Has anyone had a hip arthroscopy?

80squeen Member Posts: 69
edited 19. Jun 2012, 08:37 in Living with Arthritis archive
Could I ask please if anyone has had a hip arthroscopy? I have an appointment on the 26th to discuss this as an option and wondered if anyone had any experiences or knew of things I need to ask, etc?
Josie :grin:


  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry, I can't help you, as I havn't had this done, but I'm sure I've read about it on this site, written be people who have had it. So I'm sure someone will be along to help you soon. Good luck with the proceedure! :smile: Love Suexxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,150
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gosh Josie

    haven't had one myself, but would start a list with things like

    What restrictions will you have and for how long......will you need a stick....raised loo???

    How long before you can drive or go back to work weight bear etc.

    I think it it quite an effective pricedure - recenylt on here we have had someone with ankle arthroscopy who was very happy with the result.

    Love and hugs

    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Josie
    I had one a couple of months ago, apparently they are going to do more, has it gives them more of an insight into what going on with the hip bones.
    I thought I was only having a steroid injection into the hip, and when I went for my pre op they dropped the bombshell, but I was fine, I had a full anaesthetic, and they had a look round with a tiny camera.
    I woke up feeling really groggy has you would, they kept me in for around 7 hours....but when they discharged me,no one told me I hadnt to weight bear for a couple of days, and had to use crutches.
    So off I went weight bearing and all, I think I had about 4 stitches, theses dissolved after a week, but I did end up going back to my GP, has I had an high temperature, so he gave me antibiotics and they did the job.
    The outcome was I had no loose fragments of bone, my hips are bone on bone, but I dont get alot of pain from them, the pain I get is thought to be coming from my back...so it is complicated.
    I do wish you well with it, but make sure you get the proper information when you come home.
    Barbara x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Josie
    Another thing I have remembered, they did the steroid injection while they had me under, so if they are thinking of giving you this tell them to do it at the same time.
    Barbara x
  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member Posts: 2
    edited 7. Jun 2012, 14:31
    The arthroscopy is known as keyhole surgery. It refers to the viewing of the interior of the joint through a small operating telescope. This technique is used in hip or other joint surgery or treatment. [link deleted]
    Visit for details on resurfacing of hip http://hollandboneandjoint.com/
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aww Del....I dont know about the removal of the post :roll:
    but I do agree with you....treating us like children :roll:
    We ask questions on here {or at least I do} to get a personal opinion
    not an official one/medical one whatever you want to call it.
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Josie,

    I had a hip arthroscopy in Jan 2010. My main problem wasn't the walking, forward and backward motion, but the side to side motion in my hips that i wanted sorting out. (ie when opening and closing my legs!) My left hip is really bad now, i can barely move it outwards at all!!

    I must say, even though it is keyhole surgery, it is a really major surgery and it took me about six weeks to be walking ok again afterwards!!!!!!!!!

    I can't honestly say that the surgery was worth it as my hip is still as bad as it was, so they didn't do anything that improved the problem i had!!!!! :(

    Your hip is very, very sore afterwards and having a shower is very difficult and you will need help from someone afterwards. For the first few weeks, (3 at least) you won't be leaving the house as you can't walk very far and going up and down the stairs is difficult. You also mustn't raise your knee up as your hip isn't supposed to bend that far to start with as its all healing inside.

    My docs couldn't offer me physio therapy at the time, so i missed out on that, but i think it is really important, so make sure you get some afterwards!!

    Good luck with it and i hope your experience is better than mine! x
  • EmmaJ83
    EmmaJ83 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Emma

    I just wondered how you were getting on now from your HA? You are further on from me and i wondered how you are. Are you on painkillers?
    I am 29 and live in Devon. I have had a Hip Arthroscopy on both of my hips (right = 29 Dec 2011 & left = April 2012). I am still in so much pain and i am on strong pain killers. It is so gutting as i was hoping to be much better, but i get a lot of pain with both hips, especially the right one. The HA has helped the cracking in my hips - it still does it but its not as loud or as sore when it does crack. I would say my groin pain is a bit better too, but the pain i do have is right in the socket of the hips and in my lower back, the sacro joints. I am seeing a physio but i haven't progressed much really. I also had an operation on my right hip in 2009 for bursa removal. I am hoping that my hips are just taking their time in healing....I can't live like this.

    From Emma
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Josie,

    I haven't had one in the hip only have the knees.

    It will enable them to have a good look at what is going on and well it might be worth it. With my knees they also did a bit of a washout which got rid of any small bits of debris and did actually help for a bit.

    Hey tis good to see you again flower and leaving tea and a ((((( ))))) Cris xx
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    EmmaJ83 wrote:
    Hi Emma

    I just wondered how you were getting on now from your HA? You are further on from me and i wondered how you are. Are you on painkillers?
    I am 29 and live in Devon. I have had a Hip Arthroscopy on both of my hips (right = 29 Dec 2011 & left = April 2012). I am still in so much pain and i am on strong pain killers. It is so gutting as i was hoping to be much better, but i get a lot of pain with both hips, especially the right one. The HA has helped the cracking in my hips - it still does it but its not as loud or as sore when it does crack. I would say my groin pain is a bit better too, but the pain i do have is right in the socket of the hips and in my lower back, the sacro joints. I am seeing a physio but i haven't progressed much really. I also had an operation on my right hip in 2009 for bursa removal. I am hoping that my hips are just taking their time in healing....I can't live like this.

