Had meeting with work again

babytiger Member Posts: 360
edited 28. Feb 2012, 12:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
Had another meeting with work this morning and she read the report out to me,basically they saying same as me.I would love to go back to work but as I told her ,I don't know if I can sit at a till comfortably and have offered to come in for an hour to try ,to me I can't be any fairer than that,She has to check with HR and OT but as I pointed out I can only try and maybe the company can get me another chair or adjust till somehow,
Shopfloor work is now out and she agreed.
Hoorey ,think she has finally realized I am not putting it on and am willing to work if I can.`
She was talking about going back gradually ,maybe doing 3-6-10 hours a week but dont know how I would get get my contract hours made up as I need that money ... dont know if you could do half sick ,half work for a few weeks,


  • PollySid
    PollySid Member Posts: 343
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm not totally sure, but I think I read somewhere that when you go back to work gradually like that you still get a proportion of SSP.