Pain & Worry

magicdragon Member Posts: 75
edited 21. Aug 2011, 06:08 in Living with Arthritis archive
I think im posting this more 2 vent & also 4 any advice u can give.

Well I hav a new rheumy & she's lovely but I can't say that things hav improved. I've been having alot of pain especially in my hips & hands.

But quiet suddenly I got severe pain in my foot that only seems 2 b worsening. I've seen my rheumy & she says its my arthritis causing extreme tendinitis & my CRP being around 45. Over time it was getting harder & more painful 2 walk & my usual painkillers not working.

I went 2 the GPs out of desperation she suggested me 2 b admitted 2 hospital 4 probably a steroid infusion but was doubtful they would do it over the weekend. So she rang up my rheumy & then said I can increase the painkillers i've been taking and gave me oramorph if the painkillers weren't enough.

Usually I take Co-codamol 30/500 with naproxen and pregablin but ive had to switch the co-codamol to meptazanol (pethidine like) that I usually only use when its particularly bad.

Then two hours later I had a phone call from rheumys secretary that I need 2 come in2 the day case unit next friday. I rang the nurses & they said thats where they usually do infusions/injections & normal meetings, so looks like I may b getting an infusion.

Im really well frightened about taking oramorph & has anyone had a steriod infusion? also if anyone has been put on anti -TNF do you mind telling me after how long where you put on it?

Im finding it so hard to deal with atm



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Magicdragon. :sad:

    I can only help with some of you worries and questions, but l am here and l do care :sad:

    Hopefully on Friday they will give you the steroid infusion andthings will pick up hugely, but you have to get there first.

    I have not been on antitnf yet so can't answer your questions about those, but l have had oramorph in the past.

    I understand you are frightened of it it does sound scary. You will likely get it in a liquid so you can start as gradually as you like. If they say l would have tried 2.5ml and see if it sent me too woozy and if it helped at all. If it didn't help then l would have upped it a bit - just made sure l didnt go over what they said.

    AND make sure you dont drive or anything like that will you? Hey no getting the chainsaw out and felling trees this afternoon :wink:

    Hopefully you will get an antitnf expert along soon, but in the meantime some hugs for you((((((()))))))

    and a promise to be there on Friday if you need pocket duties.


    Toni xx
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry, can't really help with this, Magicdragon, but I'm bumping it up so's others who can are more likely to see it. Good luck.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello magicdragon

    I am so sorry you are struggling so much at the moment.

    I can't help on the oromorph front but I have had steroid infusions and have found they made a big difference very quickly (mine were given to prevent reaction to another infused drug though so I don't know about steroid infusions given on their own). However I reckon that, if it is your foot which is causing you particular pain at the moment, they may offer you a steroid injection into the foot, rather than a more general steroid injection or infusion.

    You mention anti-tnfs - there are detailed guidelines about when they can be started. If you have RA, the current NICE guidelines are that you should have tried two DMARDS including methotrexate and have active disease to be considered for anti-tnfs.

    I really do hope that you can get some help at the hospital on Friday.

    Thinking of you.

    Tilly xxx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magic,

    I am sorry your going though the mill there and hope they will help you on Friday big time.

    Its easy to say but try not to worry as it might help you o much.

    Pain is evil and anything they can do to help is good to try. The crp I am not sure of, mine always comes up red but its higher I think still but my rumo goes on how you are rather than your bloods to a point.

    I so hope they will be able to sort it for you Friday and will be in your pocket. ((( ))) and hang in there Cris x
  • madwestie
    madwestie Member Posts: 383
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I was told by my Gp last week that i have achillies tendonitis so i can definately symathise with the pain in your foot. he is refering me for a scan and physio. not sure what they are hoping the physio will do.

    I am afraid i can't help you with the oramoph or anti tnf's but i do have depomedrone (steriod) injections and i find they really help.

    i hope they get it sorted for you on Friday.

  • magicdragon
    magicdragon Member Posts: 75
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks 4 taking the time 2 reply,

    Frogmorton - yes i've got the oramorph & its in a liquid oh & I don't drive anyway so no worrys there. & support in the form of pocket duties would b really nice thanks, doesn't help I hav a journey & half 2 do.

    Tillytop - the gp suggested admitting me 4 an infusion but I think my rheumy isn't keen as I hav psorasis. I've been havin them in the bum be4 lol.

    Regardin the anti-tnf i've been put on sulfa, methotrexate, tacrolimus and now leuflodomide so I don't know where that puts me? I know the dermatologist wants me on it & was supposed 2 talk 2 my rheumy but don't know where that went.

    skezier- Thank u & 4 pocket duties

    madwestie - Its awful really it feels like my foot is on fire & burning from the inside. My problem is my actual foot all the tendons from my ankle down and swelling that looks like a golf ball so I really feel for you

    Thanks again everyone, nice to know your not alone.