Message for Ra the Wonder Cat

GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
edited 15. Nov 2011, 06:40 in Community Chit-chat archive
Ra, hope you get this message via your human.
My cats - Camilla and Tara (Camilla is 16 arthritic and has a heart murmur, Tara is 9 and is a full-blown tart who specialises in bum-wiggling) wanted me to let you know they think it's awful that your humans went off for a week and abandoned you. They trust that you have made your humans "pay" for their lackadasical approach since they've returned and that you've had rump steak and fresh salmon on a daily basis.
Also, that you've given your human the "stare" - you know the one they mean - kind of like a glare-cum-scowl.
They realise that as you are "Ra the WonderCat" and fight injustice - your male human has explained about your exploits - you are obviously a a true character, but they felt for you and truly hope you had someone nice looking after you and pandering to your whims and needs for that time.
They also wanted me to wish you luck with getting your humans re-trained again following their lapse.
Meows, purrs and chirrups from Camilla and Tara (the bum wiggling one).
Turn a negative into a positive!


  • CJHunter
    CJHunter Member Posts: 1,038
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    GraceB wrote:
    Ra, hope you get this message via your human.
    My cats - Camilla and Tara (Camilla is 16 arthritic and has a heart murmur, Tara is 9 and is a full-blown tart who specialises in bum-wiggling) wanted me to let you know they think it's awful that your humans went off for a week and abandoned you. They trust that you have made your humans "pay" for their lackadasical approach since they've returned and that you've had rump steak and fresh salmon on a daily basis.
    Also, that you've given your human the "stare" - you know the one they mean - kind of like a glare-cum-scowl.
    They realise that as you are "Ra the WonderCat" and fight injustice - your male human has explained about your exploits - you are obviously a a true character, but they felt for you and truly hope you had someone nice looking after you and pandering to your whims and needs for that time.
    They also wanted me to wish you luck with getting your humans re-trained again following their lapse.
    Meows, purrs and chirrups from Camilla and Tara (the bum wiggling one).

    Both Lily and Jack loved this post and asked their human to say so. They both send their purrs, and back roll flirts to you Ra.xx
    Clare xxeyeore-1.jpg
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Bubba wanted to add being in the same spy/mission impossible job as Ra that Ra's human slaves do love Ra with all their human hearts. And Bubba himself does get the best human slave when his human slaves disappear for a couple of weeks and he does get extra treats while his humans covort where ever they go! And his temporary slave does give him bucket loads of fuss. And when Bubba's human slaves return he like Ra has been trained by CIB (cats in black) to give them a discusted stare and to do the discusted walk and to give them hell for a good half hour before all is back to normal.
    Ra & Bubba do have secret busy lives working for CIB and they can't tell you what they do or else they have to use your gardens for toilets!! :lol:
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,485
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Daisycat just read this thread and wanted to offer her support....

    then she must have texted Cris skezier's lot because

    I got a text from her saying all her cats (too many to name individually) wanted to say hi to your cats and everyone else's too as well as to offer their support to the outragious and diabolical treatment of such a fine specimen of cat-hood.

    By the way if needed l do have the number of 'fe-line'

    Toni xx
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear cats... Hopefully you will get this.. I've hacked into my humans pc to send this..
    The humans have abandoned me YET AGAIN...
    They have now buggered off to Skeggy until Tuesday.
    I really do not mind though as I'm busy with a mission. I've been under cover as Silvio.Birlasconi's crotch.. It's been a very busy time :shock:
    At least I was stroked often :eek: :eek: A pretty young girl, she wanted paying afterwards :shock: :???: :lol:
    My owners have arrived safely at their destination, after a bad journey through pea soup, strange humans, why would you drive through soup?

    My blokey human said that he could be online later but is rather tired..

    Thanks for your many messages of support, I will find you all jobs with the secret service if you like..

    Ra.. :grin:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • CJHunter
    CJHunter Member Posts: 1,038
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Two black cats signing up for duty Mr Ra 'sir'

    Jack & Lil

    Please dont tell human we have been using her phone, she gets cross if used by anyone else. Shhhh
    Clare xxeyeore-1.jpg
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Tommy Tucker isn't speaking to his humans at the moment because he's heard that he's going to the cattery tomorrow :shock:

    He's been before, and it's very luxurious accommodation with full central heating and classical music playing. All the pens are named after stately homes or royal houses, so he's staying at Balmoral this time. He's also stayed at Sandringham and Chatsworth previously, but the servants aren't nearly as well trained as the ones at home. They don't provide him with his favourite jumbo prawns either ( Tesco Finest, of course :!: ) The neighbours in the other pens are such a noisy lot too! It's very hard for a cat to get his usual 16 hours of sleep with all that caterwalling going on night and day :roll:


