DELLBOY lets have you back
Member Posts: 1,769
Well i don’t quite know what to say i think quite a few of us have felt quite uncomfortable
and disgruntled over the past few days. It just doesn’t seem the same you only need to look at the change in the postings by other members. “Perhaps one of you know what’s happened” or perhaps you all do. what it is that’s got everyone feeling this way. This is supposed to be enjoyment and I for one don’t want to be on this forum watching my Ps and Qs what I might or might not say, who I might or might not offend. I’m not happy about the situation.
Dell I don’t know what it is that’s upset you so much after all this time but you are an important part of this forum you and Rehab have been here so long its like your part of the furniture, regardless of what’s happened we need you back here can you not “bury the hatchet” and return, it just wont be the same without you.
Now come on Del get your **** back here we want you on the forum If you could all message Del or try to talk him round that would be great.
and disgruntled over the past few days. It just doesn’t seem the same you only need to look at the change in the postings by other members. “Perhaps one of you know what’s happened” or perhaps you all do. what it is that’s got everyone feeling this way. This is supposed to be enjoyment and I for one don’t want to be on this forum watching my Ps and Qs what I might or might not say, who I might or might not offend. I’m not happy about the situation.
Dell I don’t know what it is that’s upset you so much after all this time but you are an important part of this forum you and Rehab have been here so long its like your part of the furniture, regardless of what’s happened we need you back here can you not “bury the hatchet” and return, it just wont be the same without you.
Now come on Del get your **** back here we want you on the forum If you could all message Del or try to talk him round that would be great.
be careful there Colin, don't put ****, you might get banned.. Oops, I just said it too :shock: :roll:
Oh well, guess I'm in the bad books eh?
Ra-1996 -2013 RIP...
Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP0 -
I thought Del came with the site he;s been here so long his going is totally wrong he's been a brick when others have been so distructive on here, and as for swearing toni icabod who posted several on the false rehab thread and didn't get picked up on I'm not sure and I posted so on there but he was never picked up on it, and even more odd was him posting as he's never normally on here so why he and several "new posters" crawled out of the wood work to also have a pop made the whole thing seem highly iffy, that said none is not as odd as the case of the other rehab.
I checked out there background and this other rehab had only ever posted 3 times since joining in November 2011 so why they decided to do a massive post of private com with forum managers out of the blue smelt odder than hell. Where were the MOD's and managers while all this going on?, I've PM'd the MOD's and managers several times about closing my account and have now have one reply in all that time, it's as iff they don't exist.
Anyway I'm high jacking this post so lets get back on track, now Del should be allowed back on here this site needs him he done sterling work and just dropping him like this is not the way to treat an old salt.
That said this site is still out of control or seems to be, so it's in desperate need to seriously start to find out who is doing what and DEAL with it/them as it's still being destroyed from within, and the new forum rules aern't going to work, as all somone is to do is make a complaint and that's it, the accussed gets no chance of defending themselves it's guilty until you prove your innocence, and like last time they wont even be told the spcific offence or by who!, it's this lack of legal transparancy and your instanlt guilty approach that's eating this site from inside, it's this that is at the heart of the sites problems.
make it open and legally formal to ALL those involved.
As ananalogy it's like getting a letter from the coppers saying somones complained about your driving (no date time or type of offence given)and then you simply get a letter saying the court (you've never been summond to) has now banned you for the unspecified offence and that's it your expect to just accept it!, and that all the info you get yet the legal bod's and complainent know exactly what's gone on is this fair?, and the complainent can have a field day running around looking for any little infringment and has no come back to fear including no public exposure so they walk of laughing ready to go hunting while the victim is banned and told nothing of what's gone on other than they've been found guilty of "somethnig" ,it's a busy bodies charter to werak havoc and that's exactly what's happening still, it's a Kangeroo court and it's a total joke. No wonder this site is lossing the plot and no wonder I'm ready to give up on the whole silly saga it's obvious last Christmas made no difference at all.0 -
My thoughts are still with the troll
I think its time the Forum Managment to take some action here on behalf of its members. Its as plain on the nose on your face whats happening and we look to you for a lead in this.
"Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums.
