Thatchers little monster!

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 11. Jul 2011, 07:21 in Community Chit-chat archive
Now is it me or does anyone else feel that Murdoch although wounded will like some malevolent morphing beast claw his way into the shadows sit it out for a while then in time just re-immerge and latch itself to the soft white underbelly of our political system and media.
This all started with one Mrs Thatcher who sold her soul ( if she has one that is) and more importantly us to him lock stock and barrel by applying a little shock doctrine on our arses, well if it was good enough for the CIA and then Dear old Ronald Regan then it was good enough for her and Murdoch.
fisrtly she helped him by getting her boot boys ie the SPG and MET coppers to destroy the old press closed shop system (and the unions that held sway there) this allow him total freedom to hire and fire, and more importantly, much more effectivly spreed her right wing propaganda to us the masses.
We the plebs effectivly went from one sort of dictator to another that's all that happend, the unions died and a right wing junta resplendent with it's modern Goebbels ended up in charge trouble is like many dictatorships the propaganda minestry tends to end up out of control and has far more power than it's master.
If we had a proportional political system this kind of media parasite would have little chance of surviving, our political system is so none democratic it’s purpose built for people like him to infect.
Cameron even now doesn’t get it how can he, he and his ministers were brought up with this man and his machine sitting at the heart of their party same goes for Labour, they have been around this man so long he’s effectively part of them and the system.
With luck he will have to learn to live without him for a bit, that's no bad thing but if the political system doesn’t change and I fear it wont, it will react as it normally does by B S'ing us all with another highly controlled pointless investigation as has happened many times before, it will the usual old whitewash and then once the dust has settled and we've all moved on as they say the old contact will be re-establish, and like always the rotten and totally out of date political system will have us all where it want us, and so again we will be deigned any reform or real freedom and Murdoch will hold court again only slightly deeper in the shadows this time.
We have had massive change forced on us over many years but the one thing that doesn’t/hasn't change along with us is the political system, it may well have been good enough in Cromwell’s time but not these day’s it’s effectively an obsolete dinosaur of a system designed to allow a minority dictatorship total power. it doesn't matter if left or right get in, it's a game to them, it's better than working for a living that's for sure.
Our leaders have a really really bad habit of doing things for themselves and their close business friends rather than what is best for us and this country and that is a direct result of a stale political system out of date and sync with modern times and aspirations.
Hacking phones and bribing Police is part of it, I wonder how many politicians have money stashed away from dealings with the omnipresent Stasi like grave robbing machine of his. Sadly that information you and I will never ever be allowed to know, they will make bloody sure of it so to will the Police, their as bent as the rest they covered it up first time round that says it all.
I gave up sky TV years ago due to the fact I knew how acidic he was and how crap his press machine was it just felt wrong giving him my money.
Why anyone buys the news of the world or the sun and believes the s&*t it comes out with beggers my mind, it's disturbing that it's Hmmm readers are allowed to operate machinery and vote, mind you votes mean nothing it's the driving that worries me!.


  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a load of crap
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kev4 wrote:
    What a load of crap

    I would suggest that unless you have a constructive criticism of the subject that you refrain from from posting.

    Moderator Z
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kev4 wrote:
    What a load of crap
    Well I love Mells rants... spot on has usual....he as probably gone off to let his spleen rest... :lol:
  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Moderator wrote:
    kev4 wrote:
    What a load of crap

    I would suggest that unless you have a constructive criticism of the subject that you refrain from from posting.

    Moderator Z

    I had a opinion and posted it!! Still think it's a load of crap, Whats happening now as nothing to do with Maggie. All Political parties can be accused of being to close to newspaper proprietors, including unions.

    Remember all this happened under a Labour Government,

    The Sun backed Bliar, wonder what he promised Murdoch for that support.
  • alanthemanc
    alanthemanc Bots Posts: 512
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kev...... Sorry son your deluded mate. Murdoch is devil incarnate, this man must be stopped at all costs.Too much power breeds corruption in a capitalist society. post Iv'e read in years, keep it up. ALanthemanc
  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    It's obvious you know little about politics and the media Kev, Mellman has it spot on. I vividly remember the the brutality of the police during the miners strike and the battles in Wapping over Murdoch's tactic regarding the Times.

    Thousands of jobs were lost and the unions broken so that she could impose her idea of utopia (George Orwell's 1984 was her handbook) on the populace.

    It's time our leadership showed some spine and stood up to this insidious little man.

    I also remember the brutality of the miners Union, intimidation and threats to miners and there family's. They worn't allowed to vote on the strike, just ordered out. If you did't follow then the bully boys came visiting.

    Scargill did't care about the miners, all he was interested in was power and controlling the Country. Constantly threatening to bring the country to a standstill with strikes.

