AV vote

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 8. May 2011, 15:09 in Community Chit-chat archive
the way L look at it is that I'm pissed off with this system we already have so bugger it a change is due, really should have had the chance for the prortional rep system but that would be to democratic so no chance there Del.


  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    AV is just a distraction tactic. Referenda should have been on:

    1. Should we leave the EU to it's fate, rather than continue financially propping up corrupt governments?

    2. Should we reduce the number of MPs to 200 and make them work for a living, thus saving £billions per year?

    Too many pigs in the trough.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    AV is just a distraction tactic. Referenda should have been on:

    1. Should we leave the EU to it's fate, rather than continue financially propping up corrupt governments?

    2. Should we reduce the number of MPs to 200 and make them work for a living, thus saving £billions per year?

    Too many pigs in the trough.

    now this would have voted on not the waste of money this one is for when we suposed to be making savings when we can
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well the way I see it it maybe a distraction and yes WE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO VOTE ON THE EU they wont allow it as they know what we would say which pi*&es me off deeply!, but if we leave it as it is they the pigs have won haven't they, it's a small step towards democracy is how I look at it, and another thing it's odd when we ever invade a country and kick out the nutter in charge we put in the proportional representation system how odd is that!?, if it's good for them it should be good for us!.
    Ask yourself this are you happy with the system we have now?, if AV gets bined forget having another chance of a vote within our lifetimes.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Bout right Rehab - l only hope they don't mistake it for us wanting things to stay the same...

    l for one want change - just not AV!
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well I voted for it only due to the fact if it were voted down then the old worn out two party dictatorship system (I don’t count the liberals in with them they are a vote abstaining party a social default that is there for those who can’t force themselves to vote for the other two real parties) Anyway now it’s over feel happy in the fact that the same old stale 2 party dictatorship is well entrenched now so we will never gat the chance of any kind of change ever.
    So what now, hmm well as fare as I can see it we the society who pay for everything i.e. the plebs will get more and more disillusioned with them as they carry on the same old game of divide and conquer, thing is we have had massive social changes forced on us all and the society as they know it doesn’t exist now but the old style class dictatorship still runs things from behind it’s barbed wired and armed police security.
    Tells you all you need to know they don’t trust us one inch so they build barricades against us as they now fear all of us, yet it’s they that have seeded and encouraged the very diversification and the fractures within the greater society that it has made real the very threat they now worry about so much, and it doesn’t just threaten them but that now threaten them and us as well, good one guy’s!.
    You can’t have multiple groups forced to cohabit in a weird social homogenous mass experiment without problems if you think that way you’re a t%t, everything is in a state of social flux and is far more complex to control than it use to be yet the very ones at the top who made the massive social changes we all now have to live with have not changed or adjusted to accommodate the 21st century society they have made, if we had a PR political system we would not have invaded Iraq or Afghanistan as it would be impossible to get them all singing from the same corrupt song sheet they use right now, this maybe seen as a political mess to some but then again a lot of people would still be alive who aren’t.
    They toss us off with equerries and investigations yet they still all go and vote for more wars even after the mess were already in due to their inability to vote by applying logic, Libya was a classic case 500 voted yes, you’d have thought we’d had enough of that kind of thing especially after Iraq but I bet a lot of them are going to “be alright” in the years to come BAE systems will sort that out no doubt.
    So why do they always go for wars I hear you ask?, the reason isn’t “saving lives” it’s got all to do with lobby groups, the two parties we have to chose from hold to much power, they get corrupted by big business kick backs in brown envelope’s and offers of positions on the board, that’s what sways votes and that is the biggest problem we face, massive internal corruption, it can’t survive as it does here right now in modern multi party PR politics that’s why we didn’t get a sniff at PR here like almost every other country does, funny thing is it’s the system we force on those we invade and down the barrel of a big British made gun!.
    It’s all to do with money and the old gravy train, Libya is a chance for arms selling and cheap oil and lucrative reconstruction contracts and this system feeds this kind of bent politics.
    PR would have helped stop some of the insane wars we so love to fight but it’s not to be, so don’t moan about it now you’ve voted for no change you have made your bed so to speak, but remember nature abhors a vacuum and the same
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Mell :???:

    thing is the vote should have been for change or no change - not for the currents system or a worse one. Unfortunately this result could be mistaken for no change when in fact (for me it was better than the change they suggested, no change that is....

    l'm sure you know what l mean anyway.

    Raining again....


    Toni xx
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thing is the last thing they want is to let us near democracy, were a modern nation but with an old worn out politicle engine under the bonnet, sooner but probably later they will have to change as less and less people are voting due to it being pointless.
    Hey I see Nick Clegg has been well kippered up Cameron, he's kind of like his bitch isn't he!.
  • ichabod6
    ichabod6 Member Posts: 843
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The politicians are only the face.

    The establishment and big money rule; always has;
    always will.

    Democracy is a nice theory; always was; always will