Pain scale



  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all

    Thanks starburst your original question here is exactly the one I have often asked myself. Even posted to the helpline and got much the same response as others here in that it is useful as comparison but can't really be the same for everyone. Some fun answers though from sticky and love the link too Lynnie :lol:
    It being duvet day here can anyone come up with a 1 to 10 on exhaustion rating which would also be interesting?
    thanks all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tooo subjective altogether

    See l dont entirely agree with sticky's...6 is BAD for me 10 is intolerable...might not even be speaking, (no offense meant just saying it's too subjective the whole idea of a scale).

    Then starbust said one doc thought 5 was 'quite high' My scale is relative to how much I can ignore it.

    How on earth can we rate it except against our OWN scale???


    Hi Polo Good to meet you :smile:
  • seamonkey
    seamonkey Member Posts: 323
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tjt6768 wrote:
    I think the highest was when I was in hospital in Germany after a repair on my index finger, I snapped all the ligaments and tendons in the joint nearest the tip anhad to get them stitched and a pin inserted while they healed. That night I think I reached 12 on the 1-10 scale (fingers seem a lot more painful) but thank god for morphine.

    I did the same thing to mine and had that op, tendon repair and then the pin hammered through to the next it of finger??
    I am a tad weird though, I asked to be awake and watch it :shock:

    Hey Tony,
    Ah a man after my own heart! I once asked a nurse if i could draw my own blood into needle! Stupid question i know but it was out my mouth before i realized what i was saying!
    My OH though cant stand even the thought of a needle.