Aren't you glad to live in a welfare state where ...

traluvie Member Posts: 2,579
edited 23. Mar 2012, 10:10 in Community Chit-chat archive
Thats is so sad..

What is our world coming too..


  • Colin1
    Colin1 Member Posts: 1,769
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Makes you feel quite sick reading that lot
    The rich get richer and the por get poorer
    why cant we start looking after our own with billions we give away each year
  • daylily
    daylily Member Posts: 619
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just e-mailed this article to my MP. I've been telling him for months the suicide numbers would go up.

    Think this is what David (I understand the disabled) Cameron wants......
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i belive this why can some get so much and others not even enough to live on they keep going on about the average wage well that would be great but no way was going to see what we could claim with my hours being cut but to be honest did not see the point val
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    "Disabled" covers a large range - you can run for a bus and still be regarded as disabled e.g if you are deaf and cannot speak and qualify for a free pass. Many people have free passes with communication difficulties - should they have to stand struggling talking to the driver to buy a ticket suffering embarrassment because they shouldnt have a free pass as they can physically walk? Blind people can get one and DLA.
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab - like your footer, original rehab altho cant find the thread that had the other rehab on it?
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Which bracket do you fall under?

    After having to jump through the ridiculous hoops and very demeaning ATOS process recently just to get what I'm entitled to, which by the way still isn't over, I find your post very offensive.. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I guess you're all for making the genuine folks beg for scraps too :x
    You really need to think before you post sometimes... Or am I one of the scroungers? :x

    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What is a disability pass? I don't think I've heard of it. I have a BB for parking and won't bother with a bus pass when the time comes as the metal poles that pass for seats in the bus shelters round here play havoc with sore sacro-iliac joints but I do wonder what this pass is. Any chance of any enlightenment from anywhere? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    so, now an expert at spotting disabled people eh? Prey tell, what does 'a, disabled person' look like :? Do they all have to be in wheelchairs to pass your expert test?
    You do say some foolish things... Maybe Dave n his bum chum should stop spending their (our) millions on paying these fiendish ghouls out for profit and just pay you to do it...
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • alanthemanc
    alanthemanc Bots Posts: 512
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't want to get personal, but he's the sort of reason that I very rarely come on here now, this forum is not what it was, is it. Alanthemanc
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I understand Alan. Wondered how you were doing rkid :D
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tody wrote:
    Believe I know how to tell a disabled person from an imposter

    I had a friend whose life was made even more of a misery by people who 'could tell' she didn't need a Blue Badge. She looked in prime health but suffered from heart failure which eventually killed her. Please may we have a little more tolerance?
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • prefabkid47
    prefabkid47 Member Posts: 1,316
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have been studying your posts (from the first) on numerous threads with great interest!
    You appear to confirm my previous conclusion that you are either a 'wind up artist' or merely enjoy being controversial,I feel it could be both!!Your arms must ache swimming against the tide.
    Have read your original purpose for joining AC,but to date have found few posts to support that;perhaps I missed them!
    ''Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy''. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well said hun. Janet suffers with heart failure but looks fine a lot of the time.
    I'm sorry about your friend..
    Maybe this idiot has xray vision we don't know about?
    Tody wrote:
    Believe I know how to tell a disabled person from an imposter

    I had a friend whose life was made even more of a misery by people who 'could tell' she didn't need a Blue Badge. She looked in prime health but suffered from heart failure which eventually killed her. Please may we have a little more tolerance?
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well said rkid. Maybe we've all missed them :? lol
    I have been studying your posts (from the first) on numerous threads with great interest!
    You appear to confirm my previous conclusion that you are either a 'wind up artist' or merely enjoy being controversial,I feel it could be both!!Your arms must ache swimming against the tide.
    Have read your original purpose for joining AC,but to date have found few posts to support that;perhaps I missed them!
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • alanthemanc
    alanthemanc Bots Posts: 512
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yeh, when I first come on here, there were some very helpfull understanding people who understood what you were going through every day.
    Now I'm a bit baffled by some of the comments on here, and feel a bit sad about them. Instead of having a gander on here every few days, it's more like every few weeks, and now I know why. Alanthemanc
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    shouldn't let the fools spoil what we have here matey..
    It's good to see ya
    Yeh, when I first come on here, there were some very helpfull understanding people who understood what you were going through every day.
    Now I'm a bit baffled by some of the comments on here, and feel a bit sad about them. Instead of having a gander on here every few days, it's more like every few weeks, and now I know why. Alanthemanc
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP