Hi Hileena,
I'm so sorry you've been suffering so.... :sad:
I've not been around the forum for weeks so am completely behind with what's been happening. :roll:
What a time you've had; and it's no wonder you've been feeling 'down'.
I'm glad you've been prescribed stronger pain meds... and personally I'd not be too worried about becoming 'addicted' to the oromorph; I've been on oromorph post op x 2 without any difficulties (except the 'binding' effects :???: ) . Pain control has to be the priority and from what you've said the pain you've been experiencing requires heavy duty attention!
Thinking of you and sending lots of (((((hugs))))
Iris xxx0 -
Dear Hileena
I hope you sleep well tonight and all goes to plan tomorrow with obtaining the repeat script. I hope you still feel calmer than you did yesterday which was of course totally understandable.
Sending you gentle hugs
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hi Tilly,Barbare, Iris and Elna.
Thank you all for your hugs.
OK I'll try not to apologise againI know I say that to others but its "do as I say not as I do "
Hi Iris......doesnt take you to be away from this forum for long to get really behind ...does it?? I know I miss a few days and come back and havent got a clue whats happening.I'm not worrying about the addiction really.....just about the headachey feeling and not being able to keep my eyes open
Thanks Elna.......havent had much problem sleeping through the night....waken up once, turn over and go back to sleep again :roll:
I've got the tel number sitting ....to remind me to ring the doc first thing about a repeat presription and maybe I wont be so "dopey" tomorrow....whats new
Hileena0 -
Hi Hileena,
I'm so sorry I've missed your thread :oops: I've been so wrapped up with the memorial etc. I can't believe that you've been left in this amount of pain! You Poor thing, a broken pelvis must be terribly painful, Ive had oromorph before and completely agree with you about the headache feeling and the tiredness, I also found that with me it built up over a couple of days (I probably sound nutsbut that's what happened with me) so I'd take it for instance on the Monday and by the Wednesday it was working a treat, little pain but very drowsy.
I hope the Drs see you soon and that the oromorph works better for you.
Thinking and praying for you Xxx'grá agus solas'
'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X0 -
Hi Hileena,
I agree with the others you know. You need to get the pain down cus there is nothing like pain to make you feel very low and well its unlikely you will become adicit4d as a short term thing.
You make sure you rest and leaving you a ((((( ))))) and a bin to chuck away the horrible life shampoo. Love Cris xx0 -
Hi Poppy and Cris
Dont worry about it poppy ....you have your own concerns...you were bound to miss it.
Cris .....thanks for posting.....you any better?
I'm being a baby I suppose......I'm getting scared now. Like I said before I can only walk a couple of steps with crutches.......it was great while Peter was here but he is going to have to get back to work today....If it was just pain it wouldnt be so bad but its pain that stops me moving/walking and the idea of being on my own if frightening.....but like i say I'm just being a baby.......I suppos the other thing is being on my own and this very weird feeling I'm getting from the Oromorph????
Hileena0 -
Morning Hileena
You are not being a baby at all, It is a sarey feeling being left alone when mobility is so very limited.
I am sending you some strength vibes.....they should see you through the day until your hubby gets home.
Take care....I am thinking of you.
Love juliepf x0 -
oh hun, sorry I've only just seen this, and forgive me for not reading right through as I'm still a tad groggy, but you really should get in touch with someone for some help & advise....
Wish I could help somehowMe-Tony
Ra-1996 -2013 RIP...
Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP0 -
Hi Hileena
I am so sorry that I have only seen your thread. And sorry that you are feeling so down, but I have to say that you have every rieason to feel this way. A fractured pelvis, nasty. Can't you get some one to get you a female urine bottle (£5 boots) that would solve the geting to the toilet when hubby is at work. And yes, you do need some urgent aqdvise and help.
Keep taking the oramorph at the higher dose. Re sandwiches get hubby to make you some before he goes to work and leave a thermos of tea?coffee, and bottle of water.
We'll get you more comfortable between us Hilleena.
Sending you big hugs of comfort. And this time I shall keep looking in on you.
Karen xxKaren xx0 -
Hileena, you are, most certainly, not 'being a baby'. You are scared because you have a very scarey day ahead of you. I know I'd feel just the same in the circumstances. I really admire you for how you're coping with all this. Can you keep a phone with you at all times, including trips to the loo? I find, in that sort of situation, it makes me feel better. be thinking of you.If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
Keep moving to the utmost minimum. As for the oromorph, well, I have cheerfully swigged down anything up to 25mls to get some mild relief from the pain, it does help but you need to have a decent quantity for it to work. The rheumatology nurses told me that anything up to 40mls is fine. :shock:
You have a fractured pelvis, ye gods woman no wonder it hurts. I am amazed they are leaving things until Wednesday, I would have been banging on the door of an orthopaedic ward demanding a bed. I am so sorry I am not around too much at the moment, but I am thinking of you, very much. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
I did answer this post but dont know what happed to it :eek: So if a similar one appears again you know why
Julie, thanks for the vibes....as it happens hubby isnt going to go to work today.
Tony you are bound to be still groggy.....I didnt expect to hear from you...Waiting for a call from the doc.....Peter has to go up for an 11sm appointment {a jab} so he will see about the repeat prescription when he is there.
I am going to keep the Oromorph at the 5ml dose even though I feel groggy/sleepy/not sure what I feelYou are right about Peter leaving me sandwiches....I chased him out for his cycle ride yesterday mnorning and he left the house.....leaving me with, flask,medicines, phone, TV control, you name it ....all beside me
but as it turn out he's not going to work today.
Think I've answered your questions about the phone etc and Peters not going to work today. {Nothing to do with me} I only told you lot I was scared...not him but he cancelled his work today.
I've answered your PM......thanks for that
Hileena0 -
Hi Hileena,
I am so sorry i have only just seen this :oops:
you must be in agony and it is scary! Hope the pain eases and you feel better soon !
sending (((((hugs)))) and get well wishes.
Rose x0 -
Dear Hileena
I am so relieved that Peter has had the day off today. It would have been scary to be on your own.
I am thinking of you and sending you gentle hugs, you are such a brave girl. I am sure I could not have waited until Wednesday.
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Yes I'm glad that Peter is here today although I didnt say that to him.....I mentioned it to you lotbut not to him......
I rang the docs a few mins ago......she never did ring me back but did a repeat rescription of the Ormorph....3 bottles this time instead of one and she has 5 mils on it insted of 2.5 to 5mls??? :???: But it was still going to be Wednesday.....Peter said you couldnt wallk from the car park to her surgery....there is a number on the phone if you want to request a home visit....so I was going to change it from Wed appt to Wed home visit but the person I spoke to said do you want the doc on call to do a home visit today....so I said yes please.....Not sure what time....Its a Dr Green on call
We'll see what he has to say.....but I dont know what else he can do.....I certainly dont want to end up in hospital.
Hileena0 -
Quite right to get the doc today given the option, Hileena. I'm glad Peter thought of how you wouldn't be able to get from car to surgery. They do have their uses these husbands, don't they???
I hope you'll get the outcome you want but, if it has to be hospital then it has to be.
Keep us posted.If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
Hi Hileena.
dont worry about going into hospital.
16 years ago i tripped over out side my front door and the
neighbour carried me in doors our front doors were facing one another this was 9 0clock at night i phoned the doc who came and gave me pain killers he said go up the hospital in the morning if you are still in pain,
the next day i only had a ache so i carried on for a month getting on as best as i could even getting into bed from the bottom of the bed and working back.
well in the end i went back to see the doc he sent me up the hospital i was so shocked when told i had to stay in as i had a fractured hip and i had to have a thr.
i was took up to a ward and was give a cup of tea.
take care and try not to worry, joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan,
That must have been so sore :eek: I sincerely hope they dont tak me in for a THR,,,,,,,,hoad one already and due to have anbother one when they sort this out.
