Can OA spread?

margareth64 Member Posts: 148
edited 28. Apr 2011, 04:46 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have OA in my back and bursitis in my hips. Im starting to get severe pain in my knees and elbows ,neck, wrists and thumb joints. Im not getting any help form doc xray on hips didnt show arth. and he refused to give me anymore xrays or to refer me to rheumy as he said its only OA not RA. Is it normal to feel these pains everywhere. Im on slow release tramadol and co codamol 15/500 and he wont give me anything else so i am buying ibruophen spelt rong!! also im taking paramol 2x 4 times a day, and im still sore. I dont get much sleep at night with pain asked for sleepng tablets but he said no. Any advice much appreciated


  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Margaret

    I am sorry you are getting no support from your GP and I think it is most unfair of him to tell you it is "only OA". My wonderful Mum-in-law had severe OA, affecting multiple joints and I have seen first hand just how painful and disabling it can be.

    I'm not sure that rheumatologists deal with OA - I think it is usually managed by GPs unless referral to an orthopaedics specialist is required. That said, I don't feel your GP is helping you very much. If he is sure that what you have is OA, then additional x-rays may not be very helpful but I do think he ought to be recognising the level of pain you are in and talking to you about the options for managing your pain (whatever they may be) rather than just refusing to give you more painkillers. You mention sleeping pills but, from my own (RA) experience, I have found that they don't help you to sleep through the pain. They are also usually only recommended for short-term use I think because they can be addictive and hard to come off.

    Is there another GP in your practice you could see instead? Perhaps physio would help or referral to an occupational therapist for guidance on how you can manage everyday tasks more easily given the pain in your joints.

    I have RA, not OA, but I'm sure that some of the forum peeps with OA will be along soon with words of wisdom.

    Really hope you can get some more help soon.

    Love Tilly xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Margaret
    I have OA, it started in my back, then my hips and one knee, and now my hand is joining in.
    Like you I keep asking why should OA spread like this, I have seen a rheumy, but I wasn't in long, he just said to watch out for inflammation in the joints.
    I have had Xrays, and recently a scan of my back, but I did have to fight my corner to get the scan.
    You must make sure that you make yourself heard, if it doesn't work try to change GPs.
    Has for the not sleeping, I am on amitriptyline and it is a godsend,you start on 10mg and now I am on 50mg and I do get a good night sleep
    Good luck with everything
    Barbara x
  • caterina57
    caterina57 Member Posts: 1,424
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret
    I have OA and yes it does seem to spread I have it in back, neck, wrist, thumbs and fingers but I am making a Gp Appt as I am now having problems with my knees and right hip so I would say that it does appear to spread.
    It would seem that your GP is being a little unkind in not addressing the pain that you are experiencing or its source and as there is little that seems to be available in way of treatment for OA other than pain releif and self management he probably thinks that he is right in not offering anything else. I do have amitryptiline to help me sleep and co-codamol and slow release diclofenac.
    Perhaps you could ask for a referral to a pain clinic or for some help with self management. I am unable to have physio but have had hydrotherapy which is good and am now waiting to be able to attend longer term hydro with self management.
    However I do think that with all the cuts that your experience may well soon be the norm Xrays and MRI scans are expensive and GPs will be wanting to hold on to their budgets!
    I hope you get some help though to manage your pain, because pain is a terrible thing.
  • minky67
    minky67 Member Posts: 2,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret, Im sorry to see you suffering.
    I have OA & i only saw the rheumy a few times, he sent me for MRI scan & did all the usual blood tests before referring me to pain clinic who now help me manage my condition. I have Fibromyalgia too & the pain clinic help me with this too.
    My rheumy also did steroid injections into thumb & both knees, so there is plenty more that can be done to help with OA. Ive also recently had trigger point injections into neck, wrist & ankle. Im not under the rhuemy now as said they only really deal with RA but there are others that have stayed under one.
    I would try seeing a different gp first & see what they can offer you.
    Also a word of caution; Cocomodols contain paracetamol & if your taking separate paracetomols your taking more than you should.
    Amptripylines can help to relax muscles & aid sleep,alot of us are on these. Oramorph is also a good back up med that can be taken with the meds your on. Cocodomols can be taken as 30/500 so they could be upped. Also heat helps, you could try a wheatbag heated or deep heat cream as the heat seems to work better on my OA then cold.
    I hope there is a bit of advice somewhere in there that helps you.
    Good luck, debs
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret,

    As with Barbara, I started in the left hip and lower back, now I'm having problems in the fingers and thumb and top of my back and neck, my doc reckons it is OA, I think you are a very lucky person if you only get it in one place and never anywhere else.

    I would strongly suggest that you go back to maybe a different doc because you should not be taking co-codomol and paramol, they both have paracetamol in, therefore you may be having to much paracetamol a day.

