DLA Failed Application

jules44 Member Posts: 26
edited 3. May 2012, 17:42 in Living with Arthritis archive

I have just had my DLA application refused for the second time, this time I went to CAB to get them to go through my application form with me and it was still reused!!
Now I am going to complete an appeal form, the lady on the telephone at the DLA office yesterday told me that I may have to wait up to 12 months for a decision once they have received my appeal and some cancer patients do not qualify for DLA - not sure if she told me that to try and put me off appealing against their decision..........
At the moment I am still working although I have had my hours cut from full time to part time by my employer to cut costs - it was either that or redundancy! however, sometimes I feel as though it might be better to take up my GP's offer and let him sign my off work completely, as I have OA in my cervical and Lumbar Spine, right hand, knees and feet, on set of Osteoporosis in my left hand and Tendinitis in both wrists but more severe in my right wrist.
After going part time at work, I wonder how I managed to work full time as I get really tired when I finish work and especially at the end of the week - although I feel tired most of the time which I am sure most of you do.
As I can no longer drive myself - due to the pain, my husband has to take me to work and collect me - there is no bus service where I live - so there is extra costs there, I can not even look at any aids that might help me as I can not afford to buy any of them, although social services have been really good, they have put 2 stair rails in, given me a bath lift, chair for by the bathroom sink and a toilet frame, they could not give me an aid to help me to get out of my bed, due to the type of bed that I have.

Can any one let me know how long they had to wait for a decision from DLA after they had to put an appeal in?



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jules

    Sorry to hear about your applications being rejected. I am not quite sure why they would state that some cancer patients do not qualify, if your application made no mention of this.

    You can ask for a formal reconsideration, which is one step down from actually going to an appeal in person.

    Each time an application is reviewed again, it is done by a separate team, that is the same for a formal reconsideration.

    The illness is not always the main reason a person receives DLA, it is the amount of care that the person needs, how often, how long each time, if this care is frequent and substantial, be it day or night. You will be familiar with the form, which ask how you illness affects your daily living and how much care you require, preparing meals, managing toilet needs, medication, walking ability, use of aids, social needs.........

    It is important that the DLA have a picture of your daily life and the level of care that you need. If you have letters from Consultants and GP's to support your case then all the better.

    Always keep copies of your letters and forms. The CAB and Welfare Rights offices are very supportive and help a lot of people with the filling in of forms. You can only write how you are affected by your disabilities and how much care you need.

    Usually the formal reconsideration does not take too long to be reviewed, point out where you think they have gone wrong in making their initial decision, giving extra evidence wherever possible.

    Hope things work out for you, take care, Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dotty123
    dotty123 Member Posts: 122
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I think it is shocking that you didn't get the DLA, you have a huge list of problems to face everyday. What is this government playing at :evil

    Keep trying and explain in more detail that YOU do need help, I no expert in this field,but some people on here have good advice.

  • kittymedaughter
    kittymedaughter Member Posts: 81
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jules, I am sorry that your application was unsucessful :(

    Have you thought about applying to Access to work for travel assistance? They can pay for taxi's to take you and from work, which might ease up your pain levels and take some pressure off you and your husband. They will also come into your work place and do an assessment for any special equipment you may need, such as a supportive chair, keyboard etc.,

    It is worth a try while you are appealing the DLA app

    Good luck
  • tiggernut
    tiggernut Member Posts: 339
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So sorry to hear your aplications failed.
    Why on earth should it take 12 months that utterly ridiculous.
    It wouldn't surprise me if they tell you that in the hope you will give up and not bother.
    Good luck with the appeal.
    Take care,
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jules, I wanted to say sorry about being refused for your DLA, I was refused my DLA at 1st and it took me a further 2 tries to be awarded it. My appeal took about 2 weeks to come through but I expect each one is different. I wanted to say you keep fighting, your entitled to it so they should give it you. Amanda/bubbadog
  • jules44
    jules44 Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Many thanks for all of your support, I filled out the appeal form - which does not give you much room at all !! lol - plus added a few more pages lol on Saturday which was then posted on Sunday, now its the waiting game again!! I do agree though that they tell you things like its going to take twelve months just to put you off from appealing, as they guess that for less than £20 per week - the lowest rate -its not really worth the mither....... I on the other hand will not give up fighting.
    I did look at the Access to work for travel assistance however, as we live on a farm in the middle of nowhere its easier for my husband to take me and fetch me from work, I had also asked my OT to come to work and assess my needs, she was willing to do this for me, however I was then told that the actual landlady would not agree to any changes so I cancelled her coming I did not want to waste her time as she has been really good to me.
    Also, my boss was talking to me about redundancy in June until I mentioned about working part time instead, this is to be reviewed again soon so again unless I know that my position at work is safe I really dont want to waste anybodys time.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI Jules

    well done for not giving up - l a m convinced that's what they want us to do :evil

    Do keep us up to date how you get on.

    I think we should all of us who get turned down try to find time to see our MPs so they can 'see' for themselves that those getting turned down are genuinely in need.

    After all they are the only ones in any position to make changes to this stoopid set-up :roll:


    Toni xx
  • mouseymousey
    mouseymousey Member Posts: 283
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've had my application for a higher rate of care (I get the lowest level care & highest mobility) turned down a few weeks ago. It is so gross as this is the time you least feel like challenging it. I can't face a 'to do' about it, so decided to leave things as they are.
    I hope you do better than me.
    Best wishes
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jules
    Well done you for not giving up, there are lots of people on here been refused, and I think the only way is to keep appealing, get your GP on board and of course any consultants, I really do wish you well with it.
  • jules44
    jules44 Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not sure that our MPs would help - not to convinced that a lot of MPs really care as long as they can line their own pockets- im just synical about all of them

    May be a petition to No 10 might work better or even a protest rally to raise awareness I have heard that they have done one in Brighton recently to protest against a decision to cut or to take away benefits for a disabled lady in their new system of re-assessment.

    Mouseymousey you should fight for the higher rate of care if you need to they all hope that we give up this way they save money and we struggle theres no fairness in that type of system - "Im alright jack and you can ****off", why should we all who are suffering have to put up with that kind of treatment life is hard enough for us at the best of times so surely we deserve a bit better understanding and treatment as I am sure we would not be asking for the extra help if we actually did not need it..
  • CJHunter
    CJHunter Member Posts: 1,038
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you are fighting Julie.

    MouseyMousey - You need to appeal , they like it when they dont get challenged and hope the ones that need it will just give up. Please fight your courner hun.

    Clare xxeyeore-1.jpg
  • jules44
    jules44 Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I totally agree with Clare, you need to keep fighting.

    I have got my GP on board but my consultant is a different kettle of fish, he is so arrogant he does not listen as he thinks he knows it all.......
  • jules44
    jules44 Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All,

    Just a quick update, I went to a tribunal hearing on Tuesday 01 May 2012 and won, :D:D it was the best feeling ever and it didn't take twelve months as I was originally advised!! I have been awarded the higher rate mobility and the lower rate care so that was a better result than I could of imagined because I thought that if I was going to be awarded anything then it would just be the lower rate mobility.
    I am just waiting for the confirmation to come from the DWP - not to sure how long it will take them to do that as we all know they are not very quick when they have to part with anything but are really over speedy when they are collecting in!! lol
    Anyhow, I hope that this will inspire anyone else to fight when they are being told no.... Also, I did not take a representative with me, my husband accompanied me but did not say anything to the tribunal he just sat there next to me, so you can do it on your own if your claim is genuine

    Jules xx