Intense stinging pain in elbow

liesa Member Posts: 821
edited 3. Feb 2012, 05:24 in Living with Arthritis archive
can anyone shed any light on tihs pain please?

out of the blue i have been getting this intense sting/burning throb in my elbow brings water to my eyes, i can still move my arm etc and no pain just this stining, its like pulsating then stops and just as i relax it suddenly goes off again for another 20 minutes or so, its so painful, i have an appointment with Dr on monday was hoping someone may shed some light on it... i have taken up knitting a month or so again am no good at it just simple stuff making dollies blankies for the grandkids, have quite enjoyed myself and saddened to think its possibly this causing it, it doesnt happen when im knitting its random....

any clues? i have had tennis elbows in both my elbows for a very long time now but they havent been as bad of late......
love and hugs


  • Colin1
    Colin1 Member Posts: 1,769
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Liesa, thats a strange one indeed, did it only start after you started the knitting. I get a simular problem with the PC if i spend lots of time on it i get a painful right shoulder. I think it could be using the mouse. when i rest from the computer the pain goes. With you your getting the pain anyway. Lets hope the GP can come up with the answer.
    Take care
  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    have had tennis elbow in both elbows for several years in the left arm and several steroid shots which was mega painful, but right one comes n goes leaving me in mega pain but this stinging pain is something else.... has me on the verge of tears.... roll on monday... :cry:
    love and hugs