Change of career - Children's nurse

cazaline Member Posts: 61
Hi all,

I am wondering if there are any nurses out there who have Arthritis. I'm 24 and have had Arthritis since I was 6. I Persued a degree in Design for Interactive Media and am considering doing a masters n it, however the more I think about it the more I realise that isn't what I want to do. I've always wanted to work in the health industry but never went in that direction because I didn't think I could due to my own health problems, but the more I think about it the more I want to do it. I especially like the idea of going into Children's nursing.

Is anyone able to offer any advice? How physically demanding would it be to become a children's nurse?

Many thanks in advance!

Caroline x


  • janie68
    janie68 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Caroline

    Being a nurse is physically and mentally demanding. You are on your feet for 8-12 hours non stop, it is stressful and shift work is hard.

    Nursing is also rewarding, pay is rubbish. I have just retired from nursing at age 40, with my RA, I could't do it anymore without risking my PIN.

    The training is hard, assignments on top of your placements as well.

    I'm sorry I cannot give you any more good news, perhaps you should go on the ' nurse bank' at your local hospital, you would work as a healthcare.mthis would give you a better idea on how you would cope on the wards.

    It depends on how bad or good your arhthrtis is, Caroline, you would be assessed by occy health also. They will help you in getting reasonable adjustments if you are covered by the Equality Act due to your arthritis

    Good luck

  • cazaline
    cazaline Member Posts: 61
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Janie,

    Thanks for your reply and sorry it has taken me so long to respond to it!

    Thank you so much for your input. Currently my job is on pretty good pay for a first time full job, however I just don't enjoy it and I guess more than anything I want to do child nursing for the job satisfaction rather than the money. It seems this is where my heart lies at the moment, i seem to be spending all my time researching Child nursing and I've never felt so sure about wanting anything in my life. I'm just scared what my rheumy might say when I mention to him on my next visit, he may try to dissuade me, i hope not!

    I guess I want to work in child nursing because I've been there myself and feel that I can relate to the children having been in that situation.

    My current job involves sitting at a desk all day long, and if anything it probably makes me feel worse as whilst i'm sitting I find my joints seizing up. I'm hoping that if I'm assessed by an occy health they can help make reasonable adjustments, ie, sit down breaks every few hours. I worked in retail for 4 years, being on my feet 8 hours a day, I somehow coped with that, although I think it 'angered' my hips and resulted in me having hip replacements!

    Anyway, your advice is much appreciated Janie :)


    Caroline x
  • Rallymad
    Rallymad Member Posts: 84
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Caroline
    I too have RA and I work as a Community Support Worker (nursing assistant/healthcare worker) with Adults with Learning Disabilities. (NHS).
    I used to work as support worker for a private compant with severe learning disabilites, the reason I left them was because of the shift patterns, the early starts didn't bother me although my arthritis is worse at that time, it was the back shifts and night shifts that were hardest. My employer did not see that working the early shift permenatly would be the best outcome so I left and went to NHS. My working hours are Mon to Fri 9-5. I do not have an overly physical job, they knew about my condition when I started as I disclosed everything. I have been assessed by OT and they have helped me out. I have things in place that make it easier to do my job. I am currently doing an OU course also that I hope will in time help me to become an LD Staff Nurse. Check it all out, don't listen to others, if this is what you want to do GO FOR IT. As advised before, try working on the bank nursing assistant post, this will let you know at least if you can manage the work and the pace.
    Hope this works out for you and give me shout if I can help with any other info.