trying to get head

valval Member Posts: 14,911
edited 22. Dec 2011, 17:11 in Living with Arthritis archive
well just decided to put this down in writting as it going around in my head.
before the pain and swelling have been very bad but always been able to cope mentaly, for some reason the last few months a black cloud has decended and even the simplest thing is making me want to sit and weep why the change i do not know. but it could be because the steroid injection in sturnum is wearing off and breathing is becoming painfull and muscles in chest and back in spasam again also having to take some stronger meds to try to control the inflimation. while i was on others could kid myself it not to bad with going on stronger ones, well still getting my head around that will be good to get break from work to give meds time to kick in and head on straight if you got this far thanks val


  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    gentle hugs Val ,sorry you are having to try the stronger drugs ,i cant offer much in advise , but if you think you need to see a dr do it now ,but hope things settle soon maybe the facts of the time of year and the damp weather are not helping at the moment ,spring is around the next corner , enjoy your break from work you are the important one x
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • jillyb1
    jillyb1 Member Posts: 1,725
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh , Val , think all of us on here can understand what you're feeling . Don't suffer in silence though . When I went through a similar phase a couple of years ago , I was prescribed prozac which really helped me to tunnel out of the miseries . If you don't want to go down that route there are natural remedys that help , I think evening primrose is one . Don't be too proud to say if you need help , we've all been there ! Jillyb
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thankyou both for your replys will see how it goes think it just getting head around it all and feeling a bit sick still while getting used to this med sure will all fall back into place soon if not will see gp she did tell me to make sure went back if things did not improve sun shinning today nothing like christmas lol val
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear valval, I feel for you. Changing meds from the 'weaker' ones to the 'stronger' ones is never easy, as it feels as though things are probably worsening rather than improving. As Jilly says we've all been there, it is tough and there is no shame in seeking a little extra chemical help - it does make a difference and can help with easing pain too. Now, here come some silly words: try to forget it all over Christmas, relax as much as you can, enjoy being with Mr VV and the family (and delegate tasks like there's no tomorrow!) and I hope you are able to have a good time despite everything. I am thinking of you. ((())) DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val
    Sorry you are feeling rotten....cant say I've had the "black cloud" but I know over this period.....I've been so frustrated and not able to cope as well as normal. Little things like deocrating the tree, baubles falling off, crawling on the floor to get them, putting them on again and then knocking them off again. When I sat dow the cat started batting them :lol:
    I just sat and cried......such silly little things.....but things you used to be be able to do with no problem
    Be sure and see your GP after Christmas if you still feel like this
    hugs ((((())))
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    [quote="dreamdaisy". Now, here come some silly words: try to forget it all over Christmas, relax as much as you can, enjoy being with Mr VV and the family (and delegate tasks like there's no tomorrow!) and I hope you are able to have a good time despite everything. I am thinking of you. ((())) DD[/quote]

    have just sat and watched tim and steve put decs on ceiling was good fun steve trying to get me to write his cards no chance think all done just ordered cobs and tarts to pick up christmas eve got work in morning could have done with out with feeling sick for couple of hours after meds lol but never mind can come home take some strong pain meds and nap tomorrow afternoon yay
  • annalou
    annalou Member Posts: 38
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val, sorry you're feeling it!! I can totally understand how you are feeling, with the extra meds, hopefully they will kick in soon and you will feel the improvement. I had a bit of a meltdown last night after years of denial and positive thinking and I'm only just on this arthritis journey. Be kind to yourself and have a good break. xx Annalou
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    annalou wrote:
    Hi Val, sorry you're feeling it!! I can totally understand how you are feeling, with the extra meds, hopefully they will kick in soon and you will feel the improvement. I had a bit of a meltdown last night after years of denial and positive thinking and I'm only just on this arthritis journey. Be kind to yourself and have a good break. xx Annalou
    thankyou it always does help if you can stay positive but from time to time it just gets to real if you get what i meen have a lovely christmas val