A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.
A classic troll is trying to make us believe that he is a genuine with no hidden agenda. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. Troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.
While sometimes, he may sound like a stupid, uninformed, ignorant poster, do not be deceived! Most trolls are highly intelligent people trying to hide behind a mask of stupidity and/or ignorance! They usually have an agenda.
A Troll is generally a person who is extremely skeptical of the main forum subject.
He is generally interested to make other forum members look stupid. A troll will sometimes use insults to provoke other people to insult him. Then, he will complain to moderators of being insulted and will request that his opponents get banned from further discussion.WHEN GOD GIVES YOU LEMONS MAKE LEMONADE0 -
I'm still fairly new here but I too think it's a shame that Delboy is no longer on this forum.
I thought he was an important and obviously very valued member and it would be great to have him back.
I had some good advice from him on an important matter and I'm sure so did many other members. And his sense of humour was a tonic!
I hope nothing has happened to him or upset him within this forum and perhaps his reason for leaving is purely personal and has nothing to do with this forum, who knows?
Whatever the reason for his leaving, I hope he is allright and will return to us one day!Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.0 -
I was under the impression that this was a support forum for those with arthritis. At least parts of it still are.
Del offered a valuable and reliable source of information about all kinds of matters, he would post helpful links as well as the thought-provoking and comedic ones and he was once most helpful to me when I was being pursed by a very strange individual in the early hours one morning. He would also note when things were not going that well for me and would invariably PM me with a message of support. He did so last week, and now that message has been cleared, along with everything else he posted. This has upset me very much but I am sure that those who are in charge will care little for that.
I know that AC are in straightened financial circumstances (aren't we all?) but they have a unique and valuable resource here. There is nothing quite like this forum anywhere else, or at least not that I have discovered, and I know I am not alone in being the only one who highly values the support and information that one can both find and offer on here. I have made some wonderful friends via AC, and there are very good people on here but I have no doubt that there are those who do not like the forum, for whatever reason, and wish to bring only trouble. We are in the real world here and there are always people like that but I for one think it's a pity that they cannot turn their energies to something more useful rather than trying to upset and depress those who need the help this forum can offer.
Del has had a ghastly three months. The burst water pipe that wrecked a fair percentage of his house, his enbrel failing, the humira not helping (as yet) having his diesel nicked then having to change a very heavy battery with duff hands. In my book that all adds up to stress and stress does lead to gaskets being blown. I'm not saying that that is what has happened but, given the thorough '1984' style of his eradication from here I guess he won't be back.
AC has a unique and valuable resource, the forum, and it had a unique and valuable resource, Del. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0 -
Well said DD.Mig0
Do you think if we get a petition going for 'reinstate Delboy' or 'save the AC 1' and make the Site Managers see it do you think it would make them reverse the ban? Anything to get our Del back!!0
i did not see what set all this off, but i do know Del has been a big help to all of us and i feel that the site will never be the same with out him.
i have in the past done my best to keep this forum balanced and a fun pace to come and de stress but to be honest i do not understand what is going on these days if something we post offends some one yes you should let us know and perhaps remove the post but to ban some one who has been such a big part of the forum is just so wrong please look at what has been posted and decide for your selves how important it is to keep the more experienced posters. we all live with pain and stress and need the support of each other to loose a poster like this feels like there has been a death in the family valval0 -
From three poetry section:
Ode to Del
There was a young fella named Del,
Who never took shift & gave Hell.
He disappeared in a rush, with maybe a push,
Will he ever come back? Who can tell?
Bloody hope so matey[/quote]
Ra-1996 -2013 RIP...
Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP0 -
I'm confused has he left or has been banned
If hes been banned why what did he do or say and who did he say it to
HELP PLEASE i just dont understand.
I'm more wound up now than ever, I wrote to the Mods this morning re what i thought was the problem but had no reply as of yet.
webmanager wrote:I am sorry that so many of you are upset by Dels decision to leave. This is a complex issue which I cannot discuss openly for obvious reasons. I too am sorry that this issue has happened.