    Karen xx
    Karen xx
  • joann1
    joann1 Member Posts: 263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Never mind its only OA does your gp suffer with it probably not so he does not personally no how dibilitating and painful it can be, oooh that really gets my back up when they come out with things like that, i myself have OA it both knees and a hip and after years of putting up with it and not giving up with consultants i finally had a new graft operation (which is still at the new stage) im hoping this works but we will see so far so good, i spent years trying to get the gp just to give me something stronger to hhelp me deal with the pain especially during the night, did i get anywhere did i heck the strongest thing he wouldd give me was codeine phosphate which at the min in order to get a sort of painfree sleep im taking 90mg sometimes 120mg (god i should be floating to noddy land with that much) mmm think i need to see the dr again, what im trying to say is dont give up keep badgering them and hopefully it will get you somewhere.
  • rugbygirl
    rugbygirl Member Posts: 691
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I was glad to read this thread as I have been suffering with my shoulder, elbow and neck with pain shooting down my arm but because I have been swimming recently it has been put down to that. I have not had any useful information from the doctor and it has been very difficult to deal with. I can sympathise with the frustration you are feeling but I am fortunate that I am seeing my pain specialist in the next few weeks.

    Today my doctor gave me some movelat cream to rub into my shoulder and diazipam to help relax the muscle spasm!! I am not convinced that they are paying any attention to me and why if I have OA of the spine are they not expecting it to move about. Maybe they think its too soon as I have only just been diagnosed.

    It is annoying that they dont listen to you as you know how you are feeling and what hurts - they dont. Start making a fuss and demanding to be sent to see someone, see a different GP (you are entitled to a second opinion). I ended up seeing 5 different doctors before anyone took me seriously enough to send me for an MRI scan in the first place. It is important for you to keep on at them until you get an answer.

    I know I am going to be pushing for more to be done with my shoulder and I hope that you get the answers to your problems soon

  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret

    Sorry you are having such a painful time there and like others here I was drawn to your topic heading. It is a scarey thought and one I often worry about. Seems like you need to try and be a bit more persistant with your doc or try to see someone else to get some decent pain relief. Not sure how it works but sounds like a pain clinic referral is something you should push for if you can find a voice, we will be supporting you. I found hydro helpful and relaxing, but it may not be for you, and like Jaki have diazepam for muscle spasms which are pretty grim. Sorry I am rambling but I really hope you get some support soon and can find a bit of relief from it all.
    take care, let us know how things are when you can
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret

    In a word, yes. Sorry you are suffering with arthur at the moment, it is, a pain in the neck, back, knees, ankles, hands.......the list goes on.

    Mine started with cervical spondylosis with boney overgrowth or osteophytes, which are quite common in OA. Over the past couple of years it has flared up in lumbar region, with facet joint arthritis, also knees, hands, ankles.........

    Just OA - I would have had a fit at the Dr, some bedside manner they have. It is not "just OA" it is a long term and progressive disease, that needs monitoring and helpful management with the right pain relief. (please, don't take paracetamol as well as co codamol, that would double the max dose of pracetamol in 24 hours and could make you feel proper poorly). I am no fan of ibuprofen, but I know they help a lot of people, just go easy on them too.
    There are other meds that the Dr or Rheummy can try, I would insist that you are refered to see a rheumatologist, they can do a more in depth blood screening and take x rays as necessary - never mind the cost to the surgery, in the scale of things, it is a drop in the ocean. A second opinion would not go amiss and the rheummy was the one who suggested my drug regime (the GP had said similar, but wanted the Consultant to confirm things). Getting the medication right can be a bit of a juggling act and takes time, as each individual responds differently. Amytriptyline, pregabalin, gabapentin, are other options that the Drs could consider trying.

    Refusing sleeping pills, sadly, a lot of GP's are reluctant to offer sleeping pills, as they are "addictive" and long term use is not recommended, well, again, that is the general concensus, it is not written in tablets of stone. I have been on the same sleeping pills for nearly 9 years and they work as well now, as they did in week one, not once have I needed to increase them. Sleep deprivation is depressing, as is constant pain, both things the GP should be very well aware of.

    I would push for a second opinion from another GP and if no joy, speak to the practice manager and say something like "this is not an unreasonable request, to ask for a consultation with a rheumatologist, given your current health and constant pain. Take lots of care and let us know how things progress. Positive hugs XXX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Good morning Margaret

    i have R.A but also OA in places and it is very painful. I am being monitored for future ankle operations for when the pain gets worse so it's not Only OA.

    I don't specifically take anything for OA but the R.A drugs I am on are strong and probably help.

    I am sure people with OA on this forum suffer terribly but GP's do tend to think of it differently than R.A. but I have always had good, caring treatment and get to see rheummy with the R.A where they talk about the OA too.

    I didn't think it spread but other joints are stressed when one joint is damaged, for example hips and knees can cause each other problems and can be linked. But it seems having read the other posts, that is does spread.

