What a start to the day!!

Dottydoodah Member Posts: 169
edited 17. May 2011, 08:33 in Community Chit-chat archive
I was rudely awoken at 4.30am by the sound of a demented blackbird. At first i lay there wondering why it was making such a racket so early, then, i realised i had not shut my bedroom window when i went to bed. OH NO!!! The cat!

As i posted before, she is heavily pregnant (was sure she'd have them by now) I looked out and to my horror she had climbed right to the top of our magnolia tree and was balancing on some very shaky branches. The blackbird was dive bombing her. As i cant move too well i had to wake OH up. He went out there (grumbling under his breath "bloody women" ) 20 minutes later still up the tree. Now she is crying. I cant bare to watch in case she falls to the ground.
After a few more minutes, in desperation she leaps onto the roof of our bungalow. And, people, that is where she still is!!! I dont know what to do. She is so fat and round with the kittens i think her balance is affected and i am terrified she is going to fall.

What a start to the day!! :eek:


  • jellybaby45
    jellybaby45 Bots Posts: 58
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dotty been there ,always when aching and half asleep ,ok calm down cup of tea, She not going anywhere is she, she may be able to find her way down once calm is restored,meantime has anyone got an extending ladder ,a big bag like a laundry bag or something ,gently scoop her ,tempt her little piece of ham bacon chicken,you know what she likes ,Dotty sorry I cant be very much help but hope someone else can help to fingers crossed it really will be okay just try not to get to uoset meantime.Jelly.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I’d get a plank up there if you have one she will make her own way down it, and anyway cats are cats and normally she will get down in her own good time so I wouldn’t worry and for gods sake don’t call the fire brigade that will really tick them off, is there anyone in the road who you can ask for help?.
    Now the reason the black bird was making all the noise and the reason it rudely awakened you is obviously it has a nest up there and was trying to protect it’s young, if tiddles you had managed to get there she would have slaughtered the lot it’s what cats do, so don’t blame the black bird he/she was just doing what any good parent would do and.in the only way it knows how.
  • Dottydoodah
    Dottydoodah Member Posts: 169
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You are a star Mellman. OH had to go to work so i was left here faced with it. I called over the fence to my neighbour and she said they had a long plank. It worked!! So thank you.

    Thanks Jelly. I was just so frightened she would fall off either the tree or the roof! She is soooo round she looks like shes swallowed a football :lol:

    I wasnt angry with the blackbird. To make matters worse 2 magpies joined in too!! All were swooping down on her like a bombing raid.
    Anyway... alls well now. She is firmly locked in and now sleeping next to her nest box. I do wish she would hurry up and give birth. My nerves cant stand much more :oops: :lol:
  • Dottydoodah
    Dottydoodah Member Posts: 169
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    mellman01 wrote:
    ... and for gods sake don’t call the fire brigade that will really tick them off, ...

    and as it's not an emergency you are likely to be charged the cost of the call out.

    would never do that, my father was a fire engine driver
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    glad all is well have better day
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    See cats are smart, they know whats what but they are a tad "if I make enough noise me owner will do it for me" kind of like me with the wife!. Anyway she's down, now keep an eye on that birds nest as well as your kittly that said I'm not sure how, just one minute!, thinking about it do you have a lockable cat flap?, I guess you could select it to only allow her in and put her out last thing at night and once she's comes back in she and the blackbird would be safe. And you never know you might just catch that black cat that's been giving her trouble, if you do pick it up make a fuss of it then open the back door but before you let it go put some chilli sauce on it's bum!, I guranty you it wont be back for a long time!. :oops: :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh Dotty I am glad she is down safe and sound....we had a cat years ago crying outside of our bedroom window...its an house..she was sat on the narrow window sill....and was crying to come in through the widow.. :shock: so we got out of bed...got the ladder up..my oh climbs up in his pyjamas.....what does she do....jumps into next doors tree :roll: ..it was a jump of around 5ft....that is how she got there in the first place...you can imagine the language :lol::lol:
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dotty

    I'm so glad that your cat is safely down from the roof. My cat frequently climbs onto the roof of the bungalow behind my house. I've no idea how he gets there ( probably via the fence/ garage ) and it can be a worry to watch him walking casually along the ridge tiles without a care in the world. In the warm weather, he has been known to sunbathe up there too. :roll:

    I hope that the kittens will arrive soon. Judging from your description of your cat's size, they must be due any time. Let us know how many she has, and what they are like when they arrive.
