Getting sorted but it takes so long .

jilly Member Posts: 503
edited 26. May 2011, 05:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone hope you are all feeling ok and not in to much pain. I am still getting on ok with the new meds for my inflamatory arthritis but my OA in my knee is really bad , i have'nt been able to walk on it for a couple of weeks , I put in for a electric wheelchair, they came to see me the other day and said i could have one but it will be at least 3 months before i can have one.
I have also had an assesment for a stair lift to get up stairs.I also cant get in the shower anymore so asked if they could do something to help me. They said i could'nt have a stairlift because my knees dont tuck in enough. So now they have to go away and see if there is a way to get me sorted i think it is going to take a long time to sort it out and i bet i dont get any help in the end . It all takes so long to get sorted out it gets you down . I hated being asked all the questions and telling them things about my personal stuff.
I hope i get some help as my husband as been diagnosed with lung desease and gets very short of breath helping me with stairs and pushing the wheelchair, it will be great to be able to take myself out to the shops again when the wheelchair does come. .moan over , just feeling down at the moment and very old...............jillyx


  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi again,

    Poor you. If it's any help, I feel old too :wink:
    I'm sorry about all the hassle and stress you've been getting. I wouldn't have thought getting a wheelchair or stairlift would take so long.
    Sorry to hear about your husband too. You both could do with a wee holiday, somewhere warm.
    I do hope things improve with you soon and you get your super duper wheelchair quicker than 3 months!

    Take care,

    Eileen x
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Eileen , yes a holiday would be so good it as been a long winter the cold makes things worse . I am really looking forward to the new wheelchair but it will take a bit of getting used to , i had a go with the one they brought to the house , drove around my kitchen very strange to steer but really good .
    My hubby is really suffering at the moment he is coughing all the time night and day . It seems he needs to be on anti-biotics most of the time for the rest of his life . It will also get worse as he ages , I really feel for him , he works for himself and cant even take any time off. Life is hard at times is'nt it . well i will keep an eye out for your posts ..........jillyxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jilly,

    I am sorry that things aren't working out for you and your husband at the moment, I do wish there was something I could do for you but all I can do is send really big hugs for both of you, and to say I will be thinking of you.

    Karen xx
    Karen xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The time will pass. I know that is cold-comfort but at least something to help will be coming your way. Three months ago it was February - that doesn't seem too long now, does it?

    I am sure the chair will help, I cannot have a stair lift either as ours are too steep and narrow, and there is no room at the top or bottom for the bendy bit, so it's a move for us but not until I know where I am with orthopaedics.

    I know it's not easy accepting that these gadgets are now to play a part in our lives but I for one am grateful that I live in an age where they can be provided. I know the electric scooter/buggy is on the horizon: OK, I don't WANT one but it will make such a big difference to the quality of my life, and that of Mr DD too. That is the important bit. Independent walking is history now, but the buggy might mean that for the first time in years I could actually hold his hand as I bowl along. That is a lovely thought. As for old age - it holds no terrors for me, I am living it already at the grand young age of 52. My mind is still fairly youthful though - that helps.

    I hope they can sort out what is wrong with your husband. Could it be an industrially-related type of lung problem? I know he works damned hard too - perhaps a little too much? Self-employment has its boons, but some pretty major drawbacks too. I hope the hens are well - did you ever try giving them raisins? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jilly, Their must be something in the air! I'm feeling old and runndown! And I don't feel my 37yrs old I should be more like 87yrs old! I ache and feel tired all the time. I have a manual wheelchair, I got it via the voucher scheme you are aloud if you become disabled, you need to ask you G.P about it. My wheelchair took about 3 weeks to come. Hope the wheelchair comes quicker for you, take care. Amanda (bubbadog). :smile: