
pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
edited 30. Mar 2012, 08:03 in Living with Arthritis archive

Anyone else on this beastly med?

I am struggling to stay awake during the day because its 'hangover' effect xxxx


  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    yup was on 2 of them a night plus 10-15mg morphine the end of last year and the pain in my eye still woke me up.

    ive experimented and if you take it about 7-7.30 if you go to sleep about 11ish then its not too bad. they dont affect me anymore so after 2 nights o them i have to go back to morphine.
    the morphine is sure a hanger on though. less than 1 spoon a night and im still gaga at 10 in the morning.
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i was on them now been given amytriptaline which im still trying to pluck up the courage to try.

    zoplicone didnt make me sleep at all quite the opposite but i know others who have said the hangover eases away the longer you take them so hopefully it will for you also. take them early like mrdj says and see how you go.
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Thanks for the replies.

    I will try it at half 7 though can't tonight or tomorrow night.

    Bronwyn xx
  • freesia
    freesia Member Posts: 409
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Anyone else on this beastly med?

    I am struggling to stay awake during the day because its 'hangover' effect xxxx

    Unfortunately YES i'm taking 2 x 7.5mg each night.... very addictive...!!

    I know they come in a 3.75mg size too, so it might be worth trying a lower dose and weaning down...

    Like another forum member - I take one at about 7pm and then another around 10pm and find that I can function 'fairly normally' the next day... but that's probably because i've been on them so long.... I tried myself to go without, but got terrible shakes, so gave up - I NEED MY SLEEP... can't cope with OA pain and lack of sleep - but I am getting some 3.75mg from my GP on next visit and will try reducing...

    Good Luck xx
    hugs freesia xxx
  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    there was a big write up about them a few months back about how addictive they are. Sarah Harding from girls aloud (pop group) was in rehab being weened of them as she was addicted to them.
  • pinkbritishstars
    pinkbritishstars Member Posts: 731
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Been seen today and am going to try taking half a tablet tonight.

    I didn't know that about the lady from Girls Aloud
