Can anyone help?

karenjane Member Posts: 90
edited 27. Feb 2011, 15:36 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Guys - Haven't been on here for a while as i've been trying to just get on with things but really need some advise now.

As you may know i have been having tests for aches and pains over the last 18 months - The rheumotolagist has confirmed inflamation in my joints but tests dont show anything up.

Anyway, over the last month or so i have been having what feels like 'burning' in my finger on the side and down to my knuckle, it can also be sore to touch it, theres no real swelling or reddness tho. Also, if i reach for something or turn my hand etc i can feel 'pulling and tugging' inside it - Can feel like an electric shock? Finaly, altho sore to touch, the skin feels kinda numb, like when you've had pins and needles and its wearing of?... Has anyone had anything like this? I also have this in a milder form on the backs of my heals...

Any help/advise would be so very much appreciated.

Thank you



  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Karenjane

    I have often had the burning sensation you describe in my fingers and hands sometimes in other parts of me too (particularly in my arms on the skin between my elbows and wrists). When you touch the skin it feels just as if it has been burned and is, I think, due to inflammation. The pulling and tugging sounds to me as if the tendon is getting "caught up" somehow, either because the tendon sheath is inflamed or because you have a nodule on the tendon. I have had both of these in the past so I understand the sensation you describe. For me, all of these things improve or go completely when the inflammation is under control.

    You say that the rheumatologist confirmed inflammation but that tests showed nothing - has he prescribed anti-inflammatories to see if that helps at all? Do you have a follow up appt with him?

    Love Tilly xxx
  • karenjane
    karenjane Member Posts: 90
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you for your reply Tilly - I saw the Rheumy last August and he said that he was confident that whatever i had "would prob burn itself out" but told me to go back if it didn't.

    I have seen my GP this week and he has done some more blood tests and he said he would rfer me back if anything showed up this time. I do have diclofenic but to be honest it doesn't really help that much.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen

    l am no expert and am glad you have spoken to the doc about it. As Tilly says inflamation could cause pain like that as could nerves which might get trapped specially if there is inflamation present.

    Have you tried rubbing in some anti-inflamatory gel into the actual spot which is hurting??

    I hope things settle for you and echo Tilly's comment about a follow up appt with teh rhuemy.


    toni xx
  • karenjane
    karenjane Member Posts: 90
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Frogmorton, I haven't thought about rubbing gel into it, i will try that today and see if it helps.

    Thank you both for your help

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi karenjayne

    I do so hope you get some help soon and if a bit of gel helps you through the weekend that would be wonderful!

    Take care now


    toni xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Karen Jayne,

    Oh flower that's painful.... I think the rumo may need to see you again and maybe look a bit harder? I agree with Tilly and Toni and I do get it a lot both in my neck, back and wrists. the neck and back feel numb on the outside but inside someone has a rod that they are heating up! Its horrible and well I honestly think you need to be seen again and maybe helped a bit more.

    Have you had any xrays of your hands? Here they do your feet as well not sure why but they do. It might be an idea cus I think you need to find out what is really going on and it clearly hasn't burnt its self out yet!

    Please see if you can get a referable back to a rumo though think you should ask to see a different one for a second opinion really. Hope it will soon back off for you. Cris x
  • need me bed
    need me bed Member Posts: 103
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Kj, I know how you feel, my hand was like that friday from elbow to tip of little finger.... it's mad.... feels like on fire but nothing to see... i get the sensation elsewhere too. Back often feels like some **** is digging in it with a red got poker but hey ho. I dont see the rumo til April due to his staff's mess up of my xmas appt (im still livid as in so much pain).

    Hope you get something sorted too. before i was diagnosed with the RA the gp put me on diclofenic and they just made me ill, moaned and moaned until they agreed to try me on something else... maybe worth a try??

    Good luck and gentle hugs

    NMB XX

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