Smart bombs have no soul.

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 14. Apr 2011, 13:45 in Community Chit-chat archive
Well I’ve really had it with the war PR machine, there is no such thing as a smart weapon it’s like saying the Jeremy Kyle audience has human DNA!.
Smart weapons are really a “guided” bomb with dumb ordinance, the explosives are the same as that used in WW2 so is the shrapnel it’s just the bloody same very sharp and deadly it’s just now the thing has a guiding system which may use various methods to get it to target.
A real smart bomb would be able to tell the difference between a weapons store and Amyl’s Kebab and off licence but it can’t it’s just a bomb with no views or opinions, it hit’s what it’s told to and if that involves children in a house it’s tough for them and their friends. You can’t sit down and have a chat with it so it's not smart that's for sure (Look up the film Dark Star for an example of this it’s a hoot!)
We have been totally brain washed and the war is sanitised here theses days, ironically we can happily kill people by vaporising them with so called high tech death without the hassle of getting any of their blood or guts on our boots but still can’t write swear words on our tanks and planes as it’s offensive?, we have clinically transformed murder and brutality into some kind of professional vocation as boring as accountancy.
And now as all this goes on it seems there’s mass murder and reports of mass graves in the Ivory Coast so where the bloody hell is Cameron!?, the government there was democratically elected elected but our war machine is miles away looking for a oil rich nutter with a rubber face, hey guys start shouting that you have found oil as fast as you can then you will get help, otherwise it’s more slaughter for you. Anyone remember a place called Rwanda hmmm?, what was said at the UN?, Never again wasn’t it, well the UN is an odd lot the Belgiums UN army were in Rwanda and they still let it happen, now Ivory coast is flowing with innocent blood and the dear old UN is in there but only to watch and not take sides!?..
We have learnt nothing.


  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've always thought that the term 'smart bomb' was a misnomer. If the bombs were really smart, they would refuse to fall in the first place. Death and destruction is the same, whatever the kind of bomb.

  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Len! If anyone knows anything about bombs dropping, it's you! ( I mean the real kind, not the metaphorical ones :!: :lol: )
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 2. Apr 2011, 12:57
    rehab44 wrote:
    Smart bombs are very accurate Mell, they always hit the ground.. is there any oil in Seirra Leone?
    Anything you drop hits the ground in the end Len but nothing is 100% acurate or fault free, the US military boffins accept a 10% fail rate as OK!.
    Anyway Jean Len was in the services when it was all fuzzy wuzzies!,the air force was all string and canvas and you didn't carry a parachute as it wasn't seen as the "done thing old sport!", in thosesdays they use to drop bombs the size of a turip over the side of the old kite what what!. None of this single wing jet stuff then you know!.
    If you started talking to Len about Spectre gunships he'd think you were on about a ghost with a gun!.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    And Churchill once said "jaw jaw rather than war war"!.

    And who was it who said "live by the sword die by the sword!" ?.

    Bottom line is we love to use violence to grab what others weaker than ourselve's, we then use the argument "it's for democracy" when it's bloody well not, I'm all for a bit of beep and bang great stuff but what I will not accept is being lied to and I am utterly pig sick of us making bloody war as if it's sport, this isn't the actions of a mature democracy it's that of a dictatorship that thinks it's democratic and knows it has it's people under total control and almost fully compliant.
    If we were standing up for democract then the Ivory coast is a much more legitimat target, it's got a new deomocratic government that has been kept from office by a violent thug, Libya never has had it, no Arab state has, we know this as we deliberatly instaled and helped the buggers stay in power all this time, Arabs are tribal people democracy to them is an Anathema to them, and anyway Gadaffi isn't the worst by a long shot but he has no freinds, is a loon and oil rich so we play bully in the playground so we can take his bag of sweets and that's all it's about.
    Oh and another thing,the sky news man has just been to a site our planes slaughterd a couple of car loads of civillians, (see smart bombs again!), anyway the reporter used the old brain washing term "freindly fire", what the hell is freindly about it,it's a cock up so stop sanatising it by giving it a nice fluffy name, if your sitting their in the desert with your childs severed head in your lap it's not going to hlep much calling it friendly now is it?.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ya see that's what you get for watching to much TV, in the A team they could hit jets wiv pistols!, but back to more serious matters it seems the wheel is coming off our little war, were being left to shoulder the burden and now their talking of months and even a small amount of ground troops, the rebels are twats and can't hit a cows bum with a banjo and Gadaffi's lot are playing smart and going all mad max using 4x4's with heavy and medium weapons stuck on them and they know how to use them unlike the other lot, and they are moving attacking thenlegging it, so by time the air farce have turned up from their bases 600 to 1500 miles away Gadaffi's lot are long gone, were in a tar pit of our own making, it'ssas to say but in a way it serves us right we've lost the plot as a nation, were a bit like a small dog being to agressive and barking a lot, sooner or later it's going to get kicked hard right in the spuds.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh and why can't William Haig say Benghazi properly??.