Hip surgery at young age

kelly1 Member Posts: 8
edited 20. Feb 2012, 09:53 in Young people's community

My son is 18 and this week we were told that his hip is in such bad shape that a hip replacement is inevitable in the future and that most of the protective synovial fluid around the joint is already gone. Thankfully his hip isnt too painful but hearing this was a shock (and frankly quite frightening ).

In the meantime, and to preserve the hip as long as possible the orthopaedic doctor has suggested injecting a kind of fake synovial fluid into the joint. He didnt seem to say much about how succesful this is likely to be.
I wondered if anyone has experience of this treatment and am also interested in hearing about others experiences of facing hip replacements at such a young age.

Thanks, Kelly


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kelly,

    It must be worrying and, indeed, a shock to hear your poor son needs a THR at such a young age. I'm not young but, having had RA since I was 15, I had my first knee replacements at 35. The reason they prefer not to do THRs & TKRs too young is that they will eventually wear out. I had one of these replaced 2 years ago with no problems. (I also have 2 THRs.)

    I've not heard of the procedure you mention. It might be worth putting this thread up on both 'My Child Has Arthritis' & Living With Arthritis'. The latter gets more people, some of whom might have heard of it. The former is really where you'd be better as a parent. This forum is really for the young people themselves.

    I hope things will improve for both you and your son.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • mandyb
    mandyb Member Posts: 15
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kelly
    My daughter, who is nearly 17 was told at about age 11 that a double hip replacement would be necessary probably when she had stopped growing. This was a horrible shock for us all, but she just said that if it got rid of the pain then lets just do it! However since being on methotexate and etanercept things apparently didn't deteriorate much and a hip replacement hasn't been mentioned since. However, she came off all treatment in 2009 but had to go back on it in nov 2010 as she started having new problems. they say that most of her pain is from "old damage" and we are seeing the man who first mentioned HR in dec so it will be interesting to have his opinion again.
    I will be very interested to know how your son gets on and what procedure, if any, you decide on. Hope everything goes ok for you. It's tough. M Ps whereabouts in the country are you? we're in Yorkshire
  • He1en
    He1en Member Posts: 19
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kelly

    I just wanted to let you know that I had my first THP when I was 11 and my 2nd hip was replaced when I was 14. At the time it was a huge shock for my parents too, but I am pleased to say that it was the best thing that could have happened because the pain (once recovered from Surgery!) immediately went and I could finally give up my wheelchair and crutches! Both operations went smoothly and I recovered very quickly. I have been able to lead a very normal life since (although I had to give up my beloved horse riding!)
    I am now 24 and unfortunately I am currently awaiting a revision on my first hip because the cement has started to get loose but it has lasted 10 years (as originally predicted). However I have been told that my new hip should last 15-20 years, so it seems as technology is progressing so is the longevity of hips!
    I'm afraid I haven't heard of the other proceedure (it sounds very modern - I never got that option!)
    I hope I have re-assured you that if your son does end up needing a THP then it certainly isn't the end of the world - for me, it was the best thing that could have happened and it completely changed my life for the better!
    Take care,
    Helen x

    I hope this has helped?
  • kelly1
    kelly1 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thanks for your replies - hearing from you is very helpful and makes me feel much more positive about the future and I know this helps me to support my son.

    So we are waiting for a date for day surgery, the waiting list is 3-4 months. I havent been able to gather much information about this procedure but maybe we can ask some questions at the pre assesment. I will let you know how things go. By the way, we are in London.

    Thanks again, and i hope you are all doing well

  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cant help re the THR but I can with the injections.
    I had synovial fluid injections into my knee before I had a partial replacement. The name was Synvisc from memory. It was a course of three injections a week apart. After each injection I had to rest the joint for 48 hours so I had them done on Fridays due to work commitments.
    Have to say they didn't work for me, but that's not to say they won't work for your son. Worst part was when the needles were withdrawn - if your son's squeamish I suggest he looks away when they do this.
    I hope it goes well for him and he gets a positive result.
    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • Jellyhands1983
    Jellyhands1983 Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Although I am now 29, I have had JIA since the age of two. I have had both hips and both knees replaced as a teenager, the first aged 12. I think for any young person having a big operation such as a hip replacement can be a scary thing. However more often then not they are very successful and will get rid of the terrible pain and grinding and all sorts of other sensations and horrible feelings. Every one is different but for most people hip replacements are a great thing and will improve quality of lives and mobility. New hips in younger people will need revising in the future, I have also had one of these. It's hard work after the operation and there are certain guidelines and dos and don'ts following surgery.
