Bad patch

janjankay Member Posts: 20
edited 13. Nov 2011, 12:39 in Living with Arthritis archive
Just joined the forum going through a bad patch at the moment feel like every joint is in pain. After reading the forums i know i am not on my own!


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    what kind of arther have you got??. i hope you on some decent meds val
  • janjankay
    janjankay Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi val i have OA in my spine and almost all my joints had MRI scan last week going to see consultant on 23rd nov.Yes i am on all the regular pain killers
    so am either in pain or asleep!
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :smile: Welcome to the forum, janjankay. Sorry to hear that you are going through a bad time :sad: . Do tell us a little more about yourself, that makes it easier for us to help and support you. This is a great place to call in and know that you amongst friends who do know what you are going through. Help us to help you. :smile:

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am sorry to hear that. I am 6 weeks post op from a spinal op (neck end). :roll: I have been for a 6 week post op check this week and still have to wear the collar for another 6 weeks. At least I now only have to wear it when out or in the car. :smile: Thank goodness I never had to wear it when going to sleep or when just sitting. got to think of the positives all the time. :wink:

    This is a great forum, for help and support, I have been on here for a number of years now and made lots of friends. We are here for each other which is what I so like about this forum.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello janjankay and welcome from me too. Mine's RA - or it was - but after years of that OA sets in too.

    I'm sorry you're in so much pain right now. I'm afraid that's the thing with OA - paindullers and/or surgery.

    What are you hoping for with the MRI?
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Janjankay
    Welcome to the forum.....I have OA as well in hips, spine ankle and neck.
    Tell us a little bit more.....we all understand pain regardless of what type of arthur we have.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Janjankay

    Welcome to the forums from me l hope you will find them as helpful as l have done

    I have some sort of inflammatory arthritis as sell as OA in my neck and lumbar area too. Have had back surgery in the past.

    Anything we can help you with at all just ask if we can help we will


    Toni xx
  • LolaCrayola
    LolaCrayola Member Posts: 152
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I will join you in the bad patch. I have OA cervical spine.
  • janjankay
    janjankay Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all thanks for your messages i dont know what to expect on 23rd. Have to see what the neursurgeon says. mri scan was for my spine so at least i'll get a idea of how bad my spine is. After that i don't know what he will do.
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi janjankay

    If you can take someone with you to your appointment on the 23rd, please do. It is so much easier with someone else there with you, to see the MRI scan as well and to hear what is being said. Two heads are so much better than one at these appointments. The other person may also think of questions to ask that you do not. I was very glad that I had someone with me when I went to see the consultant regarding my MRI of the top of my spine.

    I wish you well at your future appointment. Do let us know how you go on. We are here for you should you feel you need us.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes like Elna says do try to take someone with you.......I find its not so much asking questions {as most of you know I'm quite "gobby" :lol::lol:}
    Its taking in everything he has said. I think its because its about hear one thing he says and are digesting that and he's halfway through saying something else :grin: I end up coming out of appointments like these and saying to my hubby....What did he say about that? Oh yes I heard that bit :???: It takes the 2 of us to piece it together when we get out :grin:
  • LolaCrayola
    LolaCrayola Member Posts: 152
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not sure what you need to do in my area to get an MRI, I haven't had one. I got referred to an orthapaedic clinic, OH suggested a neurologist.
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    With me it was various consultants at the hospital that referred me for MRI's
    Ortho for hip, another one for my back,
    Gallbladder specialist for my gallbladder
    Thats how ours work anyway
  • janjankay
    janjankay Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks to everyone for the helpfull words it makes me feel that i am not on my own! I will let you know how i get on on 23rd.