need a moan

pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
edited 23. Nov 2011, 05:06 in Living with Arthritis archive
several things are going wrong at the moment - my health is extremely poor and have been told it will be probably for good.

I've been in hospital today as I have severe brittle asthma so had my thousandth nebuliser of the year.

I also now have RA as well as inflammatory and OA. and have several other serious things wrong with me.

Certain people at church need to be told to get a grip as they have nothing wrong with them but complain if they are a bit tired, got a slight head ache or a bit of a cold.

Sorry don't worry not looking for advice.



  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    doesnt it make the blood boil when you see people who can move with out pain moan if they get a little ache, but you have to feel sorry for them they do not know any better. they think because they have been to church that they are special, but they will learn the world does not work like that. it is only what is given freely that counts you can not keep a little black book of the good you have done for the credits it will bring you have lovely day do hope you feel a little better ((())) val
  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi,you have my deepest sympathy, my son has severe asthma and I know how debilitating it can be on its own. To have arfur as well must be very difficult. I can just imagine how others with nothing wrong with them whinging would be irritating. Depending on how I am feeling, it eithers make me laugh or rant!!!!!

    It is a bad day for asthma today, damp and foggy. Stay in and keep warm, sending you (((hugs)))
  • scozzie
    scozzie Member Posts: 333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, sorry to hear about your problems. I too have asthma, but only very mild, as well as OA and possibly inflammatory arthur ... my asthma is well controlled, except when I've got a cold, and arthur soreness pails to insignificance compared yours. Let's hope things pick up for you soon.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,830
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hope you feel better now you've let off some steam Pinky.

    a ((())) or two for you and you look after yourself.


    Toni xx
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Yes thanks Toni. and thanks everyone else too xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,830
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Bless you Pinky.

    Venting can really help as can the support and hugs from friends like us lot :wink:


    Toni xxx
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hey Pinky, your entitled to have a rant! When I'm out and about and here people moaning that their 'dying' because they have a cold I feel like strangling them and saying live a day in my shoes!! It needles at me sometimes. We all have bad days when everything gets on top of us and we don't know where to turn. That's what the forum is here for supporting each other. Hope you see light at the end of the tunnel soon, and remember if you ever need to talk or want to ask a question that's what this forum is here for.
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Pink

    Hope that today is a better day for you :smile:

    Take care
    (((((((((()))))))) juliepf x
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Julie xx

    Well one of said church people went home from her voluntary work because she had a cold yesterday ffs!!!

    It makes me so cross because I go to work disabled and really ill every day for 6 days a week have had very little time off this year apart from when I had a very bad affect to one of my first morphines, and when I've been in hospital (which has been about 5 times this year).

    By the way not saying that I'm some sort of perfect person but I do think those of us on here are much better people because we do get on with life even though we are suffering far worse than the average person.

  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks bubba.
