there is only me

elishapearcex Member Posts: 48
edited 1. Feb 2013, 17:53 in Young people's community
i think im the only teen i know who has rehumatoid arthritis in barrow in furness :cry: so i have no one to talk to about it thats my age and would understand
live life to the full and done let anything bring you down!!!!


  • joziexo
    joziexo Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    so isolating isnt it! specially as a teenager. i feel no-one round me has it either.. :( atleast it makes us individual! haha if you ever feel alone or down you always welcome to talk to me :) im a teenager too! xx
  • elishapearcex
    elishapearcex Member Posts: 48
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    id love to talk to you, it much easier. i know its isolating but also i find it difficult to tell a boy i like that i have it xxxxx
    live life to the full and done let anything bring you down!!!!
  • emsjane
    emsjane Member Posts: 351
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I feel for you both, i thought i was unlucky getting arthur at 29/30 years old!!!

    Elisha, i wouldn't tell a boy you have arthritis if you're not comfortable telling them, until perhaps you feel the relationship is getting more serious, then you could mention it, otherwise, why tell them!!!???

    If they notice something, ie swollen hand and they ask you, then tell them, if they don't contact you again cos of it, then they weren't worth knowing in the first place and you're better off without them :)

    Were all here for you on this forum, even if we are old!!! :lol:
    Were all full of good advise and have lots of wisdom and experience to depart

  • elishapearcex
    elishapearcex Member Posts: 48
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks for the advice i will defo keep that in mind

    elisha xxxxx
    live life to the full and done let anything bring you down!!!!
  • NikkiMikki
    NikkiMikki Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have RA and I'm 20. I'm looking for someone to talk to as well, who is younger and would understand. I feel your pain, honestly. It sucks, but we gotta pull through :D
  • peridotlouise
    peridotlouise Member Posts: 81
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hey everyone,
    i understand how you feel, im 24 and was recently diagnosed in december... so scary
    i dont know what to expect either.

    i dont anyone at all with this so feel quite alone also..
  • fernie16
    fernie16 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    My name is fern and I am 16 and I have had arthritis for 7 years. So I know how sometimes you feel isolated and alone and like you are the only one but things do get better and even though you feel scared or worried or upset were all here to help. Always.
    xxx :)
    Better to loose a few battles in the struggle, than to give up our dreams without putting up a fight.
  • annaosborne
    annaosborne Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hey! i only got diagnosed with arthritis like 6months ago!! its been a pretty hard time:( would love to talk to someone else with juvenile arthritis, my grandma isnt quite the same!!;) xxx
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,733
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Anna. I don’t think we’ve ‘met’ before and I’m not going to be much use to you as I’m another granny. :roll:

    I guess most of the young people on here find something that works for them and then do the obvious thing ie go away and live their lives. But I know some do say, as you do, that they’d like to talk to others of their own age group. You could always look to see who has said this and then PM them. That way, if they do look in, they’ll know you’re up for it.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • CherryDrops
    CherryDrops Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Anna
    I'm not going to ask how old you are but my 10 1/2yr old daughter has just recently been diag with inflammatory JIA along with other things and I know she feels the same as you and is just beginning to question me as to who she can talk to. We are very close, but I can only answer her questions on a 'practical' level not having been through the horrors that she is going through. If you wanted I could let her come on and 'chat' with you, however I appreciate that you may be looking for someone nearer your own age if you are older than my daughter.
    Take care,
    Cherry Drops.xx
  • Kayl
    Kayl Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i know how you feel elisha! i was diagnosed at 18 and i felt like i had no one to talk to. It feels like no one understands just how down and in pain you can get. i felt alone and like i couldn't do things that other people my age were doing because i was either in too much pain or felt too down to do anything.

    im not a teenager any more but you're more than welcome to talk to me :) xx
    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile...♥
  • Katielawson1000
    Katielawson1000 Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi u are not the only one.... Plz read my story xxxx

