First Cortisone injection and mood swings

SusieG Member Posts: 30
edited 26. Oct 2011, 13:01 in Living with Arthritis archive

A bit of a pointless post, but just need to talk to some people who can appreciate what I'm going through.

I am having my first cortisone injection in my hip on Friday and don't know if it's because I'm scared, or my Dr. has just changed all my meds but have spent all this week between trying to pick a row with someone and bursting into tears. Most of my friends know, and although don't appreciate the constant pain I'm in are very understanding and supportive. But I'm sure they get fed up with me, this arthritis seems to be trying to rule my life.

Funnily enough my horse seems to know, and in his own little way is more support than anyone, and doesn't care that I'm moaning again, he's just happy to be getting lots of attention, and not ridden for more than about 20 mins !!

Thanks for listening.



  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    This sounds like tension and uncertainty to me, Susie. Trying to make others bear the brunt of your frustration is never an ideal solution and can often backfire. Facing your first cortisone injection is unsettling - am I right in thinking you will be under some light sedation? If so that will make a big difference, believe you me. I had light sedation when my knee was injected with radio-active stuff and believe you me, they could have done what they liked 'cos I didn't care one bit!

    Learning to live with arthritis, the meds and the treatment is a steep learning curve and yes, this is a difficult time for you but it's probably best not to make it too difficult for those around you: you may well need some looking after come the week-end and that's best done by people who aren't cross with you! :smile: Talk to us about it, we know what it is like and we do understand. What time are you due to be done on Friday? I will ensure I will be thinking of you. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • SusieG
    SusieG Member Posts: 30
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for that. My husband is looking after me at the weekend, he's away until Thurs night, so not getting any of the moods at the moment.

    Not sure what time I'm having it, but the hospital have just rung to say can I be there for 7.15, (was originally 8.00), so I'm assuming fairly early on Friday morning.

  • stlucia
    stlucia Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am so sorry you are feeling like this but it is totally normal I think in your situation! It is really hard to stay chirpy and positive when things are really hurting and you are exhausted and then on top of that you have appointments coming up that you aren't totally certain about....hugs!

    I am glad that your horse is getting lots of attention from you and able to soothe some of the stress. Maybe lots of time outdoors with him/her might help get through this tricky patch?

    I hope that the injection goes well and keep chatting on here, it can really help just to express how you are feeling.

  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi the constant pain and the tension of the injection will unsettle you. It is hard not to take things out on others, I find I get grumpy trying to carry on running round after my family then snap. Today I have stuck to the sofa and the bed, much less grumpy am I !!!

    I had a steroid jab in my hip and it did help. It didn't hurt at the time, was sore when the analgesic wore off, but ok. Tyr to rest for 24hrs after.