    He used the Miners to grab control of the country, Fortunately he lost.
  • alanthemanc
    alanthemanc Bots Posts: 512
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yeh, but the only problem with your argument is that Scargill was proved to be right all along. She had an agenda which she denied, and Scargill like him or not, was proved to be 100% right, so youv'e no real argument Tory boy have you. Alanthemanc
  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yeh, but the only problem with your argument is that Scargill was proved to be right all along. She had an agenda which she denied, and Scargill like him or not, was proved to be 100% right, so youv'e no real argument Tory boy have you. Alanthemanc

    Scargill was a bully who ruined the mining industry, If he had not tried to hold the country to ransom more mines would still be open.

    They both had agenda's, Scargill wanted to control the country via the back door, He used the Miners for is own political ambition.

    Maggie's agenda was to stop the Unions from taking over the country. If Scargill had won, this country would have being ruined.

    I'm not saying the system we have now is great, it's got lots of flaws but it's far better then it would have being if Scargill had won.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 10. Jul 2011, 08:52
    Jesus Kev not very deep “it’s all wubbish!”you need to do a bit more reading, also go and talk to David Mellor MP he’s of the same view as me seeming he was a Tory MP in Thatchers governemt at the time I’d think his view is more valid than yours.
    Right I’ll put it slightly easier for you, this is about who was Thatcher’s propaganda minister OK.
    right one Mrs Thatcher used Murdoch to spread her right wing views and propaganda he in return for supported her (remember the headline in the Sun when she got into power?, “It was the Sun wot won it” ) she and he were right wing union hating zealots who lovers of the free market above all else.
    She supported him in his destruction of the closed shop printing industry here by sending her boot boys into crack skulls of the protesting union members during the Wapping riots he got his way and the old ways were gone so the stage was set for his domination of the media here and now after all those years she has long since gone but our political parties, well all two of them still need and brown nose Murdoch relentlessly to get on his good side as his influence is even bigger than when Mr T was up his chuffer and he hers, and sadly people like you actually buy and try and red his comics like the Sun and News of the World( I love the name someone had a sense of humour when they thought that one up) and more worrying you believe what it he tells you and, you and many others let it effect your voting habits without questioning any of the crap he's printing. Thank god for the few truly independent paeprs such as the Guardian they at least put stories up to try and expose corruption and wrong doing as any good decent paper should, that's what without them this would have been kept well hidden.
    Anyway going on about Miners and unions is all well and good but has little to do with why Murdoch is so powerful and why he still is, and more importantly why has he been so above the law until now.
    It’s because Thatcher gave him support and she gave him free reign way back then, he would not be allowed to own all he does here say in the US or Australia, now why is that?, Oh yeah rules made by politicians who have no friendship and more importantly direct dealings with this man so he has little or no political influence. so is where he should be, kept in his box
    Here it’s totally different he owns so much of our media outlets his influence now runs to bribing Police, phone hacking and worse right at the top he’s bed fellows with Cameron or whoever is PM, he’s an infestation and has less charm than a snake and he’s infected our complete political system thanks to Mrs T cutting a deal with him all those years ago, it should have never happened but it did and THATCHER let him that’s a fact you can’t ignore.
    For you sense of well being and to liberate your mind from the crap you’ve been spoon fed by this weasel I would suggest you don’t read or support him or his media group ever again free your mind dude, Sky TV is just as bad, it’s a loop of repeats full of adverts and and the best bit he charges you view it! how slick is that if your dumb enough to pay another couple of hundred pounds for total advert packed pap then be my guest, fill ya boots.
    Honestly you should free your mind by not having anything to do with this lot they have manipulated you and many of our political parties for his benefit certainly not yours.
    Thing is he’s so powerful even the investigation will be a whitewash Cameron didn’t even want one even when all this latest stuff came out, that tells you all you need to know and the Polices first investigation found no evidence of endemic phone hacking I wonder why??, well now this is the same Police force now being accused of taking kick backs, you see there’s a thread building here Kev!.
    In January Cameron had dinner with the editor of the news of the world at his home his retort was she was one of his constituency no s&^t he has 80 thousand others did he invite any of them now did he maybe it’s because she’s Murdoch’s right hand woman that she got the invite in the first place, see another thread Kev!.
    And finaly journalism, it’s not about making s%^t up to make you think one way or the other it’s getting past the lies to the truth without using illegal means to get it, manufacturing lies and trying to effect peoples views so you get them to vote the way you want them to is propaganda and using bribes and illegal actions to gain information is mass manipulating/spying, and doing it to MP’s phones is a serious thing to do, it's spying on a state so is sedition and still a hanging offence here.
  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Don't worry about poor old Kevs lack of words,years ago Murdoch burnt any common sesne or free will out of him, soon he wont even be able to say one single word but just grunt. Well maybe Tits if he's lucky?.