    From Emma

    Hi Emma (Great name!!!) :)

    Unfortunately, my hip is no better either!!!!! I still get the same pain as before, in fact it is probably worse now as i am 2 and a half years on and the arthritis has got worse, but cos you live with the pain daily, its hard to gauge. One thing i do know for sure, is my hip is a lot less flexible than it was 2 years ago, i can hardly open that hip now!!

    I know that my next stop is a THR. Which part of my would love to have done now, but on the whole, i don't want to have it done until i absolutely have to!!! So, i just keep going until i get to a point when im sure i will know that i can't stand it any longer! At least then i will know, if it doesn't turn out well, that i waited till i couldn't bare it and was at the end of the road with my own joint!

    Only you can decide if you've reached that point and if you think you have, then i would push for a THR. And as you are young, they will give you the best quality one, one that lasts the longest!! :) You may have to be pushy about it though, so be prepared for that!

    Good luck! :)
  • EmmaJ83
    EmmaJ83 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for the reply Emma. Can i ask what age you are? I just wonder if you are young for this trouble too. I know what you mean about the stiffness, my right hip is really stiff when it goes out to the side - infact i would say its worse than before, it is very tight, but i'm just hoping it will get better as i am only 5 months on from my first HA. My physio said today that i will continue to do my stretches but that it might improve, or it may be like this forever from the operation. I just want to be better, i have been in and out of hospital so much now for 3 years, i just want to get a quality of life back. I think it might come to a THR in the future, but i hope for not some time yet.
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I would say give it to a year! If no better by then, then it's probably not going to be!

    I'm 42 years old, but my hip started to get bad in my early 30's!! So I've put up with this for a long time now and that's why I opted for the HA. I was warned it might not work, they haven't perfected the op yet!!

    The only reason I carry on is cos I can still walk reasonably well without being in agony, enough to walk my dog around the park and walk around sainsburys, before it starts to pinch and ache!

    I've taken up aquafit to try and loosen up the joint and strengthen the muscles around my joints.

    The thing I hate the most is its completely affected my sex life! I'm in agony every time I have sex! :(
  • EmmaJ83
    EmmaJ83 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes my surgeon said i had to give it a year, then i'll see what i think. I would be happy if i could (like you) go around the shops, go around the supermarket and walk my dogs. I'm not wanting to go hiking or anything! I just want to be able to get out and about. My hips started when i was 22! It really does take over your life doesn't it? It's all i think about and all i feel. Well i know what you mean about the sex part too - before i had the HA if i had sex i couldn't walk for a week afterwards - i literally hobbled everywhere, it was terrible.... i haven't tried it yet though since my op's. Aquafit sounds good though. What sort of dog do you have? I have 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have a Jack Russell/Dachshund cross, but he has very long legs, so we think there must have been a Parson JR in his family at some point. He is gorgeous and so placid, we love him :) If i knew how to add a picture, id put one up to show you, lol :D

    Im not working at the moment, i haven't worked since last May. It's a long story. But i must say that it has made soooo much difference not working and being able to go at my own pace!! I do miss not seeing my work friends and seeing people every day, but on the whole i am happier not working. Its not good financially, but were trying to manage. Do you work? If so, what do you do?

    Are you in a relationship at the moment? We have sex in the spoons position, its not too bad, you may want to consider that when you do try again :) x
  • EmmaJ83
    EmmaJ83 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Emma,

    Aww he sounds cute, my 2 are both girls, they are also so lovely and placid. They are real lap dogs. I am not working either, i last worked in 2008, i have been at home since then. It worked out well though really as i wouldn't have been able to work with all this trouble. I used to do a heavy lifting job and stand on my feet all day, so i actually wondered if that made me worse, as back then i wasn't as bad as i am now. I know what you mean about seeing people, i don't see anyone here, we live in the country too so i am quite isolated. It would be great to make new friends but its hard to meet people. I think you always lose touch with people when you leave a place of work. It is better for me not to work though, well i can't anyway, luckily i don't have to as my husband has a good job. Where abouts do you live? I am in Devon.
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I live in south west London. I'm pleased you arnt under any pressure to work and have a supportive husband, it really helps :)

    With regards to friends, I'm desperately trying to keep in touch with work colleagues, I meet them for lunch once a week in their lunch hour, don't know how long it will last though!

    I'm hoping to make friends at the aquafit, which I'm about to go to now :) its only my second week and in the first session I've already chatted to someone with arthritis!! I didn't realise it was so common in young people till I came on this forum!! I thought I was young to get it as mine started at 29 years old! I'm recovering from an op on my toe at the mo to remove boney growth due to Arthur which was making it so painful to walk on top of my hips and right knee starting to join in now too! :( ive also got it in my neck, left elbow, all joints in both hands!! Where else do u have arthritis??
  • EmmaJ83
    EmmaJ83 Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well Emma i have been told i have Synovitus in my right hip, which is an inflammation of the tissue there, my surgeon said he couldn't see arthritus in the op's. But i don't know too much about the synovitus, i don't know if it will turn into arthritus eventually. My husband is so great, he has really looked after me so much, and he really does understand what i am going through. I just find it all so frustrating, its not the sort of operation where a couple of weeks later you think"thats me better now" it just takes so long to heal, i don't think other people realise that, unless you have gone through it yourself. I don't know what i would have done if i had to go back to work, and i don't know how some people do to be honest, i'm not even driving yet.