Death of a Tyrant(Gaddafi)

rondetto Member Posts: 2,543
edited 22. Oct 2011, 06:16 in Community Chit-chat archive
Seems like they found him in a bolt hole, just like Saddam. Good riddance
to another tyrant. Let's hope the world is a better place without him.


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh have they? The last news I heard just after 1pm said they were waiting for confirmation, I will go and tune in now before work. Thanks Ron, I appreciate the heads' up. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • traluvie
    traluvie Member Posts: 2,579
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Riddance to bad rubbish..
  • angie1973
    angie1973 Member Posts: 248
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    According to the DM, they have a picture of his bloodied body to prove he has been killed.

    Maybe he will be buried at sea, just like the last one......

    Only 99.9% possessed by the giggle monster.........the other 0.01 % just eats chocolate..
  • rondetto
    rondetto Member Posts: 2,543
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    He took over the country and ruled with the gun, it's only right that he died by the gun.

    The important thing now is for them to have a democratic government elected for the people by the people.
  • rondetto
    rondetto Member Posts: 2,543
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have to agree with that statement, what happened to "The cupboard was bare" then handing billions over to Greece, Ireland and Portugal?
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    dont believe hes dead
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    They have just shown footage of him alive being dragged onto the back of a pick up by screaming hoards of soldiers, he was dead a few minutes after alledgedly.. Lol
    I truly hope it is him, horrible tyranic swine...
    Having said that it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't one of his rubbery chicken faced stand in look-i-likeys :shock: :lol:

    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • rondetto
    rondetto Member Posts: 2,543
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh he's dead alright.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    There's a new world order here being forged by us and the French with the US as over lords, the whole Gadaffi thing is part of a bigger plan to build a buffer against the growing Islamic threat from Iran, it will also create an economic zone that will a) secure oil for the west and b) create new markets separate from those in China and India, if it works that is, seeming we've been up Giraffe’s rear for years the new government isn't very pro UK seeming we colluded with his security services in interrogating home grown radicals and those foreign suspects "rendered" by us and the US in "the war on terror", thing is some of the people who are now high up the new government were also the victims of interrogations and they say MI5 were doing it along with Giraffe’s henchmen, and all this was only a few years ago, they are now threatening legal action against our government even though were helping them at this point in time, we have to learn that we can’t keep acting the way we do word get around real fast now and also Arab's don't forget, for some reason Gadaffi suddenly was inside the tent for once p***g out then it reversed and we went for him.
    Something big happened and no ones knows what just yet, he'd given up his nukes and was said to be our friend again, we gave back the Lockerby bomber and it was all going along nicely then it did a 180, it might be he was found out to be supplying Bin Laden or something along those lines, we'll probably never know, I think it was so bad they wouldn't let it drop this time.
  • NinaKKang
    NinaKKang Member Posts: 663
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I love the way you put Gadaffi in brackets to the title of this thread... just in case we thought you were talking about a different tyrant LOL

    I find it hard to celebrate him dying... not that I was a fan or anything, but will the world change because of it? Will humanity learn its lesson and realise the value of life? I don't think so

  • angie1973
    angie1973 Member Posts: 248
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I was very disturbed by the footage actually. I know he was no better than pond scum, but I didn't want to watch him being beaten to a pulp, which is inevitably what happened to him as he died on the way to hospital (as I'm sure they rushed to get him there).

    But I agree, I doubt much will change. What has really changed since Saddam and Bin Laden? What will change because of Gaddafi? Probably not a lot. They hold the aces, they could cripple us if they wanted and we know it too.

    It's a very sad world we live in sometimes.