Thank you, webmanager. Could you just clarify this, please? Are we to understand that it was Del's own decision to leave? If so, why have all his posts been deleted? This measure has resulted in a lot of non sequiturs and also threads being attributed to the wrong people.If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
If then it was Dels decision to leave then we must accept it,i find it very sad that this has happened and if Del decides in the future to return i for one would welcome him back with open arms.It is a pity though that all his posts were deleted.Mig0
I feel rather foolish now SORRRRRRYYYYY
If it was Del's own decision to leave the forum, then if at some
point in the future, he wishes to return he could do?0 -
I don't know what on earth has gone on but one of the Forum regulars has not just left for the fun of it. I don't know Delboy personally but I feel quite upset that he has left. This Forum is a good place & I am sure he is upset for not being here.0
I have been away for a few days, so on my return I was shocked and saddened to see that Del has left the site. He will be a great loss, and I really hope that he will return in the near future.0
I am totally confused but that is not difficult for me. It seems a shame that anyone feels the need to leave this wonderful site but have noticed a change. What happened to live and let live and allowing people to let off steam, help people with information, be there as a shoulder to cry or lean on. Hate to think that people are actually going out of there way to start arguements on this site...Has the world gone crazy????
Do come back Del you are a rock and we all miss and need you.0 -
lupin15 wrote:I am totally confused but that is not difficult for me. It seems a shame that anyone feels the need to leave this wonderful site but have noticed a change. What happened to live and let live and allowing people to let off steam, help people with information, be there as a shoulder to cry or lean on. Hate to think that people are actually going out of there way to start arguements on this site...Has the world gone crazy????
Do come back Del you are a rock and we all miss and need you.
I agree when I joined this site it was full of useful information, supportive people and a good laugh. Several of those who supported me and cheered me up have left including Delboy :shock:
There seem to be a few on here recently who are just trying to rile and upset others instead of being supportive and I personally am finding it a strain and dont come on here and post as much as I used to. I havent been very well but havent felt that posting will be helpful either.
As for the complaints why cant we have a little tolerance ok some of us swear some of us find it offensive, a slap on the wrist is enough to remind us we need to tone down language occasionally. If you unintentionally upset someone apologise and move on, and accept apologies. You can reply to posts without attacking the posters, ignore comments that you feel are unhelpful and challenge posts without being rude or offensive. At the end of the day this forum is supposed to be here to make life more bearable for those with arthritis or caring for someone with arthritis.
By the way moderators I noticed someone commented that someone was told off for discussing bowel problems???? (do not read ahead if you dont want to ) I havent been pulled on this matter and to be honest would be extremely upset if I was IBS/IBD are unfortunatley part and parcel of alot of RA ers lives there are a few of us that openly discuss the problems but usually put a warning on front. With or without its not harmful to discuss these issues its a natural process (with complications for some of us obviously)and its extremely helpful to know how others are being treated for it and where consultants are helpful or not to give us some patient power when attending (funny same as the AC website was intended to give support and life stories to empower others in same boat)
Lets get back to where it started and support each other again without the need for school playground tactics. With thanks to all who have supported me in the past and hopefully future.
TheresaThere are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those. --Michael Nolan
Theresa xxx0 -
Wise words, Theresa4. DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
"theresa4 wrote:By the way moderators I noticed someone commented that someone was told off for discussing bowel problems???? (do not read ahead if you dont want to ) I havent been pulled on this matter and to be honest would be extremely upset if I was IBS/IBD are unfortunatley part and parcel of alot of RA ers lives there are a few of us that openly discuss the problems but usually put a warning on front. With or without its not harmful to discuss these issues its a natural process (with complications for some of us obviously)and its extremely helpful to know how others are being treated for it and where consultants are helpful or not to give us some patient power when attending (funny same as the AC website was intended to give support and life stories to empower others in same boat) Theresa
I would like to support the moderators, in that all these subjects are discussed on the forum every now and again. I am aware of what you are referring to, Theresa and perhaps in that instance, another member got in touch voicing their reservations, I have no idea exactly what happened as I am not a moderator, but I think this is/was a pretty isolated case. We are welcome to discuss all types of ailments connected directly or indirectly to arthritis on the forum and if done in an appropriate manner the moderators do not generally intervene.
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0
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