Changes in Liver, not sure what they mean?

bpat Member Posts: 11
edited 17. Nov 2011, 04:35 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Everyone,

I posted a few weeks ago about my mums side effects from Leflunomide which was causing terrible upset stomach & diarrhea, thankfully her rheumatologist as taken her off these tablets now and her stomach has settled down :smile:

What I wanted to ask was she went for her fortnightly check up last week and the doctor was concerned that her liver count has risen again. A couple of months ago I think it was about 64 then it came down to about 53 now it has gone up to about 57 again, is this just down to the medication she is on, or could it be something more serious.

She is currently taking Methotrexate, Steroids and something for OP. The doctor wanted to try her on Methotrexate injections but he wants to monitor the liver first next week, should we be worried??



  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Can't help with specifics re the meds but my Dad is riddled with arthritis (he's 86 and a half - must remember the "half"!) and has just been taken off anti-inflammatories as blood tests have shown his kidneys and liver have now become affected/damaged by the anti-inflams. He's been on them for years.
    He's got to have regular blood tests done and the surgery have been told by the Kidney/Liver Nurse Practitioner who's now keeping an eye on dad re this, that they must do these tests regularly.
    Try not to worry too much - easier said than done I know. Is there any way you could perhaps go with her to her next appt so you could ask questions about what's worrying you?
    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My liver results were high on and off, higher than your mum's before I took any medication. They weren't particularly worried about it but I asked to see a liver specialist who didn't find anything abnormal. (there is a history of liver disease in my family which is why I wanted a check) I suspect if they are concerned they will refer her and monitor her closely. These results can go up for small reasons apparently.

    Try not to worry.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Its a good thing that your father is being cared for so well and has you to make sure all goes well.

    I don't know about liver problems, except that diabetics on medication also have to have tests from time to time and their medication adjusted. My husband is diabetic and, at the moment, its well controlled, but sometimes he has to have his drugs altered or 'tweaked' to keep him on the straight and narrow!
    I'm sure someone who knows more than I do will be along and able to answer your question better. I'm sure your father will be fine, when he has settled to his new drugs, it can take a little while though. Lots of love Suexxx
  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, it could be the mtx causing the problems, if that is the case a few weeks off the meds and the levels will return to normal. They allow the levels to rise to 10 times the normal range before they become overly concerned. They are obviously keeping an eye on her levels which is good.

    I had high levels due to my diabetes, I have found a low carb diet helps to keep it under control.

    Hope it returns to normal soon.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My hospital likes liver figures to be under 40, getting close to 50 they start finger-wagging and over 50 the lectures begin. I average between 18-22, which all of those who know me will testify is a flaming miracle. Mine hit 650 when I was on enbrel and I had no idea anything was wrong. :roll:

    The liver is the cleasnsing organ of the body and everyone's figures are unique to them. A norm should be established when one first starts meth (this was what my hospital told me) and I established that by fortnightly bloods and no alcochol for three months. I am now on injected meth, and bloods every two months and so far, so good. I don't there's any need to fret, be conscientious with the blood tests and make sure you always get the results. I am away at the moment on a short break but the meth booklet is in my handbag, just in case anyone suddenly needs to know about my meds etc. I hope your mum is feeling better in herself. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • nanarose
    nanarose Member Posts: 117
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I have been reading posts on the forum, and haven't posted lately, but thought I might add my two-penneth worth to this thread.

    I have been on and off, more off than on to be honest, mtx for months now. My levels have reached over 130 lately, so I'm having to struggle along without it for the moment. I also had a liver scan done which revealed that I have a 'fatty' liver apparently, which can cause liver levels to be higher than the norm.
    It's strange that I started my treatment with very low, normal levels, so I am finding it odd that in 16 months I have developed this condition.....Who knows, certainly not me! :???:

    Apparently my Rheumy, according to my GP, who has been fantastic keeping me up to date with all the goings on behind the scenes, will now only allow my levels to reach a maximum of 60, once I get back to a more normal level, and re-start the mtx.

    It seems that within a couple of weeks my liver just doesn't like the mtx, and I end up being taken off it again, so I wonder what will be my next poison of choice for the Rheumatologist next? :shock: It's a pity as it really did work for me. I have PsA and it kept the psoriasis nicely in its cage too, so I have been blessed with smooth, normal skin for the first time in 15 years.

    It does seem that each person has their own 'normal' level, and each Rheumy too has a level which they considerer safe and appropriate.

    I guess we just have to be thankful that we do get all these tests and that we are rarely likely to suffer any damage because of this.

    I wish your Mum well.
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My rheumy said they don't worry until they get over 100. I looked mine up and they were 97 when he said that!
  • bpat
    bpat Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, my mum had her appointment on Tuesday with the Rheumotologist and its actually the ALT (Liver) levels that have gone up from 33 to 78 and they are concerned as to why it has gone up so much, so quickly.

    She had some more blood taken on Tuesday and hopefully will get the results next week. The dr wants to check everything is ok before they put her on Methotrexate injections. Has anyone else ever had a change in there results like this. She doesnt drink at all since her diagnosis 12 months ago...

    Thanks again for everyones replies :smile: x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My ESR and CRP levels would yo-yo, jumping or dropping by the 40s, 50s, 60s etc, and with enbrel the ALT shot up from 25 to 187, then 685 all in the space of ten days. My hospital rang me (we were on holiday) to give me the 187 result, asked me where I was then arranged for me to have an emergency blood test at a local doctors where the 685 was discovered (they called it a deranged liver which amused me mightily) and I went to see them when I got home. I wasn't phased by any of it as I felt fine. They are closely monitoring your mum which is is a good thing, you monitor her too and if anything about her frets you get straight onto the blower to the docs. I am sure all will be well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben