Tax credits and DLA

annette1959 Member Posts: 2
I want to reduce my hours at work to 16 as I have a very physical job and my RA is so painful I cannot cope. The only thing is that my DLA claim was refused and I won't be able to claim disabled persons tax credit, is there any way around this?


  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annette

    You do have my sincere sympathy I too am in a physical job and am grimly hanging onto my 30hr week at a struggle with me manky OA hips! I get working tax credit at the moment because of low income. I think the threshold is as you say 16hrs to qualify. What happens if you reduce your hours to 17? Or maybe appeal on the DLA claim if things are harder for you now? Can your employer find you a less physical role? Sorry I am clutching at straws here as I can't answer your dilemma, but the CAB or tax credit helpline might be able to advise. Hope others may be able to help here. Good luck.
    Let us know how things go.
    best wishes
  • phill
    phill Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I want to reduce my hours at work to 16 as I have a very physical job and my RA is so painful I cannot cope. The only thing is that my DLA claim was refused and I won't be able to claim disabled persons tax credit, is there any way around this?

    I have spoken to a few people regarding this and the over whelming advice is always appeal the decision if its gone against you, The word I got from someone in the know is they only consult doctors about your condition if you appeal.

    I could be wrong but what harm can it do. Now you may have exhausted all appeal routes in which case ignore me :).