
liesa Member Posts: 821
edited 29. Apr 2012, 12:14 in Living with Arthritis archive
God if its not one things its another...

my hands and fingers are in a right mess... am one finger typing and only for a short burst...

i tried my 'benngay' cream yesterday n my fingers/hands and forgot a bit later as i brushed my hand over my mouth... oooops dozy mare...lol

cant make a fist or hold anything, so painful painkillers dont feel like theyre doing much.. think i need anti inflamatory but they kill my stomach......

tips anyone please?

had extreme pain in my right shoulder last night couldnt pick anything up or move my shoulder, getting into bed reduced me to tears and Steve had to rub my bengay cream into my shoulder, it hurt so bad, it was like something was stuck... not to bad this morning but boy am i fed up with it...
love and hugs


  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    the cream smells soo good lol
    love and hugs
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Liesa are you sure your not my twin??!! LOL! I'm new to the suffering of hands.wrists & fingers. Both my hands have become so bad I have to wear supports on them. main fingers effected are both thumbs and left little finger which has become bent out of shape due to dislocating it on holiday and not knowing till getting home. My doctor has said there is no way of getting back in now it's been to long. I also find lifting certain things impossible like a half full kettle or vases, two weeks ago I went to pick up my glass which was half full and it was like my hand turned it's self off and as I picked the glass up it just slipped through my fingers and hit the table and bounced off. That's happened before but I never knew the Osteo had spread then. Has that ever happened to you Liesa? It's so good to find someone who has alot of things in common. As I said before if you ever wanna chat PM me. bubbadog/Amanda
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    it not easy when hands are playing up mine better than they were but do not type for long and alternate between heat and cold depending how swollen (was feet last night) keeping them moving difficult but does help with strenth not found anything to stop twisting of fingers yet anti inflams helping lumps on side of joints but tend to rattle when walk good luck val
  • ruby2
    ruby2 Member Posts: 423
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Think we are triplets Bubba and Liesa.
    Your difficulties are just like mine.
    The rubbing in cream I can relate to too. It hurts so much. Applying makeup too. I invested in the makeup blending brush and found the tecnique is good for need to apply other creams.

    Amongst other things my ani inflams are Diclo, and lanzaprozole to protect my stomach works well. (my stomach was particularly sensitive before all this arthritis stuff started).

    Hope something can be done for the dislocation bubba it sounds painful.
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Liesa I wonder, have you ever been offered a wax treatment.
    I once had one many years ago at physio. It did help me at the time. (I think you can buy home ones too)
    Not any good for me now though as my hands are too twisted.

    I hope that your hands calm down soon
    Take care
    Juliepf x
  • Lupin25
    Lupin25 Member Posts: 35
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Leisa, I,ve got some resting splints made for me from the O.T. dept. These & pain killers are the only things that give me some relief when my hands are bad. Your hand is totally immobilised in them... not good for doing things but thats the whole idea!! I,d ask to be referred to o.t. if I was you.
    Good luck.
  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thats what i love about this forum, altho i have read bits and bobs over several weeks i havent posted for ages...
    i am taking propanalol i have shaking hands... i spill drinks over myself i drop food down myself... lol what a picture i am presenting of myself, not sure why my hands shake its not all the time it is everyday but not constantly throughout the day
    my index fingers are the worst hurting now the pads on the palms both hands and little fingers especially i have raynaulds in the left hand only,
    i cant hold potatoes and peel and chop them... so painful

    i'll drop the OT an email she knows i cant hold the phone...
    love and hugs
  • Kazbit
    Kazbit Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i can totally relate, it's my hands, wrists and fingers that are affected the most.
    When mine are swollen and sore and I can't do anything I use a travel pillow, one of the sausage shaped ones, to rest on while I'm sitting watching tv etc. The extra height it gives, as in my hands are higher than me elbows, can sometimes help with the swelling. easier that trying to hold my hands up all the time.
    I also use tigerbalm to massage in, but may have to try the cream you use too, it sounds yummy :lol:
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I always have to pick up mugs, cups etc using two hands. I also keep some straws in for when stuff's really bad.

    I've just peeled some potatoes. Using a bread knife or some other large one, cut the potato in half (one hand on the knife handle and the other on top of the blade. Then place potato on its side and chop the end off. Then place the largest, flat end on the chopping board and slice the rest of the peel off, still using two hands.

    For small potatoes - just leave them whole and luzz 'em in the steamer.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I never thought of that, del. We have an apple peeler. Only trouble is, I can't jam them on in the first place. When the Bramley's are ripe, Mr SW peels and I blanch and bag them for the freezer.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    looking like my days on laptop are numbered my fingers/knuckles and pads are so painful even just gentle typing hurt big time... maybe a few days off laptop will help... cant even do some knitting squares cos it hurts.. God i so wanna shout scream and swear!!

    but as its sunday i wont :wink::lol:
    love and hugs
  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    helpppppppppppp i'm in agony with my left hand, index finger and knuckle/pad i've tried wearing a tubi grip but thats agony to... i just cant do anything to help... not sureits worth seeing my Dr later... not surewhat he can do.... i feel sooo miserable
    love and hugs
  • Shooter
    Shooter Member Posts: 32
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    or any sort of touch screen
  • dotty123
    dotty123 Member Posts: 122
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Can I join in :) my fingers are starting to look like twig-lets.. I am losing a lot of grip and strengh in the hands, I am very concious on what I do with my hands now, I will not over use them and risk making them worst.

    I am wearing a hand splint today, but I find it very uncomfortable, I am supposed to wear them on both hands, but I need one hand free ish.

    Its good to share groan with people who understand,

  • liesa
    liesa Member Posts: 821
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have had 3 nights now where i cant sleep cos of the hand/finger pain driving me mad... swelling gone down a bit today but thats cos ive had naproxen this morning but feel my stomach start tweaking with sharp pain but not lasted thank goodness...
    love and hugs