    Hi I am a 21 yr old female which all this started from having a terrible car crash early in 2006 when i was 15!
    My lower back pain got worse over the years and my doc and the hospital both said it was pulled muscles and bruising at the time of the crash and then further down the line whip lash that wud heal in time! I new in my heart from day one the pain and difficulty I was finding wasn't normal, we all know are own bodies! What feels right and what doesn't! I was constantly to and from the docs with different pain killers and inflammitories then they referred me to physio and eventually they sent me to a rheumatologist specialist were only roughly 2-3 years ago I was diagnosed with sacroilitis, inflammation of the lower back (sacroiliac joint) which is connected to My lower spine and pelvis.. As you people who also have this can agree its very painful and can really change and affect you as a person and ur lifestyle. I struggled hard with post traumatic stress disorder even 4-5yrs after the crash as I found it near enough impossible to accept and was convinced my life was ruined and would never be the same again because of my condition for this I received help from a councellor to help me deal with things and also I struggled being a passenger and not having control of the vehicle, also at this point I wasn't fully aware of all the treatments available to me, I tried massage as my shoulders and top half of my back and neck are very very stiff whereas my lower back is very tender to touch so gentle massage on my lower back to prevent setting the pain off!(I have massage 2 times a month depending on how bad I am) I have had acupuncture and reflexology which I found helped but only short term as well as the massage is short term relief. But every little helps. I have heat packs and pads and support belts and chair supports to try and make everything as easy and as comfortable for myself whether I'm at work or at home. I have also had cortazone injections into both of my sacroiliac joints which is a mixture of steroids and anaesthetic I found these worked amazing for me I was around 6-9 months with next to no pain and I finally felt I had a break from my pain which also helped me cope better mentally. Over time I have learnt to accept my diagnosis. I have Also been diagnosed a little while later as this I think is part of my condition I have developed Hip bursitis in both hips but my right side and right hip are my most painfullest and I have had a cortazone injection in my more sorest hip also.
    The pain can go down my leg and my knees
    I was told by the specialist when u feel ur injections are wearing off and you are beginning to feel your pain again to come back for more, and this is what I did I was having better quality life I was happy!!! Pain free!!! However they said they didn't want me on these anymore and suggested anti TNF injections which I am having my first one performed by a nurse who is coming to my house tomorrow!
    My specialist has advised and they are keeping track as well as my physio that I have been goin to for 6 yrs to that my sacroilitis could turn in to Anklosing spondylitis.
    Anklosing spondylitis is said to be hereditary but my family have no history of this!??
    Fair to say I'm a little bit nervous but who wouldnt be!? My back condition is a big part in my life as it has took on such a big affect!
    my state of mind is if it's going to help me then what's a little under the skin injection whethere it stings or not I will do anything to be able to be pain free and live my life like a normal 21 yr old should and even to wear a pair of heels on a night out and not regret it and be in agony the next day!!! Would be a treat!! The cortazone injections I had in the past were between my joints! And had to be done by X-ray so I believe I can cope with a few seconds of stinging and a under skin injection!
    Hope my general brief story might help some of u out there who are finding it hard to accept.....that it is possible to accept and that ur life isn't 'over'! There is help and treatments out there! And take care of yourself I always tend to feel pain more after doing something the day after I avoid heavy lifting too at work etc and make sure u tell ur work place so they are aware of ur needs etc.
    Write bk people on any info on anti TNF do they work?
    Thanks Katie xxx
  • JJB
    JJB Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It can be such an isolating condition to live with, know that all to well. Had the typical symptoms since I was small (severe joint pain, which we called growing pains) but wasn't diagnosed till a bad flare up at 11. I'm 24 now, can't believe I've coped this long. Unfortunately the doctors will give you the medicine, but won't tell you about all the other difficulties you face when living with arthritis. Having it through your teens is tough, it's another pile of mess you have to deal with on top of simply coping with growing up in this day and age.

    In my 12 or so years since being diagnosed, I've met only one other person with juvenile arthritis in person, but recently I've been thinking it's about time I looked for a support group suitable for me. Wait and see I guess. But heard how beneficial they can be to talk with people who understand. That's why forums like this are so great, people understand.

    Wish you all the best, I wish I could offer some magical advice that helps it all makes sense but I can't. We all have to cope with it in our own way, be brave and don't let it get the best of you.

  • xxmegan12xx
    xxmegan12xx Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I know this is an old post but i haven't been on here long and just noticed it thought i would say that i am from barrow too,also have rehumatoid arthritis so your not the only teen in barrow thats for sure :) always her if you need a chat