normal trying hard to not let it get to me untill i physically cant do it any more.
    Thanks again Cris at times this site only thing that keeps me motivated to carry on.
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Seamonkey,

    I am sorry that you have walked away from your appointment with the orthopaedic specialist with no explanation for the pain you are experiencing. However it may be worth considering with your doctor, the following,

    1)When the orthopaedic specialist says that the MRI scan shows no abnormalities, was the joint examined from all angles, is there joint damage that is considered normal for your age. Really getting to the bottom of what he means by this.
    2)What are your treatment options from here and what can I do to help myself e.g physiotherapy.

    You may also find it useful to read the following ‘Back pain’, booklet as it details self management techniques:

    Best Wishes
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi seamonky,

    What makes you think we cope :lol: Tis time flower the longer you have it the more you get used to having it if that makes sense? i lucky had oa so long I don't remember not having it and also have worked out The best way to deal with it... works most the time but you know I am struggling just now.

    It's all threatening my way of life and that's the animals lives so its veneer only for me just now.. that's well polished and been about for years so that's how i cope...... :lol:

    So agree with you over the site! Without it i hate to think how bad I would be. they are a good lot eh?!

    Right this mri and xray stuff... been thinking and please remember my knowledge is old and out dated but

    The mri sounds like it was targeted at your cord to see if it was being compromised. Depending on where the bone growth is it might well have gone through it to reach the cord so it wouldn';t have shown up. My bone growth is clearer on xray than mri and there is tons of it in there! Its down to where its aimed and it doesn't see what its gone through to get there.

    I wonder if they would do you a ultrasound xray.... they are crystal clear and for me fascinating cus I was able to see my enemy once and for all in all its glory! :lol:

    Talk to your gp but remember the mri only shows what its targeted at and my guess is they went for the cord not the bones around it..... it does show some bone obviously but it doesn't mean its not there. Clearly it is and its on xray so don't go down the 'its all in my head' route!

    hang in there flower and see what your gp says. You see an ortho soon or just have? forgive me my brain is mushed and the memory is shift but they also might be able to explain it all for you.

    Remember its there and they will get round to getting you diagnosed fully. I promise you it does get easier flower. (((( )))) and hang in there Cris xx
  • seamonkey
    seamonkey Member Posts: 323
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you so much that has made sense. Your right the ortho was checkng my nerves and discs were all where they should be and that nothing was pushing on anything. My doc will make more sense of it for me next week. At least i hopen she will.
    Im sorry to hear your bad at the min. Hope you have a breather soon. x
    It is thanks to those like yourself who take the time to answer that really help. I do believe this site has done more for me in the last few weeks than the medical profession in the last 13 years.
    I had just got it into my head that this time after my xray showing up stuff that MRI was bound to pick it up too and then something would finally be done.
    I just want to know what type for def and be able to tell kids etc why im like iam, ie Completely nackered! :smile: Seamonkey.X