    Like I said at the beginning What a Load of crap! It's people like you who bought this country to it's Knees. You would really like us to go back to sixty's and seventy's. Strikes after Strikes. Unions dictating to the Government.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kev I think your totally obsessed with strike mate it’s not about unions it’s about the power of one right wing publisher and the influence he has here a level of influence that he’s NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD GET IT YET?????, (for gods’ sake it’s like care in the bloody community), look he isn’t allowed to own anywhere near as many papers or media outlets be it in the US or anywhere else in the world even Australia the land of his birth DO YOU UNDERSTAND????, now it’s obvious that you’re a bit of a fixated right wing nutter that can’t think on anything other than one very simple dimension with low resolution information i.e. all you see are foggy images of 1960’s picket lines in you minds eye, and another tell tail sign of where you sit in the great gene pool is although you have a vast cornucopia of devious and entertaining terms of abuse to chooses from within the English language your Sun addled likcle brain settles for a very simple default of “it’s a load of old crap”, WOW!!! Kev way to go mate that’s thinking outside the box there mate good on ya!.
    I am slightly concerned that you haven’t managed to progress to a more complex term like bo*&$ks though?. Anyway I digress, look form your mono track mind it’s obvious your a Sun reader ( I use the term read loosely) I get that but honestly why do think that the rest of the world and even the Yanks keep this man in check to a greater degree but we don’t?
    And why do you keep bloody well going on about Unions and the 60’s and 70’s times moved on mate this is not a political view it’s also not a view on unions or the working mans struggle verses the employers I remember the 3 day week and how the unions held this country to ransom I was there and I understand how crap it was but the free market and the mess were in now hs and will cost us all more than any winter of discontent.
    But seeming your still hung up on Mrs T Here’s a bit of coffee smelling for you.
    Now although you hate Unions and “socialism” and are probably even now deeply in love with free market economics although you don’t understand a thing about it I’ll give you a brief history of how it went all so wrong.

    I would imagine you still don’t understand or “get” that it was EVIL STATE AID not free market money that saved your flawed but beloved free market economy from total collapse/implosion, how ironic is that I ask you Kev!, bet you didn’t complain about state economics then did you although it will cost you far more than any 1960’s national strike ever will.
    The free market that you obviously love i.e. the one that hates all things state and has followed Thatcherism and Reignite free market doctrine for nearly 30 years (pushed and peddled by Murdoch on the masses here) lived on shutting down all state owned business making all the workers unemployed on one hand then asset stripping anything of worth from them then flogging the bones for a quick buck.
    When that ran trick finally ran dry they then turned to handing out loans to poor people (you know the poor Kev the ones who were kicked out on the dole by Mrs T) who couldn’t pay them back and with a little application of slight of hand and “creative accounting” the loans went through and low and behold the whitewash worked so the more debt a bank gained the more profit it made the better things looked how slick is that!, effectively the system eat itself, kind of like a star that’s runs out of Hydrogen or you could even say a poor person who has no gas or electric Kev, they both burn their furniture and anything that’s not nailed down and in the end the house even goes.
    And all the while as the wheels were starting to come off they kept on espousing how great out and out capitalism(greed) was and how totally poisonous anything to do with the state was but as soon it went Pete Tong where did they go Kev?, any idea mate???, no then let me tell you, they went straight to the very state they and you despise for the biggest ever state handout in history of this country to save it’s delinquent ****.
    Oh and it gets better, they kept their bonuses and the loans are not just in our names but our kids and their kids as well!.
    So there you have it were sunk and you going on about strikes is a bit worn out, also the economy here only has 13% of GDP as manufacturing now, Germany is way ahead of us but they didn’t follow Mr T’s great leap backwards, they still have a manufacturing industry so their economy is doing OK, all we have is arms dealing and banking that’s why we like to start wars mate it’s good for business.
    Oh and yeah while were on it, energy, were sitting on 400 years worth of good quality coal but Thatcher shut all the mines down so now we import cheap rubbish, soon that will stop when Dave shuts all the coal stations down (there’s a Tory habit here I’m sure!) then your energy bills will start to go through the roof, the reason is as all the power industry was flogged off by Thatcher so we don’t own it and the only game in town is gas imported again Kev!, the reason is the new gas stations or CCGT power stations are cheap to build and guess who makes them Kev!, go on?, guess who the Germans!, makes you wonder if we would have been better off losing the bloody war!.
    Hey it gets worse Kev, the gas is imported so that’s subject to vast fluctuations in cost and seeming China is were all our jobs went years ago they will get first shout!, so well done again MrsT!.
  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't read Newspapers anymore, they are just propaganda for political party's.

    Do you read the Mirror?

    Are you a shop steward or higher in the union ranks?

    You were the one that brought up the miners strike and Maggie. I do agree Murdoch has too much power and needs reigning in. He shouldn't get control of Sky.

    In the same way unions shouldn't have the power to dictate to Governments.

    You keep banging on about Maggie and the Conservative party, But no mention of Labour and Blair and the deals he struck with Murdoch.

    The Conservatives and the Labour party are both to blame for allowing Murdoch's empire to grow.
  • kev4
    kev4 Bots Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Union's did a fantastic Job for the working person, I'm thankful for that and feel grateful for what they did!

    Trouble was they were so successful they tried to get more and more power. Taking on the Government not just employers. When you start dictating to elected Governments, the result is the minority are controlling the Majority.

    Same with Murdoch, that's why he needs to go. Remember this scandal goes back years when Labour were in power.

    The Question I want answering, Who ordered the withholding of evidence from the public. It had to be someone very high up in Government.