just had the worst time with OH

annajd Member Posts: 27
Hi all

sometimes i just give up!!

when i was diagnosed with my arthritis, i let my employer know and they referred me to occupational health so that i can get systems in place to help my work life easier.

well what a complete nightmare!!!

the Dr was not at all interested in what my GP has told me and advised, he decided he would be the judge and decided to do some routine tests like how far i can bend, reflexes etc. all i was expecting was how could they help me, by putting in processes, to do my job and not let it impact my daily life.

he could not understand that i have been self managing this for the last 15 years and will continue to do, the only reason i was seeing him was because i have a name for what i have been feeling. he totally bilittled my condition saying that if everyone my age (31) was xrayed, they would also have arthritis and wasnt at all uncommon. he wouldnt listen to anything that i disccussed with my GP such as pain control, surgery and even decided to draw me a diagram to show me where my arthritis was and how big the area was - all without seeing any of my xrays/scans.

he questioned what i was doing to help myself so i told him i attend back care classes, have get a plan in place from the physio, do lots of gentle walks and even lost 2 stone to help so now a size 12 instead of 14/16, im 5'6 - the answer i got was " well youre not thin though are you!!!) there were also some other things he said but you get the idea, things werent good.

by this time i was balling my eyes out and said how could you say these things, just been diagnosed. Was he questioing my GP?, i am not asking for time off and have never taking a day off from work with my pain as just got on with it.

anyway to cut a long story short (even though it is long) the occy health manager found out about my experience and was very upset at my encounter with that nasty little man that she ended up re doing the assessment and was fantastic. she agreed with everything my GP advised and said that i was very posistive and was doing all i can to self manage. she has now referred me to a gait specialist as she thinks they may be able to help and am even going to a university on Thurs to have a full skeletal assesment, where students will write a dissertation on me and write a full plan to help me manage the condition.

what a difference two people can be!!

needless to say a full complaint will be submitted about him

has anyone ever had this happen to them????
x Anna x


  • rugbygirl
    rugbygirl Member Posts: 691
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am sorry to hear about your experience with the OH. I have had some DR's with Bad bedside manners but never to that extent. I am glad to hear that you had a better experience with the second person.

    I hope you get a good response from your complaint. Its not easy losing weight when you have a back problem but at a size 12 there was no way he could say you were not slim. You are a lot slimmer than I am and I have been diagnosed with OA of the spine but I have had nothing but support from my network of doctors. I hope things work out for you.

    Take care
  • annajd
    annajd Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jaki

    Thanks for your response and you're right it wasn't easy to lose weight but even harder to maintain but I'm trying.
    I cannot understand why he was like that and will be writing to him and think its fair to say that I expect a full apology, although I realise may be difficult

    Perhaps he was having a bad day
    x Anna x
  • jayneys
    jayneys Member Posts: 122
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh Anna that is terrable that that horrid little man treated you like that ,im so glad you got it sorted out .Iwent to OH for the first time about seven weeks ago ,and the nurse was very good ,i dont know what i would have done if i was seen by someone like him .Hope all gose well for you. best wishes Jayne
  • annajd
    annajd Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks both for your replies. I have this morning received a copy of the letter that will go to my line manager from the nasty little man.

    Can you belive it, he has actually put all the recommendations that i asked for, like taking regular breaks away from my desk, not standing in the same place for long!!!! why be horrible to me and then and advise my line manager of ways to assist me.

    and to top it off he wrote that he hasnt set up a follow up interview but would be pleased to see me again should i need to! well i wont be pleased to see him again and have actually said that i will refuse to see him again.

    anyway time to compose my letter to him and Delboy, i will be making a complaint after i have received a letter back from him to see what he has to say for himself. there is no way that anyone should be treated like that.

    on a more positive note, cannot wait to have my full skeletal asssessment at the university on thursday
    x Anna x