Why do we carry on and think .....well its OK....only an ache or a bruise or whatever??????? when we should go straight way
Hileena0 -
Why do we carry on and think 'Oh, it's OK, I can manage.'? Simples. We spend so much time in pain and just getting on with things that when the pain appears to worsen we just shrug our shoulders and carry on. If we didn't we would be running back and forth to the docs at least twice a day. I hope they can sort summat out for you and soon. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Ive not been on for ages as my diagnosis is still ongoing but thats another story.
You sound like you are coping with horrible pain. I was just thinking about reducing that amount you have to get up and down - and was thinking if your hubby would be able to make you a couple of flasks of tea for you to keep next to you and same sandwaiches and snacks in a cool box beside you? just my musings and hope you feel better soon.0 -
You are right....if we went to the docs every time we had a pain we would be there every day.
Spacy thanks for your message...The repeat prescription the doc gave me for Oromorph was for 5mls not 2.5 to 5ml....Think she was trying to tell me something
I'm trying something different now....might not work but can only try :eek: My paddymobile {mobility scooter} has come inside from where it usually lives in the car.. Our house isnt overly big but it might help a bit.....found that towards the end of a dose of med or towards the end of the day/or getting tired when I had to go to the loo I was wobbling a bit on my crutches. So i'm trying the scooter. The hall is fairly narrow but long....I'm driving down to the loo, swivelling the seat sideways and going in that way....its only a downstairs one so not big ...the bathroom is upstairs.Then comes the problem :eek: :eek: REVERSING BACK UPdont know what you drivers are like but my reversing {in the car} isnt great
I have then driven it to the dining room table where the computer sits......alongside it and swivelled the seat again and sta ther typing. The end of the day I grabbed my picker upper
and rove around the room a little ...picking things up and putting them other places....at least it tidied it a bit ...Peter wouldnt notie these things.....I havent toaught it to climb the stair yet
so its cturches upstairs and until I get down and then I'll see today how it goes.
Hileena0 -
Goodness me Hileena! Tidying up with a broken pelvis! You sound just like me
that's def something I would do, my oh is lovely and caring but I do have to point out housework to him bless.
I am glad you are on oromorph 5ml dose, I found it does take a couple of days to build up, but you do feel a bit 'foggy' with it.
Glad you're using the scooter! it makes sense to use whatever you can to help.
Thinking of you Hileena, im sending good positive thoughts and my special healing hugs your way (((((()))))) X'grá agus solas'
'Love and Light' translated from Irish. X0 -
Hileena, I'm a bit tied up today but just wanted to say I hope things are a bit better for you.
Oh, and when I was wheeling myself round the house with my broken hip, I just resigned myself in the end to having to persuade Mr SW to paint everything afterwards as I was chipping all the paintworks and leaving red streaks all over the washer. (I knew I was in a bad way because he didn't grumble at all!)
Joan - a month on a broken hip??? Deep respect.If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
Hi Hileena,
Hows things today?
Heres a thought .... have you got a camping toilet that you could use ?
I put one downstairs in another room for my mom when she was so ill makes things a little easier maybe save you having to reverse?
have some ((((hugs)))) to help you through today
Rose x0 -
Hi Hileena
My what a strong stubborn group of people we arther sufferers are :roll:
we do things we really shouldn't do :roll:
when we hurt ourselves we won't give in and go to the doctor :roll:
we always seem to say well its the arther that makes it worse :roll:
we don't like to ask others to help :roll:
we wan't to everything it ourselves even when others want to help. :roll:
Now you have found ways to get around without to much walking I hope you are feeling a little less scared about being on your own. hopefully they get you sorted out soon sending ((((hugs))))
Bless youStay positive always👍xx0
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