Hi Had results today RA it is then

Dazztee Member Posts: 17
edited 22. Feb 2012, 07:13 in Say Hello Archive
Hi evryone newly diagnosed today with RA ra factor 1;3250 and anti ccp 250 or over, im 42 spent most of my life weight training on an off so always fit an never ill, nov last year had some shoulder trouble week later the other shoulder week later wrist, then hand , then other hand etc etc , as one joints flare up gets better the oposite joint flares up, totally knocked me down feel like im really screwed up, nurse tells me not to worry as meds are good these days, gonna start methtrexate next week, had some steroids meenwhile so will see if thsat helps, i totally cant believe how quickly ive become incapacertated in such a short time, i cant undo calpol bottle for my 5yr old wen she stays on weekends,im terrified at what the future holds, im single wiv no family around and mentaly feel as low as ever been, its shocking to see how many new people are on this forum evry week


  • suzygirl
    suzygirl Member Posts: 2,005
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi and welcome to the forum. It is a shock to be diagnosed and natural to worry about the future. Most people once on meds live a near normal life. The power of steroids is amazing, and lots of people do really well mtx.

    The forum is mostly frequented by newly diagnosed and those more severely affected. Try not to worry, call the helpline and chat it out with them. It will help you.

    Take care
  • SheilaD
    SheilaD Member Posts: 201
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi and welcome daztee

    When I had the steroid injection most of my swelling and pain went within 5 days, so hang on in there. I started Methotrexate 10mgs on the same day as Steroid and to take a folic acid tablet the day after, got a bit of a jiffy tum but have persevered with it and am ok now, although I do occasionally get the odd twinge, but have managed to get off the co co's and Naproxen and just take the occasional Paracetamol.

    Its so maddening when you are fit, active and healthy, then wham your world comes crashing down round your ears. There is life after diagnosis, take my word for it.

    Hope everything works ok for you and good luck with the Methotrexate.

    Love n hugs
    SheilaD xx
  • Peacefulwarrior
    Peacefulwarrior Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dazztee,

    I feel your pain. I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips. I am (was) a runner and trained most days in the gym. To be told no more running and to take up lower impact exercise which I see as soft options is pants to be honest. It is strange how quickly you start to feel incapacitated and let down by your body. I have made numerous jokes with my friends that they should stop the exercise and take up smoking, drinking and eating copious amounts of chips :x . I have always been an optimist and have had to dig deep to find anything positive about the condition.
    Being on this forum and receiving messages from those who have walked the route before us is definitely a huge support.

    I know there are going to be good days and bad days and that the process has been likened to a bereavement. I'm still in the angry stage and feel short changed. I am also in denial and still haven't been able to stop running. :roll: . I know I am doing myself more harm than good right now and my concept of pain is ridiculous.

    I look forward to the day I wake and feel good again or a tad more positive at least. I know it will happen.

    I wish you well. Keep posting there is always someone on here who will provide you with a smile or a hug.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi daztree

    lovely to meet you, shame it's in such cicumstances, but at least you ahve found us. Please do come on in and join us all. Lots of expereince and support to share.


    Toni xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dazztee,

    I know there are going to be good days and bad days and that the process has been likened to a bereavement. I'm still in the angry stage and feel short changed. I am also in denial and still haven't been able to stop running. :roll: . I know I am doing myself more harm than good right now and my concept of pain is ridiculous.

    I look forward to the day I wake and feel good again or a tad more positive at least. I know it will happen.


    Hi Peaceful warrior

    I am so sorry about the OA :( and the running....l don't know if you have yet been able to see anyone about your condition to discuss options available to you??? l go swimming as often as l can and walk on a treadmill - takes some of the impact out of it. Maybe you could ask to see a phsyio if you haven't already....maybe they can advise you how to 'save your joints' without totally giving up on excersise??

    The denial phase a yes l think l still slip into that one from time to time :roll: I found that getting informed was the best way to help me get my head around it all. That and time.


    Toni xx
  • Peacefulwarrior
    Peacefulwarrior Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Toni,

    Thank you for your advice I have started taking my swimming more seriously in an effort to stay fit and I do Pilates and yoga. I just really crave hard exercise and the buzz. I feel like I'm having withdrawals. I know it will get better and am much more positive than I was a few weeks ago.

    The people on this forum are a breath of fresh air and and certainly know how to make a bad day better.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Dazztee, I am so sorry to hear your news. I hope that the meth soon gets to grip with your badly-behaved immune system and soon brings your RA under some sort of control. It can be a very successful treatment for some and they can return to living a near-normal life (with one or two adjsutments maybe) and I sincerely hope you will be in their number. I wish you well. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben