chest and sternum pain

deborahjane Member Posts: 120
edited 2. Mar 2011, 15:11 in Living with Arthritis archive
for about a year now i have tenderness when pressing sternum area and it goes round under arms and shoulders .i did go to docs when it started was told it was muscular,the last few weeks i have been getting like stabbing and burning pains in my breasts and they are sore,i cant feel any lumps just keep worrying,i tried to get in at docs today but nothing till tuesday,just wondered if any one else has had this,now i have started worrying i am getting more stressed and keep checking breasts for lumps.(i have RA by the way) :sad: :sad: :mrgreen:


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Deborah,

    Sorry you have this and hope you will get into see a doctor soon mostly to put your mind at rest.

    i get a lot of pain in the sternum and rib cage as well as the collar bones they say its all to do with the pa for me.

    The tenderness flower it might be connected to the changes going on depending on if you are at that place yet. I get it too and do get the occasional lump but they go as well on their own.

    Its best to get it checked out but please don't worry as its likely to be the bone thing and not what your worried about. leaving you a cyber ((( ))) and hope you can soon be seen. Cris x
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, have you told the receptionist you need an urgent appointment and if she asks why say chest pain. Also, I don't know about your local hospital, but at ours, they have a 'Walk In' clinic for people with chest pain and they see them straight away for ECG and X-Ray. Even if you have'nt got that ordinary A&E should offer help.
    I don't mean to scare you, but as when I was at work (Care Assisstant), chest pains always had to be referred to the doctor straight away. Waiting a week is far too long I think. Even if its not serious and I'm sure it isn't you should be checked over straight away. \Hopefully your own GP will see you. Love Sue
  • deborahjane
    deborahjane Member Posts: 120
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks for the replies,i work at a small community hospital where they have a minor injury clinic,but i don,t think they would see me there,it feels more a muscular type pain then actual chest pain,it just seems to have got worse,i am at the age of menopause too,so maybe it,s to do with that also.i will see how i am tommorow,and phone docs again,or i will have to wait till tuesday,thank,s again,
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi deborahjane
    When I was going through the menopause,I was very tender, I have OA and I have had rib pain this really worried me, but it just disappeared, but see your GP then you can stop worrying.
    Take Care
    Barbara x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i get inflimation and get pain where ribs join sternum it is a worry but know it will settle good luck see doc if only to put mind at rest val