Doctors think they are gods i am sick to death of them

jilly Member Posts: 503
edited 3. Jun 2011, 05:52 in Living with Arthritis archive
Morning everyone , I had to post to you all , i am so upset . Yesterday I got a repeatmeds when i opened them there was only half of the morphine tablets, so i rang this morning to be told that again the same doctor that had done it before had decided i should change my meds to something she prefers . She as gone on holiday for 6 weeks now so i cant even speak to her .
I have never even met this doctor but about 9 months or so ago she did this . That time she stopped me having it and I had to go to the pain clinic to be assessed . They said it was fine and so i was left on it .
I dont understand how a doctor i have never met can interfere with my meds . The trouble is my doctor is on holiday so I cant talk to her until a week on friday . I am monitored all time by my doctor so why can she do this . I am so angry and upset .
Last time she told me over the phone my meds where not good and she didnt like them, so i had to come off and go on tramadol , I stopped them for 7 days and suffered terrible withdrawalls , I then went on the tramadol and suffered iwith terrible pain . I then went to the pain clinic and was told they where the best meds for me and wrote to the doctors .

My doctor put me back on them and said i would have no more trouble . She told me not to go to the other doctor which as i said i have never met, I have never been to her ever . The trouble is she does the repeats a lot so thats why she has stopped them again . You would think she could'nt do this would'nt you .
I cant see my doctor because she is away until friday next so i cant do anything until then . I dont go to anyone only her so i will have to wait.
The problem is if you say anything they take you off there books and you have to get another doctor , so I cant say how i feel . I think they have no right to interfere with someone elses patient when i have never seen her .
I have been sat here getting more and more upset , so i am sorry i had to rant at my good friends here . Thanks for letting me vent my venem , hope you are all not in to much pain .................jillyx


  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    That is terrible, she had no right to do that. Surely there is another doc you could try get in to see today or tomorrow, not ideal I know as your doc is on holiday. They should not ever be allowed to just stop a powerful opiode like that anyway. Please try and get in to see another doc as soon as you can. Hopefully they will understand the situation, especially if told that its the pain clinic who have you on the meds.
    You could even try ringing the pain clinic secretary, I'm sure that if you stress how upsetting this is and the obvious impact it will have on you to go without the meds they will try to do something. It is DISGUSTING... Who does this doc think she is to over rule the pain clinic..


    Let us know how you go on, but please don't sit back and do nothing till your doc gets back..
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for the advise Tony , they really are like Gods . It is my body I have not got the inflamitory arthritis sorted out yet I still have pain all over my body , i started the new meds a few weeks ago . I dont need all this at the moment life is bad enough . I may ring and see someone else if i can. Thanks again Tony, hope you are feeling a bit better .........jillyxx
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    As you say hun, we are the ones suffering.. I had a similar thing last year with a doctor just stopping my dihydrocodiene (I was taking approx three times the highest recommended dose at that point) straight away, no coming off them a bit at a time etc, just stop taking them today, start the tramadol tomorrow.. I went through weeks of Hell, real withdrawal.. Horrible..
    I don't want you having to go through something like that for a start...
    Get yourself seen by someone soon hun, please...

    If the pain clinic have prescribed something then a gp has no place questioning it. You definitely need to tell your pain doctor regardless of what happens. They need to know that they are being undermined... I'm sure they won't be too pleased either.

    Best wishes hun.
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jilly,

    If I lived a lot nearer to you I would be round to you then round to your doctors surgery demanding that they do something immediatley and would not move until they did.

    That is so so wrong what that doctor has done. They cant just decide to take you off of drugs like that.

    I am so so cross, for you that they have done this.

    Karen xx
    Karen xx
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Karen and Tony ,
    My husband is really annoyed at them too, but they have the upper hand , someone else had something like the same happen to them , because he kicked up a fuss he was thrown out of the medical centre and had to get another doctor . They have to much power we dont ask to be put on the medication and then treat you like a drug addict when you have been on them a while . I am struggling to keep the pain down and need a wheelchair to get about . I dont know what they think I am taking them for ''pleasure '' .
    She should'nt be interfering with my meds but she can and what can i do .The doctors all stick together if it comes down to it , as Tony says i am going to get intouch with the pain clinic and ask what they can do . thanks for your kind words ..............jillyxx
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Tony I should have said , I have taken your advise I am seeing someone else , even that i have to wait until next week, we have to ring each day at 8 oclock in the morning to get an appointment . I am also going to speak to the pain clinic , again Tony thanks for advise ............jillyxx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    They DO NOT have the upper hand......they only have as much leeway as you allow them. you can tell I'm angry :x
    Sounds a weird situation where she does repeat prescriptions and never sees you....I dont think a lot of my GP but at least he insists on a review every so often......There must be someone higher than this doc that you can go to {phone and complain} If you were kicked out of the practice for complaining ...I dont know offhand....but i'm sure there is a body that regulates this sort of thing. Its your body....not theirs.
    eg.....I have epilepsy which is well controlled {30 years} but I still take medication for that......a young physio suggested a tens machine{for arthur} and I told her i'd been adviced not to use one incase it started seizures. oK.....that was that or so i thought.....the next week the same youngster said to me.....I've made an appointment for you to see the girl that will show you the tens machine and lend you one for a while......I said to her....very nicely......I thought we discussed a tens machine last week and I explained. She said Oh that its OK.....I've written to your GP and he said go ahead.
    THEN I NEARLY WENT THROUGH THE ROOF :x Told her it was my body and not my GP's and no way was I using a tens machine.
    Stick up for yourself.....sorry if I sound harsh
    good luck
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Heleena, Thanks for your help .you are quite right I am not going to allow her to do this to me . I have spent the afternoon thinking about it how dare she do this to me .I will sort it out with my proper GP . I would'nt mind but she has gone on holiday for 6 weeks (all right for some) I think she also should have let me know she had stopped them and removed them from my repeat list. You asked why does she do the repeats with out reviewing it , she isnt my gp my gp does do reviews i so her 3 weeks ago , she as nothing to do with me at all, I have never met her. I am glad I havent I might hit her on the nose lol
    I will post when i get to see my GP ..............thanks again .........jillyx
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jilly

