Xray results not showing OA

kittymedaughter Member Posts: 81
edited 28. Oct 2011, 17:27 in Living with Arthritis archive
well after all this knee pain, my X Ray results have come back that there is no arthritis there? Going for a MRI on sunday but really confused what is causing all this pain that is keeping me awake at night, making it difficult to walk, sit, bend or straighten....


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    inflimation might not show on xrays so do not give up yet val
  • scozzie
    scozzie Member Posts: 333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi foggyjano,

    I've had various xrays and so far there is only evidence of very slight wear and tear in only one of my finger joints, yet they all hurt to varying degrees on any given day. My rheumy sent me for feet and knee xrays when I saw him in July, but I don't know those result ... I'll ask when I see in just over a fortnight! But he was in no doubt I was suffering from OA in my hands, feet and knees.

    So xrays can be a bit hit and miss at picking up OA damage sometimes.

    Good luck on Sunday with the MRI.
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have OA in both knees worse in my right (well the pain is) I have had my knees xrayed a year ago and I am told they are fine for my age..however my GP did tell me that xrays only show the amount of wear not the amount of pain..as everyone is different and he stands by his diagnosis.. I asked the phsyo the same thing and she basicly said the same just worded it differently.
  • kittymedaughter
    kittymedaughter Member Posts: 81
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks for your replies sbolam & scozzie, I am sorry that you are having pain and without x ray results showing how much pain you are in

    I suppose if it was RA it wouldn't show but my Dr hasn't even taken a blood test for that recently. The letter to my GP said there was no maintenance damage?

    What will the MRI show? if there is any arthritis?...I am hoping it will show any damage to my cartlidge or muscles ligaments. All I know is that i am in alot of pain and finding it very difficult to walk!!
  • sbolam
    sbolam Member Posts: 374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have not asked for an MRI and my GP has not suggested it..I also have flat feet and a mis-aligned knee joint (which I am sure is not helping) and was given an insole and tbh has made no difference to me what so ever...

    When I went to my GP about the pain i was getting in my right knee when he held my knee and lifted my leg the grating and loud popping made him jump, I did rather laugh.
  • scozzie
    scozzie Member Posts: 333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Yeah, I know what creaking sound from a knee sounds like ... my right knee does creaks every time I go upstairs largely without any soreness; however, my silent left knee just hurts going in either direction on the stairs with a tendency to ache at the best if times ... lol!
  • Starburst
    Starburst Member Posts: 2,546
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've had lots of knee problems. One is particularly bad and crunches. My physio was convinced it's OA but the x-rays show zilch. I'm going to discuss it with my rheumy but I was also told it's possible to have OA that has yet to show any severe radiological damage.

    The MRI is likely to shed some more light. X-rays aren't always that useful with regards to arthritis. My clinic told me they don't usually bother.

    So, you're not alone there but I'm sorry you're still without answers. It's very frustrating isn't it? :(

    All the best of luck with your MRI.