    Oh well, it's only for a few days :roll:
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Humans, bubba here, hijacking the lapthingy while my human mummy has droppped off. Wanted to say sorry to Ra for getting the Belasconi Job!! I'm doing a job for Kate Middleton, my job is eatting any food she doesn't want which is pretty much all the meals the chef makes here!! I just sit under the table and she swaps plates with me and I give her a clean one! I ate the peanut butter she didn't want when she went on that visit hmmmmmm crunchy!! Well I better sign off as I hear the helicopter has just arrived because it's time for elevenzies at Kate's place! Hope it's salmon sandwiches! All other cats wanting to join C.I.B (Cats in black) met at the postbox after humans go to bed!
    Agent bubba.
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The ladies have asked me to post this response on their behalf as they're busy with "holding down the chairs" duties today (aka sleeping).
    Camilla wants to be the "matriarch" of the gang - as befits her age, status and superior stare which she has taken years to perfect.
    Tara wants to take up the posts as the "Tart with a Hart" and act as decoy by displaying flirtatious behaviour to distract the enemy whilst Ra does his important bits. Mind you, she then might also distract Ra :!:

    Camilla also wants to point out that when visitors arrive at her home she's been known in the past to stay very firmly enconsed in her chair and the visitors have had to sit on the hard upright dining chairs. It's her home so why should she move?
    Bubba - the ladies said you should stick to best smoked salmon and prime rump steak - much more appropriate for cats!
    Meows from Camilla & Tara
    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Camilla.... Ra here.. I shall allow you to hold the matriachal title as long as you know that I am the one true leader of the ac puddytats..
    As for the tart with the heart, well, if you think that I will be distracted by your.....
    (Dribble,gawp, swoon.........)
    What? Where was I?
    Right, anyway...
    Bubba.. Keep on the Kate case, you are doing a great job there but make sure you bring treats back for the whole gang when you return to HQ...
    Tommy, I've a special mission for you. I wish to impress my human blokey and I have it on good authority that your human wummuny thing bakes exceedingly good cakes... Bring back some of said cakes, that will stand me I'm good stead for when the human blokey thing of mine sees fit to return from skeg of ness.

    Shhhh... I think I hear him coming back from a late night fridge raid...
    Overlord of the suitcases.. Aka:


    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Humans Agent Bubba here! On a weekend mission! Got the weekend off from Kate Middleton. So in Abu dhabi helping out the Mclaren team. I made sure the red bull got the puncture! Popped into the red bull garage (made sure I wasn't seen) just minutes before the car was put on the grid and stuck my sharpest nail in the tyre! Whoops! So poor Vettal got a puncture! My mission is to make sure Hamiliton has a good race and help him have a good end to the season.
    Will be back on the Kate mission tomorrow, just took this weekend mission because I wanted alittle heat! So will deliver the goodies tomorrow to HQ!
    I myself think we need more female felines in C.I.B nothing wrong with a bit of cat eye candy!! And the female cats are good at catching the male humans eyes and keeping them busy while we male cats get the missions done! (only joking male and female cats are good workers!) So would love to welcome Camilla and Tara to the team!
  • GraceB
    GraceB Member Posts: 1,595
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Camilla and Tara are honoured to be included in the gang - thank you.
    Tara - the "tart with the heart" - would like some advice from Ra please as to how to avoid being taken to the vets. Her female human actually had the nerve to stroll past her on Saturday afternoon when she was sleeping on the bed, grab her by the back of her neck, push her into the bedding and then thrust her into a cat box. All before she'd even been given the chance to wake up and leg it!! She was then driven to the vets and had to had a needle which her female human told her was her once a year visit.
    Camilla was very amused when she found out about this afterwards - she'd slept through the whole thing!! She is even more amused by the fact that Tara allowed the female human to worm her way back into Tara's affections by simply putting a bowl of expensive meat down for her to eat - Camilla would have stuck out for treats and the meat!
    Thanks Ra.
    Camilla & Tara
    Turn a negative into a positive!
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear Tara... Next time the humans get you there act like this:

    Works for me. I scared them so much they never took me again.
    If you need me in an emergency then ring me on...
    Purr purr, purr purr purr, purr, purr purr purr purr purr
    In cat just in case them hooooomanz are reading your messages.
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Tara, I Bubba would like to add with the V.E.T thing, what I do is go mental, and draw blood off the human. They give up in the end. I know mine would rather me rule the house now I'm an old puss-geezer. I look 5 yrs old but I'm actually 14yrs old. Due for my retirement from C.I.B. But as I'm sure Ra would agree I want to go out with a bang!!