    Only 99.9% possessed by the giggle monster.........the other 0.01 % just eats chocolate..
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Len it’s a badly written piece by me scans badly, my excuse is I have man flu!, right I’m not on about new democracies, but I think that’s what Dave thinks will happen will it hell!, I’m with you, Cameron is chinless idealist who’s born with a silver spoon in his mouth he talks a load of old tosh to be honest, he’s got no idea how the Arab mind or world works, they will turn on us soon as look at us, after what we’ve done to them who can blame them and like most Arabs they don’t forget again I can’t blame them either, we supported rubber face and other b******s in power in the Arab world we exploited tribal differences for our own ends, now the birds are coming home to roost and were seeing revolution springing up from the very countries we helped their dictators suppress thier people for far to long, we have blood on our hands and deep down we know it.
    I do however think the thought of Iran, China and India are what is driving some of the French US and UK thinking here, with our economy distorted by banking and weapons manufacturing we’re to vulnerable on the world markets so are looking for another opportunity, a high tech one where weapons production still plays a part but domestic manufacturing is also to have a role, we need a secure source of power and raw minerals to do this so Libya fits the bill in both oil for fuel and plastics, It wont work though they don’t give two hoots about us and any offerings will be snapped up by the yanks or Chinese we will get left out as normal.
    Did you see Cameron and the French t**t giving a press conference what a load of tub thumping twaddle, we will get very little from any of this I’m sure.
    We should stop thinking were right all the time and that we will get reward from policing up the very mess we caused in the first place, were a laughing stock to many Blair made sure of that, were way to liberal and a total push over in some areas i.e. immigration human rights here at home but on the other hand we are more than keen to spend billions dropping bombs on countries we think anyone wont bother about just to look as if were morally superior when were not, we’ve seriously lost the plot on many fronts.
    I’m not sure it’s due to some mental illness that’s infected us post 2nd world war or not but something isn’t right here, even Churchill wouldn’t act like Cameron or blair, I think were seriously stuffed.
    Were broke and are using state violence as some kind of moral beacon to the rest of the world which doesn’t work, so far nothing we’ve done in the last 20 years has produced any payback unless you call mass immigration from those countries we’ve destabilised by bombing them to dust, both are costing us dear.
    Hell were so fecked up those who hate us for killing their relatives and now understandably want to do us harm are even allowed to come and live here on benefits while we kill even more of their relative back home, this just makes them more angry until they finally decide to attack us here, and were happy to allow them to stay and plan and plot and well even put them up while they do so, they burn pippies on remeberance day and our Police protect them as it's their right!,is it feck..
    We should worry about US for once and stop blowing countries up to make a point we should also stop and deport dangerous people who hate us and are here planning to kill us
    The only winners in all of this are BAE systems who get lucrative arms contracts, well them and the worn out MP’s who get a nice cosy job on the board of directors, oh yeah and the bankers don’t forget the bankers their quids in were not sadly, the rest of us get more dept and an increasing threat of domestic terrorism and we all get more unemployment and lower standards as a result/reward.
    These wars are costing billions and so is the cost of supporting half the 3rd world we allow to come here through liberal guilt, the dept is so big now our kids will be paying it off until their old and grey if they can get a job as lower paid immigrants are taking all the jobs anyway!, the worlds not fair never has and never will be we are a small country in it’s death throws, I fear what it will be like in another 20 years or so, it wont be better that’s for sure.
  • rondetto
    rondetto Member Posts: 2,543
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well said.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Don't bother Len I'll be dead by then, this bug is a right s**t. URGGGGH!,hey hang on a mo,you don't think me spleens infected do you??. :lol:

    Seriuosly though I feel bloody awful right now, I thought it was going yesterday,in reality it was just massing for an all out attack!, if I do peg it just go one without me OK, leave me in a skip, take me shoes though I don't want some old 3rd world tramp getting them, there's a few miles left in em and the leathers still good.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    what I want to know is why he had a gold plated 9mm semi-auto hand gun and gold underpants on at the time!, why gold???., he should have gone for a Kevlar bobble hat if you ask me.
  • rondetto
    rondetto Member Posts: 2,543
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    His son died too apparently.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yeah had a fagand a bottle of water then hey presto he fell over dead all by himself funny that?!.
    I worry that all that's gone on here is one bunch of nasty feckers has been replaced by another, Cameron was going on about putting in ground troops to stabalise the place post Mad Max civil war but what pricked my ears up was the term he used I've come across it before, ironically it was exactly the same term the US used to get involoved in Vietnam,they didn't ever call it a war but a police action now gezzer Dave has used it I am starting to think he's a US plant.
    Lets hope Libya doesn't end up as one big tribal killing free for all.
    The big problem is threse Violent barbaric despots we put in years ago have in effect been like turning up the heat on a pressure cooker then suddenly it’s released and all the hate and anger and injustice boils over, also Arabs don’t forget past indiscretions done to them by their dictators in fact the longer they are oppressed the worse it gets anger feeds hatred and so on, and another big problem is the old regime has weapons kicking around all over the place as we sold them to them in huge numbers so they could keep the plebs down, so when the house of cards collapses every man jack has an automatic assault riffle and a good reason to use it i.e. to settle scores with those who’ve made their life hell for so long, the critical point is knowing when to stop not easy when you’ve been beaten and down trodden for so long.
    We in the west should also not supply more weapons unless it’s really necessary as we normally love to do for a quick buck, we also have a deep moral responsibility not to repeat the same mistake again, the Arab spring should be nurtured not with guns and tanks but with guidance and positive assistance, it’s doable but normally more costly and time consuming but ultimately the right and proper thing to do this time