    Have you been checked for R.A as I have both.
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • seamonkey
    seamonkey Member Posts: 323
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh my, i have read the posts with interest as i believe docs are thinking OA is the cause of my pains. I was led to believe that is would not affect other areas though. I knew they were wrong as not only my back but now my hips, shoulders neck and fingers ? are playing up.
    Im sorry your doc isnt being very helpful to you. Ive been quite fortunate that mine has always taken me seriously.
    I hope you see another Gp who will listen to you and help to sort out your pain relief. I take slow release tramadol, gabapentin, ibuprofen paracetamol, diazepam and extra tramadol when needed. The gabapentin is really good for the sharp nerve pain. Nobody should suffer with pain as so many of us do. In the end what can we do but try to make it as bearable at possible. Iam awaiting an aptment with pain clinic and am really hoping they can help. May be they can also help you.
    Wishing you well,
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret,

    Its interesting question... they used to say it didn't but if you had it them the likely hood was that your other joints would also ware out ....

    I think now there is more understanding of it and they might be getting the idea that it indeed does spread and its not as 'simple' as they used to think.....

    There is some interesting info over on the ARK site about some new ideas re oa.... bout time they caught up with what those of us with it have been saying for years eh? :roll:

    What you have to remember though is though it 'can' spread it doesn't mean it will. Nice to see you again by the way Cris x
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret Nice to see you again :grin: although I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time! :sad:

    I don't have OA so can't answer your question... but from what others have said OA doesn't always restrict itself to one area :!:

    I'm more concerned at the lack of support you're having from your GP, and agree that maybe you need to see a different doctor who will listen to what you are saying rather than make assumptions. There are folks who have OA and then find at a later date that they test positive for RA or other Inflammatory arther.... so I'm hoping that your doc did do some blood tests to rule out that possibility ?

    It's not easy to stand your ground but you have the right to be heard and to have proper treatment and pain relief.

    Oh and I agree that you need to check that you are not overdosing by taking extra Paracetamol on top of the Co-codamols which also contain paracetmol! Ask your pharmacist please. :wink:

    Iris xxx
  • margareth64
    margareth64 Member Posts: 148
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for all your advise and help, things been abit difficult lately. Ive had an awful couple of days it always seem to happen at weekend and during holidays when docs are shut !! My husband took me to the surgery this morning but there where no appointments available I was told to phone at 830 tomorrow i was trying this morning from 830 by 9am i got fed up waiting for line to be free and went down!!! Became very distressed and started crying the recepionist was very nice to me and said she would talk to doc and see if i could get something. My husband went down at 530 and i had a script for Lyrica 75mg I had this last year but my doc took me off it. What is it for? So sorry to go no like this but i dont have anyone else to talk to !!
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margareth,

    I am sorry to hear that you are suffering so much.

    Lyrica 75 mg capsules or pregabalin treat nerve pain as well as other things. I am wondering why your gp took you off this last year. Were you suffering from side effects from taking this medication?

    I am sure someone will call in soon with much more information.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello again Margaret, sorry you have had a rotten day. I promise not to write a thesis this time, honest.

    I have been on pregabalin for some time now, is it used for neuropathic pain and also helps in the way your brain perceives pain. The dose you are on is quite small, but, it affects people in different ways and that dose may well ease things for you. I daren't tell you the dose I am on :eek: bit I was monitored and worked up to that level over several weeks.

    I hope that it helps, it is a start at least, that the Dr prescribed it for you. Perhaps the Dr that did the prescription would be worth seeing, after the next run of bank holidays. just a thought.

    You take lots of care XX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret

    Sorry I can't add to what Elna and I see Bubbles has just added about the meds, but I am sorry you have had such a rough time and a bad day today. I hope the lyrica helps a little.
    Just wanted to call in a leave a hug and I hope tomorrow is a little brighter for you. ((( )))
    Either way do call in when you can. We are listening.
    take care
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret,

    Just to say i been o 300 pregabs 2x a day for nearly 3 years and they are so good I don't know what i would do without them... I know I would be hardly able to move cus they are given for pain and not just neuropathic pain down here.

    As bubbles said they intercept the pain receptors in your brain so you just don't feel pain.

    They can unfortunately, mess with your head a bit but though it took me ages to be able to get to the 600 a day I did it slowly and twas, for me, so worth getting there.

    hang in there flower and again it is nice to see you. Cris x
  • seamonkey
    seamonkey Member Posts: 323
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margaret,
    I hope that today your pain is more bearable. Im very pleased the Doc gave you something and i hope this works for you.
    Take care and after the few days youve had rest when your pain allows you too.
    Sending you ((()))
  • margareth64
    margareth64 Member Posts: 148
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone I dont know if it was the Lyrica or tiredness catching up with us, but I slept very well last night, for the first time in ages!! Dont notice difference in pain levels yet actually this might sound silly but my big toe is realy sore today and swollen a bit could it be arther?? :-?