Ten yeras 9/11 & the Arab spring

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 11. Sep 2011, 13:39 in Community Chit-chat archive
Boy oh boy where did the time go, I still remembering standing in my front room after getting back from a canoe trip, I was fit healthy and buzzing with life I felt so well, So there I stood watching what I can only describe as a film clip from a disaster movie, everything was so clear and bright but sadly it wasn’t CGI it was real.
9/11 is or was a Kennedy moment, we all know where we were that day, it history in the making of the worst kind.
In my view that moment in time the US messed up, the next day Bush went to ground Zero and shouted that he wanted pay back all the people there shouted “go USA” that meant serious payback was coming for some poor soul., that’s fine can’t fault it in a way, who wouldn’t, but the first thing they should have done is to stop and ask themselves why someone would hate them so much to do this, and more importantly what actions by the US made them think this way.? Sadly they didn’t.
So now here we stand 10 years on, the US war machine is still in Arab lands killing people for oil and for some perverse kind of payback, it’s this kind of international policy that has helped many Arab dictators stay in power subjugating their own with weapons we sold them, it’s in the dark recesses of such violence that radicals dwell and spread their hatred feeding of the violence metered out to them and those around them.
But now the Arab spring is here and fighting is going on again on the streets of Arab countries but instead of radical Islam driving things these people are willing to lay down their lives not for radical Islam but instead they simply want free of the yoke we help put round there necks. all those years ago!.
If we let the Arab spring fizzle out and don’t go the extra mile to help these people get freedom then the void that will be left by the dictators that are being deposed will be filled with radicals, this is a chance we can’t let slip by, once we’ve stopped bombing Libya etc we need to do more than just destroy things we need to help them govern themselves and nurture the roots of freedom, we need boots on the ground but not to fight but to help them build a new social order if we don’t things will go from bad to worse.
We need to hold out our hands to these people and help them grasp their future but we need to do it together as they can’t do it on their own, it’s the least we can do for them, this is a once in a lifetime chance, radical Islam is a real threat but it’s a negative by product of the wars we’ve caused in the Arab worlds and the dictators we’ve helped subdue their own for a % in a board room in London
Radical Islam is on the back foot but isn’t dead it needs to be banished for good by reason freedom education and the realisation that now for the first time their aspirations are actually are attainable and better times are at last just around the corner We have one chance here so let’s not mess this up.


  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I was really suprised by the Arab spring and took heart they are not all haters of us in the west despite what we have done to them by supporting dictators, bottom line Len they just want to be left alone and not pushed about by any type of dictator even an Islamic one.
    We have to stop using bombs and diplomacy at some point in time, I fear we and the US being the two top arms dealers in the world will cock it up by seeling even more kit to the new governemnts and we will just keep carrying on blowing up Al Quaeda camps and invading countries in the name of democracy.
    If you strip all of us down to our true core we are all the same, the only difference is skin colour and the place you grow up in, other than that were all children of the Earth and most of us carry a similar mix of genes, many of us here are decendants from Arab stock, I bet Nick Griffin of the BNP would be shocked if he ever looked at his genes.

    PS I still hold you responsable for not popping Gadaffi duck all those years ago, I mean what were you thinking!!!??.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    It was too hot and I had a brilliant Brag hand :lol:
    Oh that old chessnut!, hope it's still your fault, sadly I was watching a program about Egypt and it looks like the dark side is growing, so much for Arab spring, we need to really go the extra mile here, but this time no weapons just education and direct assistance, if we let this chance slip then it will be our's and their kids who will pay for it.

    Oddly I was watching the program by Raggy Ohmar on Islam the other day and it's a really good religoin it's just humans who piss it all about, Mohamed will be turing in his grave if he knows what they did with his ideals.
  • NinaKKang
    NinaKKang Member Posts: 663
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's not the fault of the religion, it never is, it's people's interpretations of it.

  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yep it works only if humans don't get their hands on it!.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i get the feeling i should start at the top of this topic again can not get my head around it but to be honest not going to live and let live humans are human this where all the trouble comes from they all think they are right they should know i am right they are wrong tut tut tut