    I am so shocked at reading your thread. I am sure another gp should not be doing what the gp has done, refusing to prescribe your meds. Not even calling you to talk about it. Unbelievable. You must be so angry and upset. I would be and you just do not need that. It is all so unnecessary.

    Why not call PALS for advice as well. You could relate to them what you have said to us and see what they have to say about it.

    As Tony says, see another gp in the meantime.

    I do hope this gets sorted asap and you don't have to go all through this yet again. it just should not be happening.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Elna, Thanks for your kind help , I am going to see my own gp next week that is why it is so annoying I have a GP that is looking after my health, it is nothing to do with this other GP that has butted in . She must of been doing the repeats for the practice that day i sent mine in so what it was to do with her i dont understand . This is the second time she as done it to me , I had to go to the pain clinic last time after she stopped me having it last time . Yes I dont need this at the moment I am really down . Thanks for your kind help ....................jillyx
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    This is such a ridiculous situation that you shouldn't even be in. I'm quite sure that they would be in pretty bad trouble with PALS for kicking you out of their practice just for making a complaint stuck as this. As long as you complain in the correct manner they would have no call to remove you from the practice....

    It may well be with changing practise anyway if this had happened before.. I know you said that appointments are not too easy to get (similar to my old ones) but do they do like that one and have a walk-in surgery? I just wondered if you had enough meds to cover you until next week. If not then maybe the drop-in thing could be worth it, if they have one.. In tired, so I hope that makes sense...

    No matter what happens I wish you well mi dear :grin:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Tony for the good advise , I made my mind up yesterday they are'nt going to bully me this time . I have made an appointment to see my usual GP but she is only in on Friday next so i will have to wait until then , I have got enough to last me as luck would have it as i always stay a couple of weeks in front since the last time this happened. My usual doctor advised me to do this . I am going to ask the practise to explain to me why she as done this ., I wondered if i can ask for the GP not to deal with my case in the future if that is possible . I will post and let you know as you have given me so much advise thanks again . I hope you are'nt in to much pain today, its sounds like you are having a lot of pain at the moment ....jillyxx
  • lavenderlady
    lavenderlady Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    our Drs surgery has a practice manager who deals with problems like this, no way should another Dr who does not know you make such a crucial decision, our local boots also has a bit of clout with the surgery in what medication we take etc they often call the practice manager to check if they dont agree with a change of something which in your case they would have done so, my daughter in law is a receptionist at another Drs surgery, I will ask her if her practice would allow this as I'm sure ours would not, totalkly out of order so while shes swanning about on holiday your left suffering in pain so out of order let us know what happens be strong x
  • justinbarrow
    justinbarrow Member Posts: 338
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Some Drs are funny about pain killers as they can become addictive but when you need them you need them and strong pain killers should not be disrupted abruptly. I wish I could do without my pain killers then i could rid myself of constipation and other effects but my body needs them.

    Hope you are well as can be :smile:
  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry Jilly, just caught up with your post and I am so sorry - and truly appalled - by what has happened to you (again!).

    I can't add anything to what has already been said, so just to say that I am really glad you have enough meds to tide you over until you see your GP next week. Oh, one thing that has just occurred to me - given that your normal doc is very much on your side about this, do you think she would write a note for your file, with a copy for you to keep, stating that these meds should not be changed without proper consultation with her. That way, if it happens again, you could produce this note to show whoever was doing the prescription repeats. Just a thought.

    Thinking of you Jilly and hoping you can get this resolved.

    Love Tilly xxx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Again
    Glad you are standing up for yourself......I have epilepsy {as well as arthur} which is well controlled but am on meds......anytime I see a new doc they say.....havent seen those ones in years and some of them one takes those anymore.......mono therapy is the way to go {I take 2 diffferent ones} we'll change them. I just have to stand my ground and say NO YOU WONT....I'm stable, I'm driving, etc and taking no chances having me medication messed about with
    Keep us up to date on how things go
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tilly , Thanks for your support , that is a good idea to put it on my files I will ask about that , I must admit I am feeling down and in a lot of pain today , I bet it is the agro with the doctors .I hope it is only today . Thanks again ............jillyx
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Helenna , I dont blame you for not changing what you know is working for you . I think it is time doctors listened to the patients and included them in there treatment . thanks for your kind posts ...........jillyx
  • jilly
    jilly Member Posts: 503
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi justinbarrow , Thanks for your post , yes you are quite right about the addiction to the painkillers, we would'nt be on them unless we needed them . I would give anything to do without out them